Chapter 6 : Not a Date

Lucas’ POV

I called Luna as soon as I returned from my business trip with my father. It was Monday afternoon and I was eager to get back to my life in New York.

“Hola!” She said, playfully.

“Hola!” I said back. “What are you doing?”

“I’m actually about to start a class.” She said, “They’re walking in now.”

“I’m sorry.” I said, remembering she had an entire life outside of my brain. “My timing is terrible. Should I call you back later?”

“No, it’s fine.” She said casually. “I normally give them a few minutes to get settled before I begin. What’s up?”

“I was just checking in to see if you were still free to meet with me later this evening?” I said, internally pleading.

“Of course.” She said nicely. “Send me the address and I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay and I will try my best not to fall in love with you, like you asked.” I said, chuckling at my own joke.

She was quiet on the other end of the line.

‘Oh, god.’ I thought to myself. ‘You’ve offended her.’

“I hope you know I was only joking when I said that.” She said, serious but kind. “Our relationship can only be that of a professional nature. I can’t jeopardize my job.”

“Right, of course!” I said, overly understanding. “I was only joking too.”

I was completely embarrassed. Had I been misreading her signals? Perhaps she was never flirting with me. Maybe she was just being courteous because of who I was. I was such an idiot.

“I’ll see you tonight.” She said, and with that she hung up.

That evening, I was like a frantic chicken, pacing in and out of the kitchen, trying to make my apartment perfect for Luna.

“Ethan,” I called frantically into the vastness of my apartment.

A few minutes later, Ethan appeared from seemingly out of nowhere.

“You called, sir?” He said, both hands held together like a good little servant.

“Yes, where is the chicken?” I said, opening the refrigerator to show him. “You said you bought fresh chicken yesterday.”

“No, sir, I said I bought pork.” He said, plainly.

“Why the devil did you do that? I don’t know how to prepare pork!”

“I assumed I would prepare it, sir.” He said, confused. “I always prepare your meals.”

“I guess that’s true.” I said, biting my nails. “I just wanted to cook something myself for Luna. I’ve only ever made chicken.”

I opened a cabinet to see what else we had that I knew how to make,

“Forgive me, sir, but may I ask why you’re going through all this trouble for a tutor?” Ethan asked with poise.

“Well I-” I couldn’t answer.

I stopped fumbling around the kitchen to consider this. I didn’t really know myself. She had already put me in my place this afternoon. What was I so eager about?

“I’m not sure.” I admitted. “Can I get your opinion on something?”

Ethan nodded but said nothing. I ran upstairs to my room and returned minutes later with a miniature replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. I held it up for Ethan to see.

“What’s this, Sir?” Ethan said, squinting at the small figurine.

“A souvenir I got for Luna.” I said, eagerly. “It’s the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. I was going to give this to her tonight, but I think I’m second guessing it now. What do you think?”

Ethan took a moment to consider everything.

“Is there potential for this to grow into something?” He asked.

“I’d like to believe so but I’m honestly not sure.” I said. “She’s hot and cold with me.”

“I suppose all you can really do is cast your line and see if she bites.” Ethan said, wisely.

“Thank you, Ethan.” I said, patting him on the back.

“Of course, sir.” He nodded. “Now for the business of your dinner this evening. I think next time it might be best to choose a restaurant and leave the cooking to me.”

I laughed in agreement.

“You’re probably right.” I said, snorting.

Luna arrived exactly at seven. I had Ethan go down to the lobby to escort her up while I tried to play it cool.

“Good evening.” I said, enthusiastically when they walked through the front door.

“Hi.” She said with coquettish charm.

“Please, come in.” I said, perhaps a little too formal.

“Oh, my god!” She said, looking around. “This is your apartment?”

“Guilty.” I said, humbly.

“I would never leave if I lived here.” She said, still in awe.

“Follow me.” I said, chuckling to myself as Ethan took her coat. “I have dinner waiting for us in the dining room.”

“Dinner?” She said, nervously stopping in her tracks. “I thought I was just here for a tutoring session.”

“Oh, absolutely!” I said, feeling my heart sink into my stomach. “I just assumed you’d be hungry too. It is dinner time after all.”

She nodded in approval and continued to follow me. Ethan had outdone himself. He had prepared grilled pork over a bed of rice with an arugula salad. Our plates were almost identical in presentation and Ethan had taken the liberty of providing us with wine, both red and white. I was suddenly insecure about all of this. It started to feel like too much.

“Oh, wow.” Luna said.

Her shocked expression seemed more excited than angry.

“I hope this is alright.” I said, gauging her reaction.

“This was supposed to be a class lesson, not a date, you know?” She pointed out and made me chuckle loudly.

“Of course, but this is the type of life I live on a daily basis,” I replied with a smile.

“In that case, it’s more than alright.” She said, “It’s amazing.”

I could tell she was trying to hide her happiness. I suddenly was very aware of her game. She was just as nervous about this as I was.

We ate the incredible dinner Ethan had made for us and sat talking at my dining table for over an hour. She was finally allowing herself to get comfortable with me.

