Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

Arielle's POV

I thought escaping would be my salvation, I thought it would be leaving hell behind but I never knew it would be the beginning of my descent into a different kind of hell.

I had everything planned out — the few clothes, the money I had saved up over the years, everything I owned was stuffed in my bag under the bed. It wasn't much but it was sure to get me out of here.

Tonight, I'd finally be free. No more Freya. No more Uncle Erick. No more nightmares.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, my heart raced. It was time.

Quietly, I opened my window and looked out into the dark, quiet night. The streets were empty, just as I had hoped.

I slipped on my worn sneakers and grabbed my bag. My hands were trembling. Why wouldn't they? This was the first time I've had the courage to make an escape plan and actually carry it out.

“This is it,” I whispered to myself. “You can do this, Arielle. You can do this.”

I had one leg out the window when a voice sliced through the air, freezing me in place.

“Where do you think you're going?”

My blood froze. Slowly, I turned to see Uncle Erick standing in the doorway, rage dancing in his blue eyes.

“Where do you think you're going?!” he thundered again.

“I… I…” stammered, clutching my bag tightly.

His eyes fell on the bag and he barked a laugh. “Is that what this is about? Huh?”

“N - no.  No, it's not what it looks like.” I stuttered terribly, my left  still hanging out the window.

“Not what it looks like?” He growled. “It sure is what it looks like, you ungrateful little brat! After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?”

“Please,” I begged, tears filling my eyes as he took a step closer. “Please, let me go. I promise not to bother you. I swear!”

“Oh, you're not going anywhere, Arielle.” Uncle Erick smirked.


“Oh no. You belong to me, Sweet Arielle. I've already made plans for your future. You think I'll just throw that away?”

“I won't marry Nicholas!” I put my other leg out the window, ready to jump.

Before I could make a move, a hand lunged at my arm and he yanked me back into the room.

I crashed to the floor like a flat piece of paper.

“You think you can leave? Huh?” Uncle Erick fisted my hair and pulled me to my knees.

“No!” I screamed when he pulled on my hair. “Let me go! Uncle Erick, please, you're hurting me!”

Uncle Erick didn't answer. Instead, I felt a sharp sting in my neck.

He let go of me and I slumped to the floor, unable to move.

“W .. what.. what did you..?’ My words slurred as my vision began to blur.

“You're not going anywhere, Arielle.” Uncle Erick snickered.

“No… wait…what did you…”

“You're mine.”

Uncle Erick's voice was the last thing I heard before the darkness swallowed me.

When I came to, I was lying on a hard surface. My face and body hurt and when I sniffled, the air felt damp and reeked.

I sat up and my head throbbed heavily, like I had been hit by a truck.

I blinked, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The dim light from a single bulb above me revealed metal walls.

Metal wall?


I was in a van?

“No… no, no, no.” I panicked. “No!”

I tried to scream but my mouth wasn't cooperating.

What was happening to me?

How did I end up in a moving van?

Then it hit me.

Uncle Erick.

The last thing I remembered was Uncle Erick’s voice, his cruel smile … the sting I felt on my neck.

That sting was no ordinary sting.

It was from a needle.

I was drugged.

Tears streamed down my face and I pulled my knees to my chest. Uncle Erick knew. He knew I had always wanted to leave. He knew I would try to leave tonight and he had stopped me. Why? After all, he made me go through? Why did he stop me?

A whimper tore through my lips and the subs trapped in my mouth resurfaced.

“P - - please…” I sobbed in my hands. “Please, who will help me?”

No one was coming.

“Please, help me.”

Suddenly, the van hit a bump, and my hand slammed against the floor. Everything went black. Again.

The next time I woke up, it was to the sound of sobs. Soul-crushing, aching sobs from young women.

I threw my eyes open. They were a bit heavy but I forced them open.

I was no longer in the van. The ground was unbearably cold and the room was dark and damp.

I sat up slowly, my whole body aching. Chains rattled on the stony floor and I noticed it wasn't from me.

That was when I realized I wasn't the only one in the room. There were other girls in the room.

My heart sank when I saw their faces. They all huddle together, their faces pale with fear.

“Where… where am I?” My voice croaked as I asked.

Before any of them could answer, the door creaked open.

A tall woman stepped inside and she went alone. Two hefty gentlemen with her.

The woman flicked her hair behind her shoulder, her cold blue eyes staring at us like some predator assessing its prey. She stopped right before us and smiled. Her smile sent chills up my spine and let's not talk about her presence. It was terrifying.

“Hello, beautiful girls. My name is Valerie and I’m the Headmaid.” She began in a cold voice. “Welcome… to Hell's Pit.”

The other girl's whispered, some of them began to cry. What was Hell's Pit? Why were they crying?

Valerie's blue eyes landed on mine and she smiled. “New meat, I hope you're ready.”

Ready? Ready for what?

Then the reality of the situation hit me like a tonne of bricks.

Hell's Pit. I didn't know it was, but the name alone was enough to fill me with fear.

I wanted to scream, to fight, to run. I wanted out. But I couldn't.

All I could do was sit there, trembling, as Valerie slammed the door behind her.

And just like that, my nightmares returned.

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