Chapter 6

I knocked on Kellan's door. His electric blue eyes looked at me in surprise before a large smile spread across his face. His hair was down around his shoulder instead of in its usually small pony tail. I saw the muscles of his strong jaw tense as he took me into his room. His large hands grabbed my arm firmly.

"What's this late night visit, Zerena?" He whispered into my ear seductively.

"Don't make me say it, or I'll leave." I rolled my eyes at him.

He closed the door and pinned me against the wall. He held my wrists together, above my head with one of his hands. The other hand began to play at the hem of my shirt. His fingers grazed softly over my skin. He was being a tease.

He kissed my neck, but it felt a bit disgusting. His touches weren't doing anything for me. This isn't what I thought it'd be like. It's not like it was last time. It's not going to help with anything if I can't get past this gross feeling.

"I need a song." I tried to hint at him. He kissed my neck, making me shudder.

Kellan played music not getting the hint. I don't want to spell it out for him. He's kind of stupid though, so I doubt he'll get my hints.

"Your song, Kellan." He froze for a moment, before he continued kissing my jaw. I need his siren song.

"But you're already here." His hand grabbed my breast and I wanted to suck in a breath to keep away from him.

"Kellan." I called his name in warning, but he took it as a moan.

"I like it when you say my name." He whispered seductively into my ear. It sent chills down my spine.

"Sing Kellan." I asked one last time.

When his hand went under my shirt and towards my breast again, I gave up. I rolled my eyes and let myself be sucked into the shadow realm.

"Forget it." I told him as the shadow on the wall swallowed me.

"fu.cking tease." Kellan yelled after me.

Tonight I was, but I didn't mean to be. All he had to do was sing. I don't get why he didn't. I looked around the shadows trying to find a place to let some of this tension out.

I saw his shadow in the distance, it called to me. A Kiran size shadow door.

'Will I see you again?' His question bounced around in my head again.

I shouldn't. It wouldn't be safe. What if one of them finds out? What if Scientist finds out? He's human, he'll die.

One rule. One shi.t rule. Now it's broken. I blame Emerson.

It seemed I didn't have a choice anymore as all the other shadow doors were closing themselves off to me. Even the shadows want me to see him. I stepped closer to his door seeing he was still at work. There was a redhead talking to him and I wanted to jump out and punch her for saying a word to him. Too bad I can't do that.

I sat in here a few more minutes until I saw he was alone in his car. I stepped through the shadow of his front seat. He didn't notice me, but to his benefit nobody ever does when I first emerge…human or otherwise. He looked tired.

"Boo." I whispered to him, tickling his ear with my breath.

The car swerved. He was actually frightened for a moment. A few cars honked at him while he swerved out and back into his lane. I climbed over to his passenger seat as he continued driving. I didn't sit correctly, draping my legs over the console and leaning back against the door.

"You can't do that." He scolded me, keeping his eyes on the road. I could hear his heart rate steadying back to normal.

"Sorry." I wasn't really sorry though.

"I could have killed us." He's so dramatic.

"I wouldn't have died." I ran my hand over the beads on his chair… uncomfortable.

"Like seriously? Or you're just exaggerating?" He looked at me for a moment before staring out of the windshield again.

"Like seriously." I answered nonchalantly.

"Wait." He paused a moment before picking back up. "I thought you said I wouldn't see you again."

"I did." Again I answered like I didn't care.

"What changed your mind?" He had a smirk on his face, that he wasn't doing a good job of hiding.

"I guess Emerson in a way." His screams are what kept me up afterall.

"Which one is that one?" He asked curiously. I don't see the harm in answering him.

"The big one." That's all you really have to say to describe Emerson.

"The one that turns all wolfy?" His eyebrows shot up. I guess he saw that during the fight.

"That's the one."

I sat up, crossing my legs in front of me and leaning forward towards him. His scent filled my lungs, easing the troubles in my mind. If only I could pocket the smell. I'd be so much better.

