Chapter TWO
Andrew tried getting up from bed but the headache won't let him. Good thing he kept a pack of aspirin and a bottle of water by his side.
After taking it, he laid for a bit allowing the drug to take effect a little. He had flashbacks of the party yesterday.
He still remembers how the lady he grinded at the club smelt and how her body felt in his hands as she rocked her body against his, especially her bum.
Everything fitted so perfectly.
His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. As he picked up his phone, he saw that it was Jason. What could he want early this morning?
Jason and Andrew have been friends since they were little although Andrew's father always thought that Jason was a bad influence on Andrew.
Eventually the bond grew stronger as Jason started working at the company just like Andrew.
"Dude, I've been calling you for the past five minutes. Where are you? The board meeting is about to start and your dad is furious."
"Don't tell me you still went to that party Andrew. I told you there was an important meeting today. You just love making me look bad in front of your dad." Jason whined.
"Get your butt off that bed and come here quickly before your father explodes with anger."
Without waiting for Andrew's reply he hung up.
Still unable to carry himself, Andrew dragged himself out of bed and with his head throbbing with pain as he made his way to the bathroom.
Minutes after struggling to get dressed he was already on his way to the office and though the headache had reduced, you could still see from his eyes that he was up late last night.
"Where have you been? I had your secretary call you a million times." Andrew's father burst into his office without allowing him to settle.
"Dad please, I'm here now aren't I?" Andrew responded sharply.
"You better watch your tone. The meeting starts in three minutes, hurry up and come."
As his father left the office, Andrew took a long sigh and sat down. He couldn't help but wish he hadn't been born rich.
The work was getting too much for him day by day.
Halfway through the meeting, Andrew seemed to be lost in thought. He could barely hear what the board executives were saying.
"Excuse me? Mr Andrew? What do you think?"
"Yes? Could you repeat the question."
Jason gave him a weird look then signaled the presentator to go on.
"I said that we could join hands with Cole building constructions. It would bring the new technology to light."
"Yes yes that'll be perfect. See to it that it happens."
"If there's nothing more to say, you're all dismissed." Andrew said hurriedly trying to end the meeting as fast as possible.
Immediately after the meeting, his sectary walked him informing him about an outing he had with his father.
Why can't today be peaceful he thought.
Hours later in the afternoon, he was set to accompany his father but little did he know what awaited him.
"Andrew-" his father broke the silence.
"-this place we are going, I expect you to do exactly as I say and not make a scene."
"I'm sure I can do that dad once you tell me where we're headed" Andrew replied eyeing his father suspiciously.
Sans reply his father kept on driving inviting an awkward silence into the car.
He just hoped that it wasn't another one of his father's plan to get him into marriage.
Arriving at their designated place, Andrew was shocked to see that it was a fashion house-"The" fashion house. He had imagined anywhere but here.
As he passed by the flowers into the house, he noticed how the females were all looking at him flirtatiously except for one.
She had a scowl on her face that could scare off anyone that comes in contact with her.
Getting into the office, a woman with a weird smile offered them seats and the lady he saw from before also step into the room.
Now that he could see her better, he noticed how her eyes stood out. It looked like it turns to a darker shade anytime she blinked as if that was even possible.
She had a chubby face, her facial features lined out perfectly and her hair couldn't be more beautiful but he had one problem with her, she was fat.
And that made Andrew look at her with evident distaste.
"I'll just go straight to the point so we can seal the deal and start necessary preparations." he's father said looking at him in the eyes.
Bringing out the paperwork, he was told to sign the contract for his marriage.
"I told you dad, I do not want to get married and besides couldn't you find someone better to do business with" he said with disgust apparent in his voice.
"Is she even healthy enough to carry a child? What about all the necessary tests? I'm sorry to disappoint you but this marriage isn't happening."
"I don't want anything to do with her, I would rather marry her mother than marry her."
In the twinkle of an eye, the papers were scattered in pieces all around and after seeing the rage and anger in her eyes Andrew decided to back down.
After a whole lot of bickering from the two, the Coopers decided to leave promising to come back another time.
If looks could kill Andrew would surely be dead by now. His father kept giving him murderous looks as he drove them home.
He knew that he was in for a hearful once they get home.
"You shouldn't have said that to her. Why couldn't you kept your thoughts to yourself."
"You've ruined a very good business opportunity for us…again Andrew. This has to stop."
"I'll marry when I'm ready dad. I already told you. Why don't you ever listen?"
"You'll marry when I tell you to and I say the time is now. You're not getting any younger therefore you need to marry early as soon as possible."
Andrew felt defeated, there was no use arguing with his father besides, he always got his way somehow.
Although not this time. He was going to find a way out even if it meant getting a surrogate.
Pulling up the drive way and coming out of the limo, Andrew went straight for his room. He needs to clear his head, today as been such an unpleasant day for him.
Passing his parents room, he heard them arguing. It's been happening for a while now and Andrew just couldn't figure out why.
Leaning in closer, he eves dropped on what they were yelling about.
"I told you not to force him! He has plenty of time before he gets married." Andrew's mother yelled at the top of voice fury clear in our voice.
"You are the cause of all these. You've spoilt him right from day one and now we're seeing the consequences."
"Should I have left him to keep carrying gold diggers and prostitute around. You know how that affects our reputation."
"You mean "your" reputation. You don't care about this family or what happens to us. You've been distant and you don't even know who your son is and now you're pushing him to marry."
"He has done everything you've asked, the least you can do is accept this one request he's making now…"
Andrew's mother was tearing up, she was always so protective of him and the only one who took his side.
Filled with sadness and unable to hear the remaining arguments, he took his car keys and bolted out the house.
As he drove with high speed, his hands gripping the steering tightly and consumed with his thoughts, he didn't see the truck coming straight at him. He narrowly escaped death.
Still on the road, he remembered his ex girlfriend, the one who he was suppose to marry before she absconded with his money.
Just thinking about her dampened his mood even more, he felt betrayed.
He could still recall the words from the letter she left him. He felt his chest tightened.
Andrew should hate her but he didn't. Instead, his longing for her grew.
Everyday he saw blonde haired ladies pass him, he secretly wished it was her as they turned to look at him, checking his phone every minute to see if she'd call.
She had left him in a pathetic state when she ran away.
'If only there was a way to reach her.' Andrew thought.
Still holding to that thought, Andrew turned back retracing his steps back to his house and at that moment his phone rang.
Contemplating if he should pick it or not, he let it ring for a little while then he picked it up. Unseeing the caller ID, he froze.
Kate was calling him.