“Are you my driver or someone else is?” I asked Mike, making breakfast for everyone and of course definitely not Tristan.
“Yes. I’d be so honored to drive you.” He said with a bow that caused a smile to appear on my face.
“I have to go to work today, my boss is so mad at me for taking such a long break.”
“The boss' wife has a boss.” David chuckled, passing a glass of juice to Mike.
I didn’t respond to him but finalized the meal while Mike took his leave to arrange for the car.
I had breakfast with David and a few other make workers at the dining table, chatting with them while eating. I was able to get along with them pretty well. They were so fun to be with and made me laugh, forgetting all of my worries.
They all suddenly went silent for some reason and were gazing behind me like they had just seen a ghost.
“Hazel,” Tristan’s voice, though it was gentle, startled the hell out of me.
I averted my gaze to him. Of course, his annoyingly handsome face had a dangerous glare on it.
He glanced at the men then they immediately rose from the dining chairs and scuttled out of sight after a polite bow.
“Why are you eating with the workers? You’re the wife of Tristan Hendrix and eating with them will—” he looked like realization just hit him, “— oh, I forgot, you’re also in their class.”
Once again, it felt like a bomb just exploded in my head due to the frustration of him constantly reminding me that I didn’t belong to his class of wealth. What was always wrong with these stupid rich people? None of the rich people I had ever come across were sensible and nice, they didn’t care about hurting your feelings and making you feel worthless, even that crazy Indy who still hadn't called me.
I rose to my feet, pushing the chair backward loudly and started storming away.
As I passed him, he held my arm to stop me. “I hate it when people walk away from me.”
His hand on my skin sent a very chilly feeling to my soul. His touch felt so much better in real life than I had ever dreamed of but it still wasn’t able to quench the fire he had lit in me by constantly reminding me of the monster he truly was, someone that had no respect for a woman, a cruel and heartless devil.
“Let me go.” I said authoritatively, shooting deadly daggers at him from my hazel eyes.
“Don’t walk away from me without my permission.” He said– more like warned me.
“You have no right to make decisions over me.”
“Hazel, you’re a—”
He was interrupted by a worker suddenly appearing out of nowhere. “I’m sorry for disturbing you but I was sent here to inform Mrs. Hendrix that the car is ready now.” He said, immediately taking his leave.
“Car? Where are you going?” He looked confused.
“To the bakery,”
“I work at a bakery.” Why was I even explaining to him?
“Hazel,” he pulled me to stand in front of him, folding his arms across his chest. “Don’t forget you’re now my wife to the world. Tristan’s wife would never work at a bakery. Don’t go there anymore.”
I let out a short laugh. “You have no right over my decisions.”
“You put yourself into this mess. You’re the wife of a celebrity, don’t do anything stupid else you’ll regret it. You can have all the money you want by sitting at home all day.”
“I’ve been cooking for a really long time in my life. Working at the bakery is something I enjoy and I’m not going to stop it for you.”
His frown intensified. “Don’t you under—” he was once again interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.
We both stared at the door then a man rushed to open it.
“Good morning.” The man greeted.
“Is Tristan home?”
“Mom?” His eyes returned to me, gazing at me for a while then walked to the sofas while Imogen and Nikita came in, sauntering to him.
“I definitely wasn’t expecting you here.” He smiled for the first time since after our marriage.
“Faith is returning today and she insisted on seeing you one last time before leaving.”
“She has no right to leave without seeing me.” He ruffled her hair and she slapped his hand away.
She growled at him, “I told you to stop doing that.”
“He hates it when I do it.” Imogen said and he laughed.
How on Earth could he be smiling this much? No matter how hard I tried to, I couldn’t stop myself from admitting that he looked even more handsome and angelic with that beautiful smile on, he didn’t seem like the devil he had been towards me since this fucking marriage started.
“I’ll miss you so much.” Nikita smiled. “By the way—” Nikita’s smile transformed to a dangerous glare after her brown eyes landed on me, that glare that made it seem like she could kill me in nothing more than two seconds.
I walked up to them, smiling at Imogen. “Good morning.”
“Look who it is.” Imogen scoffed.
“Yeah, the middle-class bitch.” Nikita scoffed.
“You still won’t let anyone know where Indy is? This is very terrible and wicked of you, you know? Lila is in so much pain, her health is starting to deteriorate but due to money, you won’t let us know? I can't believe you’re so heartless. You lost every form of respect in my eyes after getting married to Tristan.”
“I have absolutely no idea where Indy is, why won’t you believe me? I’m also very mad at her.” Gosh, this was so frustrating.
“Hazel, why? Is this greed?” She shook her head at me. “If anything happens to Lila, I won’t forgive you and Indy.”
“She won’t speak. That’s how they all are; middle-class, cheap, worthless. Tristan, why haven’t you divorced her yet? What the fuck is she still doing here?” If looks could kill, I would’ve been more than dead already from Nikita’s glare.
I clenched my fists, trying to control myself from yanking this brat’s hair and hitting her multiple times till she passed out.
“How can my son ever be happy again? You’ll ruin his life forever.”
“Worthless. Her sight disgusts me, I should help you out with throwing this useless slut out of this place.” Nikita grabbed my hand.
“Faith!” Imogen scolded.
I raised my hand to grab her hair and give her a very hard slap to knock some senses into this silly brat's head but Tristan grabbed my hand, forcefully pulling me from her grasp.
“Enough!” He barked. “Nikita, watch your words.” He pointed an index finger at her, his eyes were burning with a deep anger that contrasted his smile earlier. “Are you out of your mind? Where are you manners?” He said through gritted teeth.
“You’re yelling at me for her?”
“Mom, you too? Hazel and I have settled our differences and I feel so disrespected that you two are here endlessly raining such insults on her.” He was raising his voice so much. “Hazel is my 'wife' and you should respect and love her as much as you do to me. I won’t stand here and watch you call her such filthy names! If she insists that she doesn’t know where Indy is then she doesn’t! Why don’t we all question Indy instead?” His hollering made them flinch.
“I don’t mean to be rude to you, Mom, but we'll sort ourselves out without interference from any third party. I haven’t complained to any of you about her, have I? We’re officially married now and nothing is changing, it’s fine. Let her be. Jeez.
“My wife and I have to leave for work. Goodbye.” He pulled me with him then stormed out of the house, leaving Imogen, Nikita and mostly me in shock.
Was it a dream or did he just stand up for me? I could never understand this man…