Chapter 4

Kiran's P.O.V.

Mom had always told me there were monsters in this world. Creatures hidden in the darkness that we just couldn't see. I always thought it was the rantings of a junkie, but maybe she did actually see something.

I watched as this beauty with dark purple hair and lilac eyes disappeared into the earth… swallowed whole by a shadow. A shadow weaver, she said.

She didn't tell me why she saved me. She didn't tell me much of anything, really. She fixed the place up like nothing happened. Too bad she can't fix my mind like that.

My world just exploded. Now every time someone walks through those doors, I'll wonder if they are human.

'Are you human?' She had asked me.

Her first question to me. I guess my response gave it away quickly. I'm human alright. Only now I'm a human that knows.

I fell back on the floor still trying to process everything that had happened. This girl was a badass. Not to mention hot as I had watched her through the corner mirror above the register. She had weaved in and out of the shadows.. that explains the name.

She killed those big guys so easily. No remorse, no hesitation. This was something she'd done before. Something she does often.

Why was I not scared of her? Why do I feel so drawn to her?

When I asked if I would see her again I had hoped that she would say yes. Of course, she wouldn't want to see me again. I'm just a weak ass human. Why would she want to come back here?

I ran my hand through my hair, loosening my curls a bit. I won't be getting this girl out of my head anytime soon. I wish I knew what her name was. I wish I knew how to see her again.

The bell chimed over the door letting me know someone came in. I stood up, letting them know they weren't alone.

"Welcome." I politely told them.

Night shift at a gas station was dangerous enough when I thought of being robbed. Now the thought of a werewolf ripping my head off comes to mind. I watched these two teens closely. Not only because teens usually come to steal, but because I was curious to see if I could tell if they were human or not.

I watched them for a while. They neither stole nor gave me any indication that they were anything but human. Then again I have no idea what I'm looking for. It seems that even they don't know when a person is a human or not.

'Are you human?' her question rang in my head again.

I'm so damn lame.

A shadow weaver. Is that something you become or are born into? Could she make me one?

I still have so many questions, and not a soul to ask them to. Later I'll be doing a deep dive on the internet. I wonder how much of it will be credible.

"Can I get ten on pump two?" The teens deposited their stash on the counter and I rang them up.

"Sure, that'll be $24."

The exchange was simple, and they were out of my hair in a few minutes. How am I going to get on with life knowing there's so much out there that I don't know?

I need to know. I hope she comes back, even though she told me she wouldn't. Her life seems dangerous, but I think that's what I like. I've been stuck in this podunk town all my life. I was supposed to be away at college now. Too bad mom found the money I'd been saving to leave. She used it all in a day paying back her dealer and getting more drugs. Can't change who you're born to, although I really wish I could.

Another ding of the bell had me snapping back to reality and out of my head. Two larger men came in, both looking like agent Smith. Sunglasses at night and all. They looked around a moment before coming to the counter. I get the sense they aren't here for gas.

"Can I help you?" I asked them both.

"Have you seen this man?" He held up a picture of the silver haired guy that had been in here with her earlier.

"Uh yeah. He was here earlier. He left about an hour ago now. I think."

I have no reason to lie. In fact, it would probably be better if I didn't. They would think I was hiding something. No one needs to know 6 guys were killed here tonight.

The men looked at each other then back at me, and then back at one another. It seemed like a conversation was being had, but neither one of them moved their lips. Maybe they're not human. The thought had me panicking for a moment.

"Did he do something?" I figure I better act curious. Although it isn't really acting when I'm actually curious. Why were they being chased?

"Yes. He stole a rare and expensive item earlier tonight." One of them answered. "If you see him, give us a call. He's very dangerous."

He handed me a small business card. It said FBI, but I doubted its authenticity. I nodded my head, picking up the card. No fu.cking way.

"Will do agent Smith." I read the name on the card. I wanted to laugh so badly, but held it back the best I could.

They left and my boring night continued. When 6 rolled around my replacement came strolling in. River was definitely a morning person. She had a bright smile and a large coffee in hand.

"Good morning Kiran! Or should I say goodnight?" She's too bubbly for my taste.

She has curly red hair, and specks of freckles all over her face. She's short, about 5 feet flat, maybe. She came around the counter, and I grabbed my jacket ready to go.

"Good night." I told her as I left the counter.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She called after me as I left through the back entrance.

My car was a real lemon, but it got me from home to work. It was old and the paint could really use a touch up. This baby has taught me a lot about cars. I have to work on her at least twice a week. Something is always going wrong with her. I joke that she's my high maintenance girlfriend. I spend too much time and money on her. It's cheaper than paying for a new car though.

It took a second, but after about my 3rd time trying she roared to life. I rubbed the dashboard giving her affection. She's temperamental after all.

"Good girl. Let's go home."

I put her in drive and headed down the road towards the run down apartment I call home. Gotta check on mom now. Hopefully this time I won't have to clean up her vomit.

'Are you human?' Her voice rang in my head again.

I sure wish I wasn't.

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