“So how long have you worked at the institute?” I asked, taking a sip of wine.

“About four years.” She said, “It’s my dream job.”

“Really?” I said, intrigued. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever even considered what my dream job would be.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I guess I’ve never really been allowed to have one.” I said. “I’ve been groomed to take over the family business since I was a teenager.”

“Well how about I ask you now.” She said, leaning forward and resting her elbow on the table. “What is your dream job?”

“I don’t have the slightest idea.” I said, shaking my head. “I’d have to give that some real thought.”

We both laughed. She looked at me with kind eyes and I felt flutters in my stomach.

“I almost forgot.” I said, rising from my place at the table. “I have something for you.”

“For me?” She said, surprised.

“Yeah, I’ll be right back!” I called out as I ran to the kitchen to retrieve the souvenir I got for her. I stared at it, held it in my hands, and observed it before returning to the dining room to show her.

“Oh, my gosh.” She said, surprised. “You got this for me?”

“Yeah, it’s from my trip.” I said, wondering if she liked it. “It’s the Golden Gate Bridge. Do you like it?”

“I love it.” She said, smiling at me. “Thank you, this is really thoughtful.”

“Of course.” I said, nodding with a smile.

We stared at each other for a beat, neither of us able to look away.

“So, should we get started?” Luna said, nervously pulling herself away.

“Absolutely.” I said, bringing myself back down to earth. “I’ll have Ethan clear the table.”

We set up in the living room on the floor. She had brought flashcards with different exercises written on each one.

“So for today’s lesson, I thought we’d practice common phrases.” Luna said, pulling out a flashcard. “I’m going to say something in English, and I want you to attempt saying it in Spanish.”

“Alright.” I said, unsure. “I’ll try my best.”

“Okay, first phrase.” She said, “Excuse me, where is the restroom?”

“Disculpe, ¿dónde estaría el baño?”

“Close.” She said, cringing a little and laughing. “That’s a little formal. A native would say “Perdón, ¿dónde esta el baño?”

“Ah, okay.” I said. “So use the same set up, but make it a bit more casual?”

“Exactly.” Luna said, “Let’s try another one. How would you say, when can we meet, in Spanish?”

“¿Cuándo podría encontrarnos?” I said.

“Sure, you could say it that way.” Luna said, shrugging. “But an even easier way to say it is ¿ Cuando nos podemos encontrar?”

We practiced all the common phrases that I would need to use to survive a trip to Peru. I was starting to feel really confident about my presentation.

“This is amazing.” I said to Luna. “Thanks to you, I might actually do a decent job.”

“Oh, I’m confident that you’re going to be amazing.” Luna said, encouragingly. “Actually that reminds me. We have our monthly cultural exchange event coming up at the institute tomorrow. Would you like to come? It’d be a great way for you to practice.”

“Is that your way of asking me out?” I said, jokingly.

“Oh I-I” She stuttered, caught off guard. She blushed a little bit. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen.

“I’m kidding.” I say, laughing.

“Oh, thank god.” She said with relief, laughing. “I was so embarrassed!”

“I would love to come.” I said, helping her rise to her feet. “Ethan, Ms. Amaro’s coat please!”

Ethan appeared out of seemingly nowhere with Luna’s coat.

“Here you are, ma’am.” Ethan says before disappearing again.

“Thank you.” She said, sweetly. “So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“I guess you will.” I said, smiling. “Do you have a way home?”

“Yes.” She said, “I’ll just hop on the subway.”

“At this time of night?” I said, disapproving. “Absolutely not. I’ll have Geoffrey take you.”

I pulled out my phone and dialed Geoffrey’s contact.

“Oh, that’s not necessary.” She said, whispering while it rang.

“Nonsense.” I said. “I would feel awful if something happened to you. Consider it a part of my tutoring.”

“Yes, sir?” Geoffrey answered, his voice was raspy like he’d been asleep.

“I have a guest at my house that I need you to take home.” I said authoritatively. “Make sure she gets all the way home safely.”

“Be right there, sir.” Geoffrey said before hanging up.

“You really didn’t have to do that.” Luna said, as I escorted her to the elevator.

“Of course I did.” I said, riding the elevator to the lobby with her. “There’s no way I was going to let you take the subway at this hour.”

“Well, thank you for caring so much.” She said, smiling to herself.

Geoffrey was already waiting outside of my building when we walked out the front doors. He quickly opened the back door to the town car and gestured for Luna to get in. He recognized her, his eyes told me so, but he managed to keep quiet knowing I would never call him unless it was important.

“Thank you, Geoffrey.” I said, shaking his hand.

“Of course, sir.” He replied. “I’ll get her safely home.”

“Excellent.” I said.

“I had a wonderful time tonight.” Luna said, through the open window of the backseat. “Thank you for being such a great host.”

“We’ll have to do it again.” I said, my stomach fluttering.

She nodded, and with that, Geoffrey pulled out onto the street. I watched the car until I couldn’t see it anymore.

‘She’s amazing.’ I thought to myself.

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