Chapter 8 : Bite


This is the fifth pack meeting we have this week, and I’ve realized what’s killing my father. It’s boredom. I’m not sure why in the hell we have to speak about things until we’ve beaten them to the ground. When I’m Alpha, I’m only holding a meeting once a week, and it will only take thirty minutes.

I wipe the sweat that’s dripping down my face. We hold our meetings in the underground cellar. It ensures our privacy, but it’s beyond humid down here. Our meeting cellar doubles as our emergency room, so there are piles of non-perishable food, water, and other supplies shoved in every corner of the room.

All the elders are sitting at the long ornate table. My father is at the head of the table, but it’s only because of tradition. He isn’t contributing much. I’m not even sure he’s awake. My mother is beside him, patting his face with a cool sponge. His fever is the highest it’s ever been, and I hate seeing him like this.

It’s already been decided that this will be the last meeting he attends. He’s too sick to move from his bedchamber down to the cellar. My mother and I will lead the pack meetings from now on. My father will only stay in his room and no longer interact with the rest of the pack to ensure that he doesn’t get anyone sick or no one brings in a new illness to make him worse.

The only pack members allowed in the meetings are Serena and me. I tried to convince the elders to let Cain sit in, but they refused. They said he was too much of a jester. I couldn’t argue that, but my friend could be serious when the situation warranted.

“Shane! Are you even paying attention?” Reginald snaps at me.

He’s glaring at me. His bushy eyebrows distract me like usual. Out of everyone in the pack, Reginald is the person who looks most like a wolf in his human form, even though he isn’t shifting as much anymore.

“Yes, of course, I am,” I reply, adjusting the parchment in front of me.

“Then, it’s time to move on to the next item on the agenda,” Reginald says, and gives me a sharp look. “Your new mate.”

My hands begin to shake, so I hide them under the table. Shit, this is not good. It’s been a week since Morgan came to live with our pack, and she isn’t adjusting well. After our little argument in the woods, she’s been avoiding me and spending most of her time in her room. Serena told me she’s tried to talk to her, but Morgan brushed her off. Cain says he hasn’t had much luck talking to her either.

“What about my mate?” I stand taller in my seat to appear more confident.

“The witch doesn’t seem to want to be involved with our pack,” Reginald points out. I don’t even have an argument against that fact. “She doesn’t even seem to want to be here. As a matter of fact, she ignored me on the stairs the other day. I simply asked how she was doing. She’s very rude,” the elder states plainly.

Damn it! This is not good.

“She doesn’t seem to be very happy here, sweetheart,” my mother says gently.

The other elders nod in agreement. I look to Serena for help, but she merely stares straight ahead with her arms firmly crossed. I guess I’m on my own. I clear my throat.

“Morgan lost her home and all of her possessions a mere week ago. It’s going to take her a little while longer to adjust to our way of living,” I tell the group assembled around the table. No one in the pack house knows I’m the reason her home burned down besides Serena and Cain.

All the elders nod sympathetically at my statement. My mother even stops wiping my father’s face with the sponge. Part of me feels bad for using what happened to Morgan to earn the compassion of the pack, but she’s the one who’s making things difficult for me. Can’t she just try and socialize with my family? Is it that hard to say ‘hello’?

“While I’m sure we’re all understanding of your mate’s situation,” Reginald says in a way that implies he isn’t. "I think that we can agree our future Alpha’s mate should be–”

My father clears his throat, interrupting Reginald’s speech.

“Give the girl…” My father coughs, struggling to get out the rest of his sentence. I look away. I hate seeing him like this. “...a chance.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. My father’s word still holds the power of an Alpha even though he is ill. Reginald submits and agrees to my father’s declaration. He has bought me some time, but who knows how long I have?

I need to have a chat with Ms. Morgan as soon as possible.

After the meeting, I made my way instantly to Morgan’s room. Once I approach her door, I pound on it.

“Morgan! I know you’re in there. I need to speak with you,” I say after she doesn’t answer.

I continue knocking. I’m prepared to wait out here all day. After another moment, she opens her door with a furious look on her face, and damn it if her beauty doesn’t knock me back. She’s wearing a green dress that hugs her slight curves. Her brown eyes are wide, and her matching hair is long and wild. But I won’t let her looks distract me. I came here for a reason.

“I need to talk to you,” I tell her and enter her room, shutting the door behind me. I begin pacing on the spot, my hands behind my back.

“Yeah, I gathered as much,” she sighs as she takes a seat in the rocking chair.

I search for the words, each of them taking a moment to come to me. But when they do, they spill out quickly.

