Chapter 4 : Freedom


The idea of being in love with Gabe would have been laughable if it didn’t send a cold dread down my spine. I pictured the intensity in Gabe’s eyes last night, when he’d been just inches from me. He’d looked at me like he could see right into my mind. It was unsettling. I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head. Val seemed like a nice guy, but there was no way he was talking about the same man who had brought me here.

“Where is Gabe, anyway?” I asked softly.

There were a few people out and about now, and it seemed like more of the little shops were starting to open up. I didn’t really want to be seen wandering around the village. This seemed like the kind of place where a stranger would stick out, and I didn’t want to be the center of attention.

“He’s taking care of some business. He asked me to get you up to speed on pack basics while he was busy. Do you have any questions so far?” Val motioned for me to turn right when we reached the end of the block. We left the main street and entered a residential block. The houses were really more like cottages, but that didn’t take anything away from their charm. It was a beautiful little village.

“What’s your role in the pack?” I asked him. “I get the feeling you’re not just Gabe’s personal assistant.”

Val was too poised and confident to be an errand boy. Besides, I doubted that Gabe would have trusted just anyone to look after me if he really believed I was his mate.

“I’m the Beta. I’m his right-hand man,” Val said simply.

“So there’s the Alpha, the Luna, and the Beta. They basically run things?” It seemed simple enough. I had a lot of questions about how one became an Alpha or Beta, but it didn’t seem worth digging into that right now. I was steadily marching toward the man who had kidnapped me, and I was going voluntarily. What was wrong with me?

“Yes. There’s some variation from pack to pack, but those are the basics. Gabe has the final say in all things, but he usually consults with me and the pack elders before making any big decisions,” Val explained.

“That surprises me,” I said softly. It was hard to picture Gabe asking for advice. He seemed like such a confident, self-assured person.

“It’s to show his respect for the pack leaders that came before him,” Val said. “Besides, he’s young. He’s not vain enough to think he can manage without the experience of the elders.”

That was a surprisingly mature attitude, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by it.

“How old is he?” I asked. Gabe seemed young, but that streak of white in his hair made it hard to tell.

“Twenty-one,” Val said.

I was surprised that he was only a few years older than me. Being the leader of an entire village seemed like an insane amount of responsibility for someone so young. Maybe that was why his hair was turning gray. “He’s been the Alpha since his father died when he was four. He–”

“Val!” a woman’s voice yelled from behind us.

We both stopped and turned. The woman who had shouted was walking quickly toward us. She was tall, with curves to die for and the face of an 80s supermodel; square jaw, high cheekbones, and a straight, thin nose. She was stunningly beautiful, with sleek black hair that hung pin-straight to her hips and the darkest, most alluring eyes I’d ever seen.

“Isolde,” Val called in greeting. “How are you?”

I felt like a pale twig in comparison, and when the woman came to a stop in front of us, I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to hide.

“I’m well,” she said sweetly. “I was just wondering if you knew where Gabe was. I heard he returned early and I wanted to talk to him about the Radcliff pups.”

“Why don’t you walk with us, then?” Val offered. “We’re on our way to see him.” At his words, she looked around, as if she wasn’t sure what he was talking about.

“Oh!” she said, lowering her eyes and gazing down on me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even see you there.”

She was taller than me, but only by an inch. Why was she pretending that she hadn’t seen me? I bristled at the strange insult but didn’t say a word. Something about her felt threatening, and my wolf was on high alert as she stared at me with a stiff, saccharine smile plastered on her face.

“This is Estelle,” Val said, not seeming to notice the tension.

“Visiting?” she asked. She looked at Val as if I wasn’t worth speaking directly to.


“Not staying long,” I said, cutting Val off.

She glanced back at me, and her lip twisted, revealing just a flash of a satisfied smirk. “What a shame that we won’t get to know each other.”

Val glanced between us, the smile sliding from his face as he finally caught on to the subtle conflict. “I’m not sure if he’ll be able to talk today, but there’s no harm in trying,” he told Isolde. “Gabe is going to be very busy for the next few days.”

The three of us started walking again, with Isolde inserting herself between Val and me. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to the street so she wouldn’t hit me with her shoulder as she walked.

“He’s always so busy,” she sighed mournfully. “He really needs a vacation.”

“He’d never take one willingly,” Val said with an amused chuckle. “He wouldn’t know what to do with himself.”

The rest of the short walk was filled with chatter between the two while I watched my tattered tennis shoes tap on the stones beneath our feet. I didn’t want to see Gabe again, not really, but I would welcome any rescue from this uncomfortable situation. My wolf was huffing unhappily as we went.

