Chapter 2 : The Gift

“I was about to call the cops. You had us worried!” River cried as she opened the door for me.

I could see Karena behind her, looking worried. I felt bad for keeping them waiting.

“I swear that wasn’t my intention,” I started. “I was in a car accident on my way here, and now, I need my Lady V to go through the mechanics.”

I sighed, shaking my head as I walked inside.

The internal components were alright, but the outside frame of my Volvo? It was a Wreck, capital letter and all.

“Oh my God! You were involved in what?! What happened?!”

Vera came rushing out of the kitchen to meet me as she engulfed me into a tight hug. I smiled as I hugged back. Out of all of us, Vera gave the best hugs and I felt myself relax just a little, with some of the stress of what just happened leaving me.

“Oh, just wait until you hear who I hit with my car…” I hinted.

A half an hour later, the three of them were laughing at my close encounter with my ex, and I kept shaking my head at them and their ‘fate’ jokes.

“It was meant to be, I think you need to go out with him again,” Karena smirked.

I glared at her. “No way. You weren’t there when it all went down. It hurt, but I managed to break up with him. He was a reckless man who thought life had no serious decisions or consequences.”

However, Karena was already wiggling her brows at me. “Maybe he was just trying to make you smile,” she teased, causing my expression to turn deadpan.

“No,” I noted firmly. “He only wanted to party and jump from one gig to the next. I never thought about getting married but I wanted something more stable then what he could offer, with someone who had at least an idea of what they wanted in life.”

“And look at where he is now. Just saying…” Vera added, quickly retreating to the kitchen to get more wine before I could reply.

I sighed and looked down, swirling my own glass. “I mean, yes, he is rich and famous, good for him and all that. But I don’t need him for those things,” I told them, lifting my head and smiling. “I’ve managed to get where I am by myself.”

“Touché,” Vera nodded, coming back with another bottle of wine.

“The important thing is that you’re doing well, and everything worked out with that little scare,” River started. “Now, let's just remember that is still your birthday and we are here to celebrate it.” She made me smile as she threw her arm around my shoulders.

We drank the rest of the night away, laughing, talking, and dancing. There was no better place in the world than with my friends, all together and celebrating. I couldn’t be happier.

Karena was the first one to leave and I understood that she had other commitments tomorrow, so I didn’t try to stop her as she headed out. She gave me a tight hug before sighing.

“Oh, Anais. If only you would let someone into your life, you could make someone very happy.”

I chuckled at her words. “Why is it that everyone wants to set me up with someone lately?”

“Maybe we just want you to be happy,” she answered.

After placing a kiss on her cheek, she smiled one more time and then her driver opened the door for her. Fame did nothing to change her, and that was something very hard to find. No matter how many awards she had or how many fans were after her, she would always sneak out and meet up with us, and she would always be the same humble person she was when we first met.

When I got back to the living room, I could see Vera and River whispering something to each other, which made me lift a brow. “Well, aren’t you two suspicious. What are you both up to?”

River gave me a mischievous smile, but it was Vera who had a grin that spelled trouble. “It is just a gift the three of us got you.”

I eyed her as she handed me an envelope after I carefully took a seat across from them. It looked innocent enough, but by experience, the most powerful things could come in small packages.

The envelope was sealed with a deep blue wax and had an elegant symbol in gold in it. I pulled it open and removed a very unique card as I read it out loud.

“The Lush House, Anais Crawford, Elite Experience.”

Then I saw an agent’s name and number. It was all very fancy, but I had no idea what this meant, and looked at my friends in confusion.

“What is this?”

Vera giggled and I’m not sure I liked what it meant for me. “This is a dating house, and not just any house. Only famous and high profile people go to this one!”

My eyebrows furrowed and I knew she was aware that this wasn’t exactly something I wanted, or thought I was getting tonight. “What makes you all think that I need to get a date? What if I’m perfectly happy as I am?”

River spoke softly as she gave me a small smile. “It’s just that, though: an experience. Go and take a look at it, try it, then continue with your life if nothing there works out for you.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. I knew that saying no to them would cause a lot of questions and constant badgering for me to take the gift.

So I nodded along, already regretting it. “I won’t promise anything, but I’ll call tomorrow.”

“Yes! That’s all I wanted to hear! Now, I gotta head home…” Vera jumped up and picked up her purse, moving like a whirlwind till we were hugging, saying goodbyes and kissing my cheek.

Then before I knew it, she was in her beetle, already gone.

Like a storm, that one, and we loved her for it.

River didn’t make a move, and I knew she wanted to talk to me a bit more alone. Of course, Vera dropped the ‘bomb’, or invitation, and ran away.

Before I could say anything, River opened her purse and pulled out a card similar to mine and I stared at it. “Another one?”

She nodded. “This was mine.”

I stared at her, eyes wide as I joined her on the couch, unable to look away from her. “You did it too?”

She nodded, giving me a soft smile. “This is where I met Marcus, and of course neither of us shared the information. Everything at the Lush House is held privately, and he paid extra to keep it that way. That’s why I never shared that detail with you and the others.”

My mind swirled and I remembered the moment she introduced me to Marcus Moreno, her rich and handsome business mogul boyfriend who had everything in life served to him, including his girlfriend, it seemed.

“I understand why he would like to keep it quiet, but I AM surprised you would go through that,” I noted.

She shrugged, that smile never leaving her face. “I wanted someone with the same ideals as me, who could take care of himself and was independent enough. Marcus is like that. I also don’t have time to waste. I like my privacy and space and he respects that too. We really are a perfect match.”

“And this “Lush House” made sure you got that?” I pressed

I was still puzzled about everything, but the fact that River trusted me with this information made me feel like there was something special about this place. River was almost as picky as I was, she wouldn’t have even attempted this if it didn’t reach her standards.

“They have a lot of contracts and rules you have to abide by in order for you to participate. They have different programs, too. Luna was my agent as well, so I requested her for you, specifically. She’ll go through everything with you and clear up all your doubts. Give it a chance, An. And even if it doesn’t work out, at least you can have some fun.”

She took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

I sighed and nodded, giving in. She really knew how to sweet talk me into things. “I’ll call her tomorrow, but just know I feel judged since you all felt the need to team up to set me up on a dating experience.”

She chuckled. “The Lush House will prove itself to you, trust me.”

After she gathered her purse and hid her card back inside it, she got up and smiled at me. “Marcus is waiting for me at the front door, so I need to go. Call me after you meet with Luna, ok?” she told me.

All I could do was nod and walk her to the door.

Marcus smiled at me and waved, jumping out of the luxury car he drove to congratulate me. “Happy birthday, Anais! I hope you spent a good time with the girls.”

“Thanks, Marcus,” I replied with a grin and a nod. “They always make my day.”

There was a silent exchange between him and River before he looked back at me. “You won’t regret taking the Lush Experience, and if you ever have any issues, let me know. I know the owner.”

I blushed at his words and chuckled nervously. “Uhm, thank you, Marcus. I’ll keep that in mind when I give it a try.”

He nodded but didn’t say more, only taking River’s hand and they both waved goodbye for the night.

As I watched them leave, I felt like my birthday had proven to be packed with excitement, in more ways than one. I sighed as I closed the front door and leaned against it.

I stared at the envelope in my hands. Well, tomorrow should be fun.

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