Chapter 7 : Father Figure

Lucas’ POV

“I look forward to working with you.” I said, shaking hands with an entire board of directors.

I had successfully closed yet another deal for my father. It felt like he was intentionally sending me on a wild goose chase so I wouldn’t have time to focus on my renewable energy project.

I shook a few more hands before taking my exit, Ethan in tow behind me. He spewed out information about my upcoming meetings as we walked outside to the car where Geoffrey awaited us. He opened the back door and we climbed in.

Before we could even fasten our seatbelts, Ethan held up my phone to show an incoming call.

“Your father, sir.” He said, politely.

“Not now.” I said, rolling my eyes.

Ethan nodded, tucking my phone inside his inner jacket pocket. Before I could have a moment to think, the buzzing started up again. Ethan retrieved the phone from his pocket.

“Your father again, sir.” He said, handing it to me.

“Fine.” I said, snatching it from him. “Yes, hello father.”

“How’d your meeting go?” My father asked, not wasting any time on formalities.

“Very well, sir.” I said, checking my watch. “Listen, I’m running into another meeting, can we talk later?”

“Have that assistant of yours cancel it.” My father said, sternly. “I’d like to see you for lunch.”

“Today?” I asked, internally screaming. “Aren’t you back in London?”

“Not yet.” He said. “I had other business to handle here in the states. Meet me at Flora’s Garden at noon so we can catch up.”

He hung up. I took in a deep breath to calm myself. I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes. All I wanted was to be left alone. Why was he pestering me?

“Ethan.” I said, eyes still closed.

“Already on it, sir.” Ethan replied. “I’m moving your next meeting to three o’clock.”

I tapped the table with my fork while I waited for my father to arrive at the restaurant. I tapped and tapped, hoping the action would calm my nerves.

“You’re fidgeting, sir.” Ethan said, looking up from his palm pilot.

“Right.” I said, putting the fork down. “Thank you.”

After what felt like hours waiting for my father, he finally came waltzing in. He was sure to greet every waiter and hostess as if this was his regular place. He was definitely a charmer. Wherever he went, people wanted to talk to him. He had a way about him that just drew people in.

“Hello, father.” I said, as Ethan and I both stood to greet him.

“Lucas!” He said, with a smile. “So glad you could come to lunch with your old man.”

He gave Ethan a polite nod before shaking my hand. I smiled politely and nodded, playing along but saying nothing. We all sat down at the table and made ourselves comfortable. My father snapped at a nearby waitress and told her to bring him a scotch, neat. She obliged and disappeared.

“This place is nice.” I said, looking around as we all sat back down.

The restaurant was stunning. It sat on the penthouse floor of a highrise in the heart of Manhattan. There were large windows that went from floor to ceiling, overlooking the entire city. Everything was clean and neat. Not a single decoration was out of place.

“Yes, it’s become a favorite of mine when I’m in town.” My father said, folding his napkin in his lap and looking at me.

“So?” I said, confused. “Why did you want to meet?”

“No particular reason.” He said, as the waitress returned with his drink. He thanked her and allowed his eyes to follow her as she walked away. I scoffed, disgusted with him.

“Why am I here?” I asked, again. “The truth this time, please?”

“Can’t a father want to get lunch with his son?” He said, throwing his arms up in surrender.

“Of course.” I said, agreeing. “But you’re not a father, you’re a businessman.”

Ethan cleared his throat and gave me a sharp look. My father’s expression soured and I could tell that my words stung him a little. He was quiet for a brief moment before speaking again. Perhaps I was too harsh with my words, maybe, but the past has taught me how my father can manipulate everything to make him look like a saint.

“Right.” He said, disappointed. “I suppose you know everything, don’t you?”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. He took a large gulp of his scotch, nearly emptying the glass.

“I may not be a traditional father,” He began, not backing down from the challenge. “But, I am damn proud of you, son. I always have been.”

His voice was firm but caring. He seemed to be filled with righteous anger. I told myself I would never stoop so low again, no matter how much my father got under my skin.

“Oh course, father.” I said, swallowing my pride. “I’m sorry.”

My father nodded, taking back his place of authority. A waitress came by and took our orders. I didn’t have an appetite but I ordered the salmon anyway. Ethan ordered a chicken salad, and my father requested the oysters. We were both grateful for a reason to not talk to each other.

“So how are things coming along with your side project?” My father finally asked.

“Good.” I said, sitting up. “I think we’re really going to land something with this upcoming meeting in Peru.”

Two waiters came by and placed our plates in front of us. We thanked them as they left.

“Good.” My father said, looking down.

I could tell he didn’t really mean it. I knew he hated that I was looking into renewable energy, even if he was proud of me.

“I just hope you’ll heed my words as you pursue it.” He said, picking up an oyster and slurping it.

“I know, father.” I said, shaking my head. “I know you don’t approve.”

“It’s not that I don’t approve, I just want you to be careful.” He said, reaching for any oyster.

