Chapter 5 : The First Match

“So you’re all set,” River told me as she showed me the last step on the app. “From here, you’ll get a message when Luna finds you a match. It can take a few days, so don’t stress about it.”

“Easier said than done,” I sighed as I took my phone back and put it down on the table. “This whole thing has me anxious.”

She only looked at me and laughed at my suffering. “You shouldn’t worry, it’s only a few dates. Have fun and relax.”

I knew she meant well, and I knew that all I needed to do was to really open my mind to explore this new world and meet new people. But it didn’t change the fact that I’d been out of the game for a while, and now, it felt like I was playing an entirely new one.

I shook that thought off quickly as I knew I needed much more to go off of before I even dared to do a second date with anyone.

“Ok, so since we have a few days to wait, let’s talk about other things… I need the distraction,” I smiled tiredly and River nodded in understanding.

“How about you tell me what’s stopping you from finishing your book?”

I huffed and lowered my head. “You had to go there, didn’t you…?”

I heard her laugh and I rolled my eyes. “You’ve been pushing it back for a while, and are even plotting out a new story despite not focusing on this one. It’s very unlike you. So, what’s happening?”

A ping from my phone made me furrow my brow as I saw that the sender was from the Lush House app. “That’s weird,” I started. “Luna must be testing it.”

River leaned over and her eyes widened. “No, An. You just got your first match!”

“What?!” My heart started to beat rapidly as I tried to calm myself.

“Yes! Look!” River took the phone from me and unlocked it easily since she knew my password. She quickly opened up the app. “Here’s the notification, and the profile of your match… let’s read what it says. ‘Personality traits: observer, introvert, passionate. From a wealthy family, was given the family business at a young age and made it more successful. Looking to meet smart women who are passionate about their lives and careers.’”

She looked at me and smiled, while I was still a bit shocked. I had just seen Luna yesterday and I was already receiving a match?

“Anything else? A picture?” I asked nervously.

“You don’t see a picture. It goes with the philosophy that you’re supposed to be interested more into the person’s traits and personality—more like a blind date. But I think this is a very good start, An. I’ve never met someone as passionate as you about what you do.”

She did have a point, yet, I was still nervous about how fast all of this was going. “Do I have to respond now? Can I think about it?” I asked.

With a chuckle, River comfortingly patted my back. “Yes, you can take a bit. Try not to make it too long, though.”

I titled my head slightly. “Why?”

“Because I know you,” she stated. “If you think too much, you’ll chicken out.” I rolled my eyes, causing her to giggle. She then suddenly took my hand and squeezed it. “Go for it, don’t think, just do it.”

I took a deep breath and looked at my app again. I stared at it for a few more seconds, then finally accepted it. An animation played in front of me of a letter that wrapping itself before moving backwards until it was completely gone from the screen.

Another ping showed, and a notification told me that we had a first date set at the Lush House.

“A date in that place? That is going to be awkward,” I expressed and River just grinned.

“You went to the corporate offices, but that’s not the Lush House,” she beamed. “The House is located in a secluded area in the outskirts of the city. It’s almost like a country club. It has a huge area and plenty of things to do. You’ll like it.”

Her words gave me a little boost of confidence. Maybe I should listen to her. After all, it seemed to be working so far.

I drove my new car toward the location Luna sent me, and I paid extra attention to each turn and every sign I saw. My publisher was nice enough to lend me a car while mine was being repaired, and I really didn’t want another car experience that would mark me for life.

Three was not a golden number in this scenario.

“In 200 meters, your destination will be on the left,” the clever mechanical voice spoke.

I looked at the big arch made in black stones. There were two big gates and on top a big sign that read: ‘The Lush House - Private Club’.

As I pulled the car in front, there was a guard that walked to my side and held a list in his hand. He was tall and had a serious look, but he didn't seem threatening, just professional.

“Good morning Miss, may I see your card?”

“My card?” It took me a couple of seconds to realize he was referring to my invitation. “Oh, yes!”

I pulled it out of my purse and showed it to him, thankful that I had the foresight to bring it. He nodded and checked the list quickly before looking back at me.

“You can check your phone app and use the QR code generated to get in, just in case you didn’t know,” he told me matter of factly, pointing out the scanner near the gates.

“Thank you, I’ll be using that from now on,” I told him with a smile.