I was roused from my thoughts by a deep, thundering voice calling my name. I looked up to find Gabe standing on the walkway of a large, tudor style home at the end of the street. His brow was creased and he looked irritated. He took a few long strides and stood in front of me.

“What took so long?” he demanded. He was talking to Val, I thought, but his eyes were glued to me.

I straightened up, refusing to wilt under the intensity of his stare like I had last night.

“We’re early,” Val said simply.

Gabe shot him a look, but he didn’t take his eyes from me for long. It made goosebumps raise along my arms. My wolf was rejoicing at the closeness of his sweet scent, and it was everything I could do to keep its joy from bleeding into my own expression. I tried to return his hard stare, but I had the feeling it just looked like I was pouting.

“Gabe,” Isolde said happily. “I’m glad to see you’ve returned. I was hoping that you could spare a few minutes for me.” Her tone was supplicating, and she tilted her head just enough to allow her to gaze up at him through her lashes.

I grimaced in distaste at the obvious flirtation. I’d seen more subtle body language on a theater stage. I looked back at Gabe and found that his eyes were still on me. That surprised me because objectively, Isolde was prettier than me. Surely he’d rather fix that intense look at someone that would welcome it.

“I’m busy today,” Gabe said simply.

“It’s about the Radcliff pups,” she offered hopefully.

This drew his attention to her again and he frowned slightly. “Fine.” She smiled victoriously and stepped toward him. “Later,” he added. “I have other business. Wait in the library. I’ll find you when I have time.” His tone made it clear that there was no room for negotiation.

Isolde shot me a questioning look, then forced another smile at Gabe. “Thank you. I’ll be waiting for you.” She turned her smile to Val and waved playfully before moving down the walk toward the house.

“Val, make sure she doesn’t get into anything,” Gabe said, clearly annoyed by the situation.

“Okay, but I’m not a babysitter,” Val said simply.

Gabe gave him a look that was almost apologetic, then shrugged. Val returned the shrug, then followed Isolde toward the house.

“When can I leave?” I asked the moment we were alone.

“You still want to go?” He looked me over slowly and it made me feel incredibly self-conscious.

“I don’t want to be forced to stay,” I said. It felt like a wishy-washy answer, even to me. I didn’t want to leave the opportunity to learn more about myself and where I came from, but I did want my freedom.

“It still isn’t safe for you. I will find out why that rogue attacked you like that,” he sneered, as if the memory of last night made him angry. “But it will take time.”

“How much time?”

“Hell, I don’t know,” he growled. “Are you always this demanding?”

“I’m demanding?!” I gaped in disbelief. “I’ve been kidnapped!”

“You make it sound like I’m keeping you locked in a basement,” he said. He gestured around us at the sunny, warm street. “You aren’t imprisoned.”

“But I’m not free,” I said insistently.

“I’m not going to argue with you on the streets,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Why, am I embarrassing you?”

“You’re embarrassing yourself,” he said angrily.

I paused and looked around us. There were people out in their yards, unabashedly staring at us. A stranger in their small village was on the street shouting at their leader, of course, they were staring. I could feel the blood rush to my face. I must look like a crazy person.

“Damnit,” I grumbled.

“Come inside,” he said. He turned and walked down the path.

I hated the way he issued commands to me like that and just expected me to follow them. Then again, I didn’t really have a choice, did I? I followed after him, feeling like a scolded puppy.

Gabe held the door open for me and I stepped into the house. It was cool inside and the lighting was muted, leaving me momentarily blind as my eyes adjusted from the bright sunlight.

I heard the door click shut behind us as Gabe followed me in. It made me anxious, being in an enclosed space with him. He said he wanted to protect me, but there was no way for me to know what his real intentions were. There had to be more to it for him to take me all the way out here.

“Why are you so insistent on keeping me here?” I asked, turning to face him.

Gabe looked at me for a long, silent moment before taking a step forward. Instinctively, I stepped back, but he didn’t stop. My back hit the wall and my breath caught in my chest as he thoroughly invaded my personal space.

Just like last night, he leaned close to the side of my neck and inhaled deeply. I moved my head away from him, trying to keep him from touching me, but he pressed his palm firmly to the wall beside my head and kept me from moving away.

“You smell like rum and chocolate,” he said softly.

I shuddered all the way to my toes as his impossibly deep voice reverberated against my skin.

“Don’t touch me,” I said as insistently as I could.

“Look me in the eye and say that,” he said challengingly.

I met his deep blue eyes, but I couldn’t speak a word.

He smirked, and I knew that I was in trouble.

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