Chapter FOUR


Early the next morning, Josie was parked outside of the house waiting for Manny.

Manny had also woken up a bit too early preparing every document she thought would be of use for the doctor.

The door opened ajar and standing there was Avery looking mad.

"You think just because your mum wants you to have a baby you'll be able to take over this fashion house?"

"I'll just be taking back what was rightfully mine. My mother just brought you here to help out or did you really think she'll hand over the business to you? Someone she barely knows?" Manny returned mockingly.

Manny chuckled lightly and went down to meet Josie as the look on Avery's face gave her some satisfaction.

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting?" Josie screamed, stomping her foot furiously as she leaned on her car.

"You will be lucky if you get there in time for your appointment."

"Sorry, I had a little problem that needed sorting."

"You always have something that needs sorting."

Rolling her eyes, Josie joined Manny in the car and got on the road.

The drive to the hospital was very long

It was already afternoon by the time they got there.

Seeing as she was late for her appointment, Manny slipped some dollars to the girl at the reception allowing her to go on in while every other person waited for their turn.

Perhaps money does open all doors.

As she entered the door labeled endocrinologist, Manny came in contact with a middle aged woman who had a stern look on her face.

"Miss Larson, you're late. Your mother has called several times." the doctor said with so much force as she put her eye glasses in place.

"So sorry the traffic was really bad."

"Hmmm. Your mother told me you'll be in trouble but nevertheless, I've taken the necessary steps to start the process." the doctor peered through her glasses at Manny waiting for a comment.

"We are starting the process now? My mum didn't inform me about this!" Manny said in a wary high pitched voice.

She looked tense and anxious all of a sudden. Going through IVF was something that you need to be mentally prepared for.

She didn't just want to rush into it but knowing her mother, she would have declined and said "the earlier the better."

"Please miss Larson, lower your voice. We have patients here. Mrs Larson didn't tell you about it because she knew exactly how you'd react so please remain calm."

"A healthy mind is the most important thing for becoming a mother and of course the earlier we get started, the better it is…for both of us." the doctor stated looking more serious.

Manny had never seen anyone so scary.

"If you would please follow me so I can give you some medications before we get started." the middle aged and stood up abruptly making Manny take long strides to catch up with her.

At the lobby, Manny saw Josie giving her a confused look but she had no time to explain as the doctor kept calling her name.

"Take this-" the doctor poured drugs of different colors into her hand. "- it will stimulate the ovaries and help us retrieve the egg successfully."

Manny was never the one to like drugs but she didn't have a choice.

She closed her eyes and swallowed