POV Alejandro:
Whenever I swam in this pool it would be because I needed to escape from something or somebody. I never wanted to be pressured into anything, unless I decided that it would be thatway. As an Alpha, that would be easier done than said. I never liked to compromise, just because ass-kissing was very much part of the currency.
I heard word of a party. I knew what would be going down. Business and noses buried into a potential mate. Sex flew by very often. Desire and poke- fire-red stiffies underneath plenty of Alphas’ undergarments. They’d try to prod their rods into the hottest thing that walked and showed some skin.
Skin-tight did it for them. A nice face and chiselled features would be another bonus. I couldn’t lie, I had eyes for hotness, but at the time, it made sense to just concentrate on me and my swimming technique.
I liked water. It soothed me. Gave me time to harness on my front and back stroke. In my human form I was a killer competitor. As my alter- transformation, I’d be a little apprehensive if I stepped in.
Esteban showed up — just as I placed my hands on the cantilevered deck of the pool. I ran my hands through my wet hair and stroked it all the way back. I caught my breath and felt my feet hover at the bottom of the water. That swim was good. But I had the feeling that now it would be coming to an end.
“Good swim?” Esteban kowtowed down until his knees started to point. “It could do with some improvement.” I wiped my face of the water.
“You act as if you have a sports career.”
“I could’ve once. Times changed, I suppose.”
“Yeah.” He bounced on his hind legs. “You heard about the party, right?” He brushed his white and black hair from his eyes. It was irritating him.
I could’ve lied. But what good would that do when Esteban pretty much knew everything that went down. “The fifth one, I heard?”
“That’s right. And I’m going to need you to attend tonight. It’s a coming together. And mingling is what I need to be done.”
I sigh, but Esteban missed the sound of that. “The reason for mingling?”
“A little bunny needs its carrot. And that translates to goat meat being shipped in, Alejandro. It has to be done.”
“Yes, ok. And an Omega?”
“I haven’t said anything about any Omega. But if you happen to find a tasty scent, why not pursue?”
“I’d rather not. Not everyone can be happily mated like you and Ethan.”
“Sure they can.” He got back up onto his legs. “Have some fun. You could use it.” A friendly wink then he left me to get out of the pool. I was dripping naked. I didn’t need a towel.
ESTEBAN CAUGHT me before I left. I had gotten ready. I opted for the casual suit that made me look a little like a valet with a touch of formality. I gelled back my hair, swept it back as it stayed still, added some hair-spray, and found that the cologne I used didn’t hamper my natural odour.
“Very flash-flash bang. You really can turn it up when you need to.”
“This is me barely trying.” I placed my hand in one of my pockets. “I thought black would suit my mood.” I stared down at myself.
“Try to have some fun, Alejandro. It won’t kill you.” He thumped my shoulder
playfully and I did the same back to him. “Keep a lookout for any sign of a tasty Omega?”
“You know… I don’t need an Omega to be great! I already feel the part on my own.”
“That will change when you find that mouth-watering scent that gives your jimmy a flick-up. You’re just a tiger going through motions.”
“I could do with some time…”
“I’m glad you’re going to this party. Makes me proud.”
“Esteban, I can’t make any promises here. In that department, I mean.” My other hand was placed in my pocket as I lifted both my shoulders. “I just have more important things going on right now.”
“Sure.” Esteban never believed me. He reckoned I’m as sex starved as the next Siberian tiger. And he probably had a point.
I made my way to Wrendall at the Alpha lodge. I took my time getting there. I wanted to savour my solidity as the breeze purred as pesky cats do. I enjoyed listening to the breeze that was no match for the hair spray that I used. It came in bouts that nearly caused me to growl in my tiger-form tone, my eyes also flashed with how strong the wind blew.
It tried to slow my progress as I walked along the path with nothing but the greenery of hills and far off bushels. I liked Wrendall for all its fresh air. I thought that my appearance might come as a surprise to some. I had made no declaration of attending on this night.
I had kept quiet for a reason. Not wanting to drum-up any dependency on my being there. I was in two minds: not bothered, and let’s see what the hell might happen? It pays to have an open mind. And that was what I brought as I neared the lodge and heard the commotion and rampaging soundwaves of electric modifications to music that shared a seat with what I usually never listened to.
Not my tunes. But I was there, and those western-styled doors flapped open for me and a few faces turned to me with surprise as I brought both my feet in and made it a confirmation that I was now one with the coming together.
None was more shocked than Tom, who could smell my mood from a mile off.
“Well, this has come as a surprise.” His eyebrows were raised significantly higher than my own.
“Sure is. I didn’t think I’d end up at any party.” “Quite the recluse?”
“Spending time alone has done me wonders.” I sniff abruptly and catch Tom off guard. An odour came to my nose and it sent an electric-shock through my body. I looked around as my eyes scanned bodies to see if they were the reason for the pulsation. None of them matched what was making my mouth drool. I held back the saliva.