He took a step back and the gates started to open for me. “Just follow the main road and you’ll get to the residence and an agent will be waiting for you.”

“Thank you, Zack,” I say to him after reading his name tag. He seemed surprised but gave me a smile as I started driving inside the premises.

It was nothing short of gorgeous and my car basically crept along the path as I tried to take everything in.

After managing to become a rather well-known author, I’d been to more and more upscale locations, whether by invitation or association, but I hadn’t really bothered to indulge in that newfound wealth beyond splurging on takeout and spoiling my friends.

This was different, in a good way, though. It was extremely picturesque, like straight out of a movie about the wealthy. The gates were only a preview to the gorgeous and stately house that was surrounded by green fields and well-tended gardens.

Rose bushes grew at least six feet tall and were in full bloom, while neatly trimmed bushes and towering lampposts complimented the building’s beautiful pillars and tall glass windows.

Oh, it was like it was a French Chateau plopped straight down into the surrounding forest. In the distance, I could see a barn and just make out grazing horses.

I finally parked my car and got out, breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scent of roses.

Normally, going out and ‘smelling the roses’ wasn’t necessary, but in a place like this, I should probably do it a bit more often.

I checked my phone. I had managed to arrive early so that gave me a bit of time to explore. My match and I were supposed to meet in the lobby before making use of the facilities to do whatever we wanted.

Walking inside, I was blown away by the architecture. I researched French Chateau’s when I was writing a romance story about a couple renovating one in the countryside. Most had to be sympathetic to the building’s old architecture and history, and this one obviously wasn’t.

It held that old world charm with plenty of wood features and beams but was pleasantly modern with bright chandelier lights and beautiful art features.

Was that a charcoal sketch by Charles Donahue? I loved his early works! There was something enchanting about the way he drew proportions and blended the charcoal making his pieces stunningly soft.

It felt like this place had everything, a no expense to be spared kind of deal. Now, I understood that a failed match wouldn’t be for a lack of options or conversation starters. The place was so big, the map on the wall was taller than me. And of course, in the center, the Lush House outlined in gold.

There was a pool on the premises as well as a spa and a gym. From what I saw, there was also a pond further out which I assumed was for fishing or a nature walk. The options were endless: cycling, painting, a bedroom…

And…oh, look, the kitchens! How nice, I liked food. I had a bit of a sweet tooth and a weakness for pastries.

There seemed to be chefs on site where you could get food from, along with a private kitchen which I could only assume was a date option. Though, cooking a meal together sounded a bit more intimate than a first or second date.

All of this was so much. It was just all so interesting! There were little nuances that I wouldn’t have thought about without coming here. The experience was already so informative, and I just started.

I really should be focusing on my other book, otherwise André was going to come for my head, but I just—I was struggling where I shouldn’t be for some reason.

I’d written plenty of scenes like this one before, so I didn’t know why it was this story in particular that was making things so hard. I couldn’t understand why I was suddenly ignoring it. Like it would magically finish the work or make it disappear.

This wasn’t normal writers block. It was something entirely different. Something—ah. No. That’s not what was important right now. I had other things to focus on and worry about. I’d deal with that deadline the next time André called to tear me a new one about putting things off.

Right now, I had a date with a mystery man—one who wouldn’t be a mystery for too much longer.

The doors to the foyer opened and I quickly turned around to see who it was. I could only assume was my match since we’d be the only people on the grounds today, barring the staff.

He was…handsome. Startlingly so. I don’t know why it was so shocking that he was. He had a head full of golden curls and bright blue eyes, along with a jaw that was sharp and defined. His crisp two-piece suit had me feeling a bit underdressed in my sage green wrap dress and white flats.

But no, today wasn’t about being nervous or chickening out. It was about going on a date and getting to know someone. I could do this!

That, and I’d rather not have River come to glare me down to get right back in here for giving up before things even began. I don’t think I’d survive the indignity of it, especially since she’d be right to push me back into it.

I said I would try and so I would.

“Hi,” I smiled as I greeted him. “I’m Anais Crawford, it’s wonderful to meet you.”

I outstretched my hand for him to shake. At my introduction, he relaxed, reaching out and returning the gesture, meeting me with a smile of his own.

“It’s great to meet you, Anais. I’m Luke Owens.”

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