Read with BonusRead with Bonus



A knock sounded on my door, I was very much in a bad place and would so like to order that person away but this was a business place.

I had to be careful, it could be an important client.

"Who is that?"

The door opened and whoever it was walked in.

"What gave you the right to walk in, Miss Bordeaux?" My head was still bent over paperwork.

No client would walk into my office without being invited.

"Have you read the news, Jared?"

I whipped my head up. "Uncle Pete. Good morning."

"Morning, Jared. Here." The man who looked so much like my father, he was his twin actually, slid his phone across to me and took one of the chairs opposite mine.

"What's happening on the news?" Perplexity could be heard in my voice as I took his phone and read what he was trying to show me.

Anger tightened. "You know this is not me, uncle."

He observed me. "Who is that girl? She seem to be pretty certain of knowing you."

"She's a lunatic. Who even allowed this to be posted?! I should shut down that media house." Too restless to seat, I stood to pace my wide office.

She was the reason behind my angry mood. I could not stop thinking of the embarrassment she'd brought me, right before my potential clients.

Thanks to being a business guru and a sweet talker, I would have lost one of the biggest deals of my life all because of a strange loon.

"That's not going to solve the issue, Jared. This is your career we're talking about." He reasoned.

"And it's saved. I had her arrested and she'll be remaining there for as long as I see fit."

"You do have the plans to go into politics some day, that's what you told me, right?"

I paused to study his calm, patient expression with furrowed brows. "What has that got to do with anything, uncle Pete?"

"The internet never forgets, son. Do you want this scandal to come up when you're reading your manifesto or doing a campaign? Moreover, you're globally recognized in the business world as it stands, it could ruin your reputation."

"But I had the police arrest her. They caught that on camera too. Surely they should know I have nothing to do with her. I don't even know her name!" Frustration gnawed deeper and wider.

"People doctor videos, Jared. They cut out the good, liberating parts and showcase only the bad parts. They work to make it go viral and as soon it's done, it's done. No one will ever believe you tried to show your innocence at the end. The world is brutal and competitive." He explained rather firmly.

I ran a hand through my head.

"But why would she even do this? Was she paid to? Maybe business rivals? Because you know me, uncle Jared. I'm not careless with things like this." At this point, I was desperate and really needed the man who had become a father figure since I lost my father. "Moreover, I have a woman I love so dearly. I wouldn't cheat on her."

"I know and I'll like to understand what's going on as well. Although, I do have a guess who might be responsible." His look told me everything.

But I disagreed. "No, it can not be him. He's not even in the country."

He raised both his hands. "Fine. Let's forget that and focus on this. Now you need to find a way to make this right because that video is going viral and the articles written alongside it is just shows your rivals are going to enjoy using this opportunity to ruin you."

"So what do you suggest I do, uncle Pete?" I sat back down.

"You go to the station and release her."

"Release her?" That was a crazy idea.

"Yes. Then I'd contact every social media house to take down the video and delete the articles."

"No, uncle. I can not release her." I disagreed.

"Because…?" He quirked a brow, waiting for my response.

"Because she might embarrass me worse. Moreover, I still am angry over what she did yesterday at the restaurant."

"You'll let your emotions make decisions important to your career for you?"

"Uncle, please. Another suggestion. How about I tell the police to torture her so she would confess who sent her. I'm sure she was sent." That sounded better to me.

"You want the police to torture a pregnant woman? What if she's innocent?"

I controlled my annoyance just because of how much respect I had for him. "Did you see what she did? You know what, I think this will die down quick enough. She'll remain there and I'll get back to climbing the societal ladder."

Another knock came on the door.

"Yes?" I snapped, angry enough as it was.

"It's me, Laura, sir. I have a call for from Mr. Black."

"Come in." That was my client from yesterday. He'd said he would reach out to me today after being impressed with my speech yesterday.

She walked and handed the phone to me.

"Mr. Black." I paused to listen, blood drained from my face. "What? No, you..I promise it's a mistake. I don't even know the girl. You were there…I…"

I heard the beeping sound of the call.

"Mr. Black? Are you there? Fuck!" I threw the phone on the table.

"Sir, I also have received two emails this morning. One from the Portugal client, he said you should not bother making the journey next week, that he's no longer interested. The one from Sydney also said he's cancelling the contract and would want his money back." My secretary informed me though warily.

I sank into my chair and had my head bowed.

"Thank you, Miss Bordeaux. You can leave." Uncle Pete discharged her.

Seconds later, I heard the door locked. I raised my head then. "I am losing my biggest clients, uncle Pete. What the hell is happening?"

My phone rang, I checked the caller ID. My mother.

I heaved a sigh and picked. "Not now, mom. Let's talk later."

"Hold on, Jared. What is this I'm seeing everywhere?" She sounded unhappy. "Is this how I raised you?!"

"Let's talk later." I ended the call, I edged forward desperately. "Do you think if I release her, this whole news will die down?"

"If I know anything about fame and the world at large, you and this strange girl's path have just become more entangled because you need to do more than release her, given the state of things."

"What else are you suggesting, uncle? I'll do it." I was desperate at this point. I needed clients to keep winning Business Man of The Year.

"You also need to marry her."

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