Chapter 10 : The Council Meeting
The council room was buzzing with electricity, the word already having reached the rest of the council. Jackson was pacing along the back wall and Carrie was furiously scribbling away in a notebook. When Amelia and Beth entered behind Julian, no one even looked up at them.
Amelia had asked Beth to come with them, thankful to feel like she would have someone in her corner for this. Her nerves were already on edge, Beth's presence brought some semblance of peace. Amelia sent up a silent prayer to the Goddess that this would go well.
Calling the meeting to order, Amelia waited for everyone to take their seats. No one questioned Beth's presence at Amelia's side, all too focused on the issue at hand.
"Julian, I expect you have details on the attack," Amelia stated.
"Yes. It seems that one of our intelligence officers was attacked today at his post on the seven-mile stretch. We shouldn't be surprised there was an attack there, but unfortunately, he was killed in the line of duty," Julian answered, lowering his head with respect as he finished.
Everyone in the room did the same, allowing a moment of silence to pass in respect for their fallen pack member.
The seven-mile stretch was the most dangerous part of the border around the White Moon's territory. Logan had planted three intelligence officers along it, permanently, and found this to be an excellent way to deter attacks. While they still were threatened from time to time, the intelligence service was always able to ascertain enough information to intervene in any attacks, hence why there hadn't been any full-on attacks in years.
In his absence, it seemed that rogues had grown bolder. They must have used the distraction of Logan's funeral ceremony and the following chaos to prey on the border.
"What else do you know? Numbers, pack associations, weapons, give me whatever you've got," Amelia ordered.
"It appears to have been a solitary rogue. He was probably acting on behalf of a pack, but we can't be positive about their associations. It seems like this was a test run to determine weak spots along the border.
“The weapon was a dagger dipped in Wolfsbane, which would lead me, personally, to believe we may be dealing with another attack from the same pack that murdered Logan. Again, without concrete proof, we can't be sure that the two are connected, but that makes the most sense," Julian explained.
There was a murmur of agreement throughout the room. That was the most logical explanation for what happened. It didn't stop the pit of dread from yawning wider in Amelia's gut. She couldn't even shift yet and she was facing down an inevitable pack war?
"I want the troop presence doubled along the seven-mile stretch. As far as investigating the murder, what is your recommendation, Julian?" Amelia asked.
"I think it would be in our best interest to send an investigative team to gather information and attempt to apprehend the suspect as quickly as possible."
"Alright, all in favor of doubling troops and sending an investigation team, say aye," Amelia announced.
A chorus of 'ayes' echoed, though this time the circumstances were much more grave than the first.
"Opposed?" Amelia asked.
Silence. Dead silence. No one moved. They were ready for revenge, chomping at the bit for war, and yet this silence was more damning than any war cry.
It was Jackson who broke the silence.
"I think we might want to speed up training for the newest troops as well. If this means what it sounds like it means, we're going to need more soldiers prepared and ready for combat. I'd like to see some intensive drills over the next few weeks," Jackson suggested.
"Nathan, do you think that's possible?" Amelia asked.
Nathan, with his good nature and charm, was an inestimable diplomat. As such, he headed the training academy, working in tandem with Julian as the military strategist, and Lucas as the pack strategist. They truly were a dream team, the three of them constantly orbiting each other and helping to build a stronger pack.
Nathan was quiet for a few moments, seeming to do some sort of rearrangement in his mind.
"I believe I can make that work," was his response, solemn and sure. "If I could go with the investigation team, I believe I could gather information on how to better prepare our soldiers upon my return."
"Then it's settled. Lucas, you stay behind with me. Nathan, once you finish briefing the training academy staff, I want you with Julian. Julian, choose the rest of the team and be on the road first thing tomorrow," Amelia instructed.
"I was wondering if I could consult with Beth this evening, since this involves the intelligence service. Her expertise may be invaluable," Julian requested.
Amelia turned to Beth, who nodded solemnly.
"Granted," Amelia agreed. "Dismissed."
With that, the room burst into motion, emptying within seconds.
She couldn't be sure why she felt the need to ask Lucas to stay behind with her. However, the thought of all three men she'd been thinking about lately going to a dangerous assignment was unbearable. She'd done her best not to crumble under the weight of it during the meeting, only now allowing herself to think about it.
