CHAPTER 5 You'll Have Nothing
Layla's POV
I parked my car in the garage, I let out a deep breath, before stepping out. I have made a decision to confront Orion today. I wasn't going to let him get away with being unfaithful and disrespectful.
I walked up the driveway and stepped through the front door. I was greeted with the view of Orion in the living room relaxing.
The moment I saw him on that couch, the memories of what I saw last night surfaced. He sat there watching a show on the television, when he saw me, he sprang up and ran towards me and pulled me into a hug.
"Welcome home, my love," he said. If it was in the past, I would have melted into his hug happily, but that was no longer the case.
My skin crawled at his gesture. I gently pulled away from the hug and fished for my phone in my bag.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked curiosity laced in his voice.
I didn't answer him and just unlocked my phone and played the video from the surveillance camera before handing it to him.
He looked at me with a puzzled face before accepting the phone. His eyes widened as he watched the video. He didn't even wait for the video to finish before he threw my phone at me.
"How dare you record me?" He snapped at me.
I stood there unfazed, trying to maintain a straight face.
"Is that really the problem here? You cheated on me, and you're asking why I recorded you. Wow, you're dumber than I thought," I said, looking straight in the eye.
"Get rid of that footage now," he said, trying firmly, I do hope he wasn't trying to intimidate me cause it wasn't working.
"Or else what?" I asked confidently.
"You know more than anyone that it isn't wise to mess with me," he replied threateningly.
"Oh really," I asked, not willing to back down.
He must have seen that I wouldn't give in, so he changed his approach. He broke our eye contact and released a sigh before looking back at me and asking.
"What do you want?" He asked lightly.
"Now we're talking," I said triumphantly.
"I want you to cut all ties with Grace," I said with a firm voice.
"What?" He asked bewildered.
"You heard me the first time. Don't make me repeat myself," I gritted through my teeth.
"That's not going to be possible," he said firmly.
"What the hell do you mean by that's not going to be possible?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"Grace is important for both business and personal reasons." He countered.
"Oh, so you mean personal reasons as your whore and business reasons for coming to lounge in your office whenever she wants right? Who even knows what goes on when she's there," I spat.
"Don't even go there, you and I both know Grace is good at her job," he said trying to shut me up.
"You mean her job at pleasing you, well of course," I retorted.
"Layla, don't," he warned.
"What? I shouldn't say the truth about what you did to me?" I responded, my anger already threatening to consume me.
He pinched his nose bridge tilting his head upwards as he clenched his eyes shut. He looked down at me with a condescending look.
"I know how much you love your reputation, so just keep quiet about this. I'll act like you never did this." He threatened.
"I'll keep this under wraps and keep up with your financial support. I'll keep seeing Grace and there's nothing you can do about it." He added.
"It's either you stop this affair with Grace or we get a divorce, your choice," I said enraged by his unreasonable response.
"Oh, and you think you can survive without me?" Orion mocked.
"You think you can threaten me with that?" I asked him. I was disgusted at how he thought he could threaten me with that.
"I think you've forgotten that I still have my parents' inheritance and I get a share of the money even if we split up," I added.
"Oh really?" Orion asked with a sly smile on his face. He left the living room and went up the stairs. Exhausted from bickering with Orion, I plopped myself on the couch leaned my head on the back of the couch, and shut my eyes.
I sat there for a while, thinking of how to deal with Orion and Grace. It hurt to think that Orion didn't even feel guilty about cheating on me.
My heart felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible fist. There was a lump in my throat as my heart sank thinking of what Orion said.
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
'No more tears!' I told myself. Nothing good would come out of crying over Orion. I could cry when everything was over.
I let out a sigh and opened my eyes.
Just then, I heard Orion coming down the stairs. I turned my head to him and watched as he walked towards me.
He was holding a file which piqued my curiosity.
He handed it over to me. I eyed it skeptically before asking.
"What is this?"
"If you're so curious, why don't you check it out?" He said with a sly smile plastered on his face.
I snatched the file away from him before glaring at him. I checked the date which signified it was from last year.
I scanned my eyes across the document. The more I read the information on the document the wider my eyes became.
I was paralyzed from shock. Orion must have seen my reaction and his next words sent a chill down my spine.
"Can you see it now? Hope you've finally come to your senses." He said
"If you leave now, you'll have nothing," He said before cackling wickedly.
I stared at the documents in my hands, my heart had dropped into the pits of my stomach. My body shook as I tried to hold my tears in.
I clenched the edges of the document that were in my grasp. These documents were the death of me. I can't believe I let this happen.