Chapter 1- she shouldn’t have been there.
Julian POV:
I wondered what the future would bring? Guided by the moonlight and blinded by the urge behind my light orange eyes to see what laid ahead. I walked with precision as the crumbling of leaves underneath my feet crushed: bare footed as I connected with the soil and my toes sunk into the earth like porridge.
My ears were alert. “Followed. Am I being followed?” Each time I came to a halt, I heard a whisper of footsteps. I must check-in and the hours were growing late. But again; footsteps, and the faint sound of crunnnch… crunnnch…crunnnch that was trying to be as quiet as possible, but failed with so many autumn leaves upon the ground.
If I was being trailed, they were no good at it. I wanted to shapeshift. Prepare myself for the inevitable. But ahead: twenty-five yards exactly, is where I would meet Ethan. And I ran for it…pacing as I stroked the scars on my back — as often a tinge and prickle of pain would surge and send me into a shudder-spasm.
I’m close. As I ignored the stalker that seemed to crunch-crunch-crunch louder. But I’m there, relaxed, catching my breath as I busted through and then slightly skidded to a halt on the floorboards with a smooth finish as the saloon doors smacked each other like those of the Wild West.
“You’re here. Late though. I expected you sooner.” Ethan, as always, was bound to let an individual know the truth without sugar-coating. No mention that I came through like I was chased by a pack of hungry wolves.
“Sorry.” I walked to the check-in desk. “Delayed. How are the babies?”
“No excuse.” A smirk formed. “They are doing well! So, you want to confirm the single room—”
“Make that two.” “What!” I shouted. “Two it is then.” “No!”
I turned to see my little sister — to my dismay. I hold it in…even if she was there in a happy state. My veins did not lie as I ground my teeth and bat my eyes to hold back the urge to string-alive my little sister. Blanca stood behind me with a big smirk upon her face.
“Blanca, what are you—” My phone rang. “No need to guess who this is? It was you who sneaked behind me, huh?”
Blanca shrugged. And that only made me madder. I squeezed the phone and she still smiled mockingly; as if being thirteen-years-old meant anything you did would be forgiven.
“You shouldn’t be here!” I vented through clenched teeth and then answered the phone. “Hello?” I settled myself.
“Julián, son, you’ll never guess what?” I sighed. “What, Father?”
“I’ve only gone and lost your little sister. I turned my back for a minute and the little miss disappeared into thin air. She was quietly playing and then—”
“And then somehow ended up on my trail as if she herself was sneaking for a mate?”
“Ah. So, that’s where she has found herself!” He didn’t sound happy. “Why can’t she be a normal thirteen-year-old and obey her father!”
I looked to Blanca. He asked for too much if he wanted her to be obedient.
“I’ll keep her safe.”
“That’s only part of my concern. My worry is this free nature she adapts. Julián, you tell her, from me, that she will be grounded for a month! And no leniency will be granted. Understood?”
“Yes, Father. I was going to suggest that we ground her.” He hung up. “You never learn.”
“Oh well. It’s an important night for you and you could do with the help.”
Ethan interrupted me from saying anything further. Good job he did. “You’re both checked in. I hope you have a good night. It should be.”
“I hope so.” I shook my head despondently at Blanca who had the body shape of a little twig whose body was still not developed. There was no way she’d understand how dangerous it was to be out so late. Stubborn as a persistent dung beetle.
“And here he is.”
I knew that voice as it came out from the dimly lit foyer and open-planned doorway. He held out his arms for me with a crinkly smile and serpentine eyes that shut — just as quickly as an adder when he’s delighted with his guest. “Beautiful Julián.” I embraced him as a true friend would. “My friend.” He peered over my shoulder to see my sister. “And… Blanca.” He said this as if she shouldn’t have been there.
“Yeah. Blanca,” I agreed with his dismissive tone of her name. We separated from the embrace.
His jaw dropped like Jaws and then he became serious again. Damian’s sense of humour was why I liked him. “So, tonight you will find a mate. That’s the verdict we want, right?”
My irises showed that I doubt that was the verdict I was seeking. “Well, a mate isn’t… I guess I just want to have a baby. You know, just get that part over and done with.” I found my confidence was lacking and unable to explain to Damian further.
“Yeah, but Julián…”
“You need both!” And little Blanca found her way into the big people’s conversation once more: strolled up to the side of me and placed her arm so that it hung down upon my shoulder as she gripped my wrist. “You can’t have one without the other.”
I avoided rolling my eyes, and Damian held back from that to. We just gave each other that inner sigh with our bare chiselled chests that puffed and then relaxed back down. I addressed this at Damian. “I just want a baby,” I said it low-tone and he noticed that I wasn’t too eager.
“For now.” He cheekily smiled.
“Hmm.” I gave him no smile in return. I peered down at Blanca. “I’m going to take this one to her room. I’ll be back soon.”
“No problem.” He gently squeezed my shoulder and I took Blanca to her room.
The bed was simply made: basic and custom for a quick night and get up early. Not the kind you overstay on.
“Not bad. I prefer my own bed.” “Which you should be in.”
“Julián.” She calmed down and slid herself to the edge. “I have something for you.”
I checked the scars on my back in the mirror. “And what’s that, Blanca.”
I then saw her small frame creeping up beside me with a black skin suit held in her palms. I took it from her as politely as I could. But I was not impressed, and her reaction of stepping back confirmed that.
“I thought it would bring you luck. You sure are going to need it to attract a mate.”
“You’re not dead. You heard what I said.” I walked to the window irritated at my sister. I unbuckled the latch. “I’m not looking for a mate.” And I chucked the black skin suit out the window before abruptly shutting it. “No more, from you.”