“Whether you like it or not, you’re my mate. You need to start acting like it. You need to make an effort to integrate into our pack life," I say firmly. Her eyes narrow in anger.

“Don’t tell me what I need to do. I’m not going to put on a happy face and pretend like everything is fine. And who the hell even said I was your mate? How do I even know that you didn’t just make that up?” she asks, crossing her arms.

I study her firm expression. Crap. I need to try a different tactic with her. I walk to her slowly, looking deep into her eyes. I place both of my hands on the rocking chair arms and lean down until our faces are only inches apart.

“Morgan, you are my mate. Don’t you feel a connection to me? Don’t you find me attractive? Haven’t you ever imagined kissing me? I know I have imagined kissing you,” I whisper.

Her cheeks heat, and she shakes her head no. Just by the look in her eyes, I know she at least finds me physically attractive. We stare at each other, both breathing deeply. She leans slightly forward, her eyes closing. But then, her eyes snap open, and she jumps away from me and she’s back to her usual self.

“How come no one is on my side?” she proclaims. “Why is everyone blaming me? Don’t they know you’re the one who burned my home down? That you’re the one who exposed me to my whole village?”

“Uh, well, they...” I trail off. Because of my reaction, she can tell I haven’t been entirely truthful.

“Oh, my goodness, the pack doesn’t know, do they?! They don’t know that you’ve forced me here. They don’t know that you’re the reason I lost my home, do they?!” she demands.

“Well, Serena and Cain do,” I hedge, trying to buy time.

Only it doesn’t work.

“You’re lying to them! I can’t believe this!” She stands and walks to her bedroom door. “Well, maybe I should go tell them,” she threatens with a glint in her eyes.

I block her path to the door, my large frame towering over her small one. “Please, Morgan. Don’t tell them.”

“Why? Shouldn’t they know the whole story? Shouldn’t they know exactly who their future Alpha is?” Morgan mocks me.

Shit, how do I get out of this? It wouldn’t be right to restrain her physically. Just then, an insane idea pops into my mind.

“Alright, I’ll only move if you let me bite you,” I offer. She backs away from me quickly.

“What the hell are you talking about, ‘bite me’? No!” She shakes her head in refusal.

“If you’re not my mate, the bite will hurt. But if you are, the bite will cause you no pain,” I explain.

This was something I heard from an elder once. It’s a legend that was passed down in our pack for centuries and it was the only thing I could think of.

Morgan considers my proposal for a moment.

“So, you’ll move if I allow you to bite me?” she confirms. I nod. “And it won’t hurt if we are actually mates?”


She studies me for another second before she finally answers.

“Alright, do it,” she nods, shaking her arms out and preparing herself.

“You have to actually say the words and ask me to bite you,” I state clearly.

I’m not sure if this is true. Honestly, I just want to hear her say the words. She gives me an exasperated look.

“It’s all part of the legend,” I tell her, shrugging.

“Fine, will you please bite me, Shane?” she asks begrudgingly.

“Oh, sweetheart, I thought you’d never ask,” I say and begin to stalk toward her like she’s my prey.

“You’re not going to turn into a big wolf, are you?” she asks nervously.

“No, I don’t need to shift fully.” I allow my canine teeth to retract and smile at her widely. “I can pierce your smooth skin just fine without shifting.”

She swallows, and her eyes move towards the exit, but it’s too late for her to back out now.

“I’m scared it’s going to hurt,” Morgan admits softly.

“Don’t worry, darling. I know that we’re destined to be mates. My bite won’t hurt,” I promise her in a quiet voice. “Why don’t you sit on the bed and become comfortable?” I suggest.

She listens to me for once and sits on the edge of the bed. I sit beside her and brush her long hair away from her neck gently.

“Is this alright, Morgan?” I ask, and point to her neck. Her skin feels like velvet under my rough hand.

“Yes,” she murmurs.

I lean down and press my lips softly to her throat. I can feel how tense her muscles are. I need to do this soon because the anticipation is making her very nervous. So, I open my mouth and bite her.

As soon as my sharp teeth pierce her skin, she throws back her head and moans in euphoria. Hearing her moans makes my pants tight with need. I adjust myself, wanting so badly to kiss her, taste her, then bed her. I want to do so many different things to her. I want to make her feel so fucking good.

Damn, this woman. She is frustrating and difficult, but she is also beautiful and intelligent. I study her intense expression while my mouth is attached to her neck. Her eyes are firmly shut, and her mouth is opened slightly. Yeah, that doesn’t look like pain to me.

I smile to myself.

Looks like I was right. Morgan and I are destined to be mates after all.

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