Amelia didn't move from her chair. Lucas was the most logical choice to stay, he was her Beta after all, and she would need her own protection. She definitely felt more secure knowing he would be staying behind.
She was so caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't realize that Lucas stayed behind.
"You're doing surprisingly well, given the circumstances," he finally said, not moving from his chair either.
"Lucas," Amelia said, startled to realize she wasn't alone.
"You're a natural-born leader. I'm proud to be your Beta," he continued.
"That's kind of you. I don't feel like a leader," she confessed.
"What do you feel?" he asked softly, resting his elbows on the long table in front of him.
"I feel scared," she admitted.
Amelia knew she shouldn't let anyone see this side of her. She felt like these were the kind of thoughts that were best kept private. She shouldn't be sharing these deeper parts of herself. If something she said planted a seed of doubt, she could have this pack crumbling within days. Yet, she felt she could trust Lucas with this.
"Of course you do," he agreed. "It's possible that the same pack that murdered your father is responsible for murdering another member of our pack. The fallout from this will be enormous. That's a lot of pressure for someone who stepped into the role just a couple of days ago. But that call you just made, adding more troops and sending a team? I would have done the same thing. Logan would have done the same thing," Lucas assured her.
His last sentence settled heavily on her shoulders, a weight she hadn't expected from his words. Tears threatened to spill, stinging the corners of her eyes. She would never let them fall though, so tired of all the crying from the last few days. It was time to be strong.
"You're being too generous," she dismissed, unable to accept his compliment.
"I'm not. You were born for this. The Goddess doesn't make mistakes when she chooses. You were put in this position for a reason. Don't you ever lose your instinct, Apollo. Trust your gut," he added.
She smiled at the nickname. It felt personal, intimate almost. It was some tiny sign to her that he hadn't forgotten what they'd talked about. It was a sign that he was trusting her, and letting her choose. Something about that struck her, easing some of her frustrations.
"What's your gut telling you?" Amelia asked, finally cracking a small smile. She might not be able to offer him much more than that at the moment, but it felt right.
"Patience is a virtue," Lucas answered, giving her a knowing smile in return.
"Seems like an important lesson," she told him, feeling the air around them lighten. Maybe the whole world wasn't death and doom. Maybe there was time for more.
"It's not easy, that's for sure," Lucas laughed back, relaxing back into his chair.
"Would you walk me back to my room?" Amelia asked, standing to her feet.
Lucas jumped up, eager to be at Amelia's side. "I think I can make some time in my schedule for that."
The two exited the room together, life seeming less bleak. Amelia trusted Julian and Nathan to handle the issues at the seven-mile stretch. Beth would be an invaluable advisor. Lucas was skilled enough at hand-to-hand combat, that Amelia felt assured that both Lucas and herself would be safe for now.
That left a little room in her mind to not waste on worrying. And maybe, just maybe, she could use that time to think about selecting a mate.
Lucas fell into step alongside her, slowing himself so that he wasn't leaving her behind. Amelia appreciated that about him, that he considered her in all the little things. She might only just now be getting to know him on a more personal level, but he certainly had his own charm, just as Nathan and Julian did.
"What's your schedule look like for the rest of the day?" Lucas asked.
"I was supposed to meet with Julian and Nathan about military strategies, the academy, and pursuing the rogues, but it looks like that's probably canceled," Amelia speculated.
"That makes sense. What are you going to do with the rest of your afternoon then?"
"I should really consider getting some other work done. I might need to meet with Carrie to discuss some logistics for the compound. I don't have anything on the schedule for now though," she told him.
"Lucky you," Lucas teased. "I'm supposed to meet with Roger in two hours to determine changing the uniforms for the troops from forest green to hunter green."
"What's the difference?" Amelia asked, trying to imagine how the minuscule tone shift would make any difference.
"Hell if I know." Lucas shrugged. "Really looking forward to that meeting."
Amelia giggled a little at his sarcasm. This was easy. Maybe this was how things were supposed to work. The conversation just flowed, and she felt relieved in his company. Now that the pressure was gone, she realized what had drawn her to him in the first place.
Lucas leaned against her door frame, similar to how Nathan had done the other night, similar to how he had done earlier today before their kiss. Would her entire romantic life boil down to a series of interactions in front of her bedroom door?
Not if she had anything to say about it. She had to pull the trigger at some point. She'd never know if she didn't follow through.
"Do you want to come in?" Amelia invited.