Chapter Five.
"Thank you, Papa." Meera smiled as she climbed off the scooter in front of the towering glass building.
Her father's face softened as he looked up at the building, a glint of worry in his eyes. "Are you going to be alright?" he asked, scanning her face.
She followed his gaze toward the intimidating façade of A.M Empire, then forced a confident smile back at him. "I'll be fine, Papa."
"Just... be careful, okay?" he said, the concern in his voice unmistakable.
She nodded with a reassuring smile, and with a final wave, he sped off, leaving her standing at the entrance alone.
She watched until he disappeared around the corner, her heart hammering harder than it should. Once she was alone, she took a deep breath, tightening her grip on her college bag.
Come on, Meera, she thought, steadying herself. You can do this. Just one month. One month, and you're out.
She made her way up the sleek marble steps toward the front doors, trying to keep her nerves in check. As she reached the top, a broad-shouldered security guard stepped in her path.
"Hold on, miss. Can I help you?" he asked, eyeing her cautiously.
"Oh, yes." she stammered slightly. "My name is Meera. I'm from Elite Coles University, here to meet Mr. Siddhartha Madhav for an interview." She quickly pulled out her student ID and handed him the permission slip from the university.
The guard took a moment, examining her credentials. After a brief nod, he handed them back.
"All looks good. Welcome to A.M Empire, ma'am." he said, opening the massive glass doors and gesturing her inside. "Go to the reception, and they'll direct you."
She thanked him and took a deep breath as she stepped inside.
The moment she crossed the threshold, her nerves mingled with awe. The lobby was breathtaking-sleek, modern, and luxurious, with polished stone floors and ceiling-high sculptures.
Wow... this place is something else, she thought, marveling at the architecture, the gleaming marble pillars, and the soft ambient lighting. She could see staff bustling around, some glancing at her curiously, which she quickly avoided by looking down.
"Focus, Meera!" she reminded herself. "You're here for work, not sightseeing."
Ahead, she spotted a reception desk, an L-shaped booth with a stylish label overhead: Reception.
A woman sat behind it, her focus trained on a computer screen. Meera approached her, trying to gather her composure.
"Hello, miss, I'm-"
"Meera, I know." the receptionist interrupted, her tone curt as she looked up from the computer.
Her gaze lingered on Meera with a raised brow, and Meera felt herself stiffen under the scrutinizing look.
"Mr. Madhav mentioned you'd be here."
Meera blinked in surprise. "He already knows my name?" she thought, feeling an odd pang of anxiety.
"You're here to interview, right? One of those 'charity cases' from Elite Coles University?" the receptionist sneered, the corners of her mouth twisting in a faint smirk.
Meera's brows furrowed, irritation replacing her initial nervousness.
She was taken aback by the condescending tone, but she forced herself to stay calm, her eyes appraising the woman in front of her.
The receptionist seemed to be in her early thirties, with overly done makeup that did little to mask the signs of age she was likely trying to hide.
Her lipstick was a striking, mismatched red, and her hair was tied back in such a tight bun that it looked like it might snap.
"I believe you're not referring to me as 'charity' aunty." Meera replied, her tone laced with a hint of defiance, giving a sweet smile that masked her irritation.
The woman's eyes narrowed, clearly offended. "Well, isn't it true? One of your students last time made quite a scene here, throwing herself at-"
"Aunty, I respect my elders." Meera said, her voice soft but firm.
"But please don't make me forget the manners my parents taught me. I'm here to interview Mr. Madhav, not waste my time arguing with a judgmental old lady." Her words dripped with a smile that was anything but friendly.
The receptionist's face twisted in anger, her voice raising just slightly. "Did you just insult me?"
"Insult you? Oh, no." Meera said innocently, widening her eyes. "I would never do that, ma'am. Like I said, I respect my elders."
The receptionist's face flushed, and her voice became shrill as she hissed, "I am not old!"
Her outburst attracted a few curious glances from passing employees.
Meera merely raised an eyebrow, suppressing a smirk.
"If you're finished, could you kindly show me to Mr. Siddhartha Madhav's office, or should I wait here until you're ready for everyone to watch?"
After a tense moment, the woman sighed sharply, her cheeks red with embarrassment. "Follow me." she snapped, stepping out from behind her booth with an irritated scowl.
Meera held back a roll of her eyes and followed, a small smile playing at her lips.
Great first impression, Meera she thought wryly, but at least she had put the receptionist in her place.
They took the elevator up in silence, the receptionist glowering straight ahead as they rode to one of the top floors.
When they finally arrived, she led Meera down a carpeted hallway lined with sleek doors. The walls were lined with minimalist artwork, and the quiet hum of air conditioning filled the air.
Stopping in front of a large, polished door, the silver plate on the door gleamed under the soft lights of the hallway, and the single name "TARA" etched in bold Arial font caught Meera's eye.
Maya, the receptionist, pushed open the door without bothering to knock. Inside, a young woman was busy at her desk, typing away on a computer, a spread of documents cluttering the surface around her.
At the sound of the door, the young woman glanced up, her expression growing mildly annoyed when she noticed Maya and Meera standing in the doorway.
"Maya, can't you-"
"This is Meera." Maya interrupted curtly, shooting Meera another hostile look.
"The guest Mr. Siddhartha Madhav has been waiting for." Her tone was full of bitterness, and she made no effort to hide it.
The young woman-presumably Tara-merely raised an eyebrow, nodding in acknowledgment.
"Thank you so much... Aunty." Meera replied sweetly, watching as Maya's face flushed with indignation.
With an annoyed huff, Maya turned and stormed off, muttering under her breath as she left.
"Don't mind her." Tara chuckled, shaking her head. "Maya has a knack for making new enemies every day."
Meera's curiosity was piqued. "Why's that?"
Tara glanced at her, then shrugged, her mouth quirking in a half-smile.
"It's better not to get tangled up in it. Trust me." With that, she stood and picked up a blue folder from her desk. "Follow me, Miss Meera."