“Why can’t you be thankful for all the success I’ve brought to the company?” I said, frustrated. “I just closed a deal today and you haven’t said a word about it! All you do is focus on the negatives.”

Just then, Ethan stood up and excused himself, claiming to be taking a phone call.

“Your little tantrum has run off your assistant.” My father said, annoyed. “Just as usual, you are a spoiled little man.”

“Why can’t you just admit it, father?” I said, rising from my chair. “Admit that you want me to fail because change scares you!”

I threw my napkin on the table and stormed out. I met Ethan, who was already waiting in the car. Geoffrey opened the door for me and I ducked inside.

“Were you going to just wait in the car for the rest of lunch?” I said to Ethan, surprised to see him inside.

“I knew the end was nearing, sir. I wanted to give Geoffrey time to warm up the car.”

“You sly devil.” I grinned.

Ethan cracked the faintest smile but quickly returned back to his stoic expression. He never let on too much. I think he preferred it that way but it made no difference to me.

Later that evening, I had Ethan call Luna.

“Hello.” She said, sweetly.

“Hi,” I said, smiling instantly. “Are you ready? I can be to you in fifteen minutes.”

“I assumed we’d meet there.” Luna said, giggling.

“What’s the matter, are you nervous you’ll be overwhelmed by my presence?” I said, jokingly.

“No.” She laughed. “I just thought it’d be more appropriate if we met at the institute.”

“I see.” I said, chuckling.

“Nice try though.” She laughed.

Luna stood, waiting in the lobby of the institute. My jaw dropped a little when I saw her. She looked like a painting. She wore a short white shimmery dress and her hair was pulled elegantly to the top of her head to form a perfect bun.

“You cleaned up nice.” She said, smiling as she pointed to my suit.

“Thank you.” I said, playfully straightening my tie.

She hooked my arm and I escorted her to the elevators. I was so proud to have her on my arm. We fit together perfectly.

People stopped to stare as we entered the rooftop event above the institute. I knew we looked good together. I even noticed a few people lean over and whisper to each other when we passed by. I looked over at Luna, proudly, only to notice that she did not share my excitement.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered, leaning over to her.

“I don’t know.” She said, honestly. “I just feel weird, like people are staring at us.”

“They are.” I said, placing a free hand on hers. “Because you’re beautiful.”

She blushed and looked away. It made my heart race to watch her react like that. I just wanted to grab her and kiss her.

After a few seconds she gave a step aside and kept a small distance from me, I understood she didn’t want people to get the wrong idea.

We made our way to a catered bar that was set up to the side. I ordered both of us wine and we made our way to the circular tables. Each table had placed cards with each guest’s name on it.

“This is fancy.” I said, pulling Luna’s chair out for her.

“I know.” Luna said, sitting down. “I think it’s a sponsored event.”

After a few more minutes some middle-aged blonde woman tapped a microphone and introduced herself.

“That’s Ann Shelton, she’s the director.” Luna whispered to me.

Ann advised everyone to take their seats and proceeded to thank everyone for coming. After a few more minutes of welcome, Ann went over the program and what to expect in the evening. She had us all give a round of applause for the first performer, a linguistic comedian.

Luna and I laughed all night. She took my breath away. There was a moment where she looked over at me while talking with a colleague across the room. She gave me a subtle smile and continued talking. I was completely taken with her.

The night was ending and I escorted Luna down to the lobby. She seemed more comfortable with me now.

“Let me take you home.” I said, gesturing to my car outside where Geoffrey awaited.

“Oh, that’s okay.” Luna said, politely.

“Come on,” I persuaded. “There is nothing wrong with me giving you a lift to your place. In fact, it would be safer than that subway at night.”

Luna thought it over for a minute and then shrugged her shoulders.

“I guess that’s true.” She said, laughing.

I held my hand out to hers and she took it. I helped her into the back seat of my car before getting in behind her. Geoffrey smiled at me and winked before closing the door behind me.

“Should I give Geoffrey my address?” Luna said, buckling her seatbelt.

“No need.” I said, shaking my head. “He knows where to go.”

“True, he took me there last night. By the way, how did you know where I live?” She asked, surprised.

“Ethan.” We both said at the same time, laughing.

“You’re so crazy.” Luna said, shaking her head.

I felt like a giddy teenager driving to Luna’s place. I could tell she felt the same. Neither of us knew what to say. We arrived at Luna's building about twenty minutes later. Geoffrey came around and opened Luna’s door. I stepped out with her and walked her to the front door.

“I really appreciate you coming tonight.” She said, nervously fidgeting with her keys.

“It was my pleasure.” I said, refusing to break eye contact with her.

I took a step closer to her. She blushed and her breathing became shallow.

“So, class tomorrow?” She asked, nervousness in her eyes.

“Mmhm.” I said, leaning into her.

She didn’t stop me. I kissed her. She pulled away for a moment. I could tell she was considering the pros and cons. She came right back and kissed me again. Fire was alive in my bones. I grabbed her waist and pulled her in. Her lips were like honey on mine, soft and supple. I knew then that I was done for.

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