Aria's POV
With the chaos of everything, I forgot about Josh. My fiancée, or I should say soon to be fiancée. Josh and I were supposed to get engaged today, we were having a small ceremony just for friends and family. I can't believe I did this to him, what am I going to tell him?
"You have a fiancée."
"He was supposed to be my fiancée today, we were supposed to get engaged today."
"F*ck, that explains it." He muttered against his breath, he mumbled something I couldn't understand. "I don't want you speaking to him."
"You can't tell me what to do? I married you that doesn't mean you get to control my life." I yelled he walked toward me, and his eyes were fixated on mine. "I'm guessing you want him dead." He says dangerously calm.
I can't have him kill someone I love, I have always loved Josh, but not many people understood Josh, I was one of the few who understood him, he stayed with me whenever I needed him, and now I'm forced to leave him, I know it is for the best, I would hate myself if anything were to happen to him, I can't let that happen not even if he was an sshl* sometimes.
"I will stop speaking to him, I will stay away," I say and he smiles.
"Continue being a good girl." He says. I felt the urge to roll my eyes at him, but I didn't. I kept cool until he walked out of the room, a scream escaped from my lips, and tears brimming down my cheek.
My phone rang again, my hands shook while trying to pick up the phone. When I hear a pair of footsteps paddling on the tiles I quickly cut the call.
I'm sorry, Josh.
I cried for hours until I couldn't cry again, Elijah ruined my life, it's only fair if I ruin his. He is going to regret getting married to me.
"I will be downstairs in a few minutes," I mumbled to the servant.
I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry, I walked out of the room. The dining room was busy, it was filled with staff walking in and out with trays of food. I saw the devil seated on the chair.
"Come sit next to me, Aria." That wasn't a question, it was on order. I didn't have much of a choice, I sat close to him, his cologne filled no, no strips.
"Have you been crying?"
"Why do you care?" I mumbled.
"I shouldn't have spoken to you that way,"
"I won't cheat on you if that's what you are thinking. Yes, you forced me into this marriage, but I am no cheater."
I have seen what cheating does to people. It didn't matter whether you love the person or not. The respect of the relationship is enough not to cross a line, even though he is a bstrd that destroyed my happiness I could never cheat on myself, I had principles and right now, I hate myself for that.
We were silently eating.
"We have breakfast tomorrow with my family."
"Okay." I smile, I hope they are not jerks like him.
After dinner, I followed back into his office. He wanted to speak to me about the rules.
"Now I am a dog that has to follow orders." I groan.
"Can we have a decent conversation without you being rude?"
"I didn't know, can we? Can we?" I asked, and he kept quiet when I said that.
"First rule, you don't leave the house without informing me, rule two never leave the house without a guard, rule three Never disrespect me in the presence of my staff or workers, keep the fckng attitude to when we are alone and always remember I know everything you are doing so don't be stupid." It came out harsh.
"What happens if I break a rule?" I ask.
"I will spank some respect into you." He whispers against my ear. I felt a wave of goosebumps appear on my skin. I should not feel this way toward him, I should feel disrespected, but I didn't.
"Does that turn you on?". He asks, his lips gracing against my cheek.
I suddenly realize what he is trying to do.
"F*ck you," I muttered against my breath before leaving. I walked back into my room.
How could I let myself feel that way for an enemy, I brushed off all the thoughts and lay on the bed, I heard the door open without giving it a look I felt the side beside me sink in.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Sleeping," Elijah mumbled.
"I am not sharing a bed with you."
"Don't be a child Aria, I'm not leaving and fckng grow up. I'm not having s*x with you. We need sleep."
I grab my pillow.
"Get on the bed and sleep or else."
I didn't wait for him to continue before laying on the bed, I chilly place pillows creating a bridge between us. I don't want him touching me even in my sleep.
I feel a hand on my head caressing my hair half asleep. "I wish it didn't have to be this way." I hear a faint voice before placing his lips on my head.
The next morning. I woke up wrapped around my arm, I could feel his heart beating against my ear. He has a tight grip on my body, I tried to wiggle my way out, but I ended up feeling a good number of his clothed c*ck.
"Elijah," I whisper, and I hear him groan.
"What!." He says in a husky voice, his morning voice was nothing like I expected, he sounded s*xy even without a try.
Get a grip of yourself. My subconscious says.
"Let go of me," I whisper,
"You know the magic word." Elijah smiled.
"Get off me b*tch."
"That is not the magic word." He gritted through his teeth, he tightened his grip on me.
"Please, Elijah." I found myself saying.
Once he let go of me, I ran toward the bathroom, today I will be meeting with his family. I have no idea what my husband does.
Are they even going to like me, I cared little even if they did. I don't want this marriage. I took a quick shower and walked out of the room clothed in a dress I found in the closet.
"Go change."