"So what, you're just going to pop out of my shadow whenever now?" He seemed alarmed. Perhaps he is scared of me.

"Not if you don't want me to." I gave him an out.

"I don't really care as long as you don't come when I'm using the restroom or something." He wasn't scared. He was worried. I laughed at him, feeling a light joy fill me for a second. I don't get many moments like that.

"I would never. Bathroom floors are disgusting." I shook my head at the thought.

"Okay, good… but maybe don't pop in while I'm driving. I don't wanna crash. She's all I got." He rubbed his hand on the dashboard.

Great another car fanatic. Only this one isn't as nice as Emerson's.

"Noted." I nodded my head.

Kiran pulled into an older apartment complex, and I recognized it as the drug addict joint. My destined one better not be on drugs. I swear, I can't deal with that.

"Um. Listen, my mom.." He started, but I stopped him.

"It's fine. I have to go anyway." He doesn't have to tell me I'm not welcomed.

"Wait. Please?"

"For what?" I asked impatiently.

"What's your name?" He looked bashful as he asked.

"Zerena." I responded.

"Zerena." He repeated, committing it to memory. "I'm Kiran." He introduced himself proudly.

"I know, I saw your name tag." Introductions are weird.

"Zerena, will you wait a minute longer? I just need to make sure my mom's okay." He looked desperate. He wanted to keep talking, but I could tell he felt like he needed to check on his mother.

"You have 5 minutes until I have to leave."

I gave him my time limit and he ran out of the car. He took two steps at a time getting to the 3rd floor. He walked over to apartment 32 and opened the door. A couple minutes later he emerged looking upset.

Seeing him upset tugged at my heart more than I thought it would. Stupid bond. I was almost tempted to leave before he made it back to the car. I told him he had 5 minutes though, so I'll stay true to my word. He's got 2 minutes and 45 seconds left.

I saw him run down the stairs and miss a step. He caught himself before falling. Humans can be so clumsy. He looked up at me to see if I saw and I smirked, letting him know I did. He blushed a little from the embarrassment, his cheeks were an adorable rosey pink. He made his way to his car door and sat back in the driver's seat. 2 minutes 10 seconds.

"Thank you for waiting." He smiled at me. He had a really beautiful smile, revealing a perfect row of teeth. Can't be on hard drugs with perfect teeth, right?

"You've got 2 minutes. Make them count." I told him. I'm curious what he'll ask in 2 minutes.

"Are you okay?" Was his first question.

My heart froze. Aside from asking if I'm injured, no one has ever asked me if I was okay before.

"Not really." I answered truthfully. I'm tired, scratch that, I'm exhausted. I hate my life.

"How can I help?" He's cute, thinking he can.

"You can't." Although being here does help a little. "Just stay safe. That's all I need from you."

If he gets hurt I'm not sure what I'd do. I might lose control of the shadows again. That wasn't a pretty sight the last time it happened.

"Oh that reminds me." He pulled out his wallet and got a little white business card out. He handed it to me and I took it, inspecting it. A fake FBI business card… hunters. "Two men came by with a picture of Emerson, asking if I'd seen him. I don't know if they were human. They handed me this and asked to call them if I saw him again."

I flipped the card around in my hand a few times before handing it back to him. His golden eyes watched me the entire time. I didn't like the feeling it gave me. More like I liked it too much and that wasn't a good thing.

"Don't worry. Emerson doesn't look like that now. They won't find him. Keep your distance, if you can. They won't hurt a human unless they think you're helping us or get in the way."

Hunters are only ever after the supernatural. They claim to do it to protect humans, but they'll kill even a small fairy. They just want us all dead.

"I have to go." Scientist will be waking us up soon. I can't be missing from my room.

"No, wait." He grabbed my hand and a strong spark coursed through my body. It made me inhale deeply, intoxicating me with his scent.

I pulled my hand away quickly, like he burned me. His eyes widened as he stared at me. He had felt the spark too. He furrowed his brows at me, but I let the shadows start to consume me.

"Please, come see me again." Were his last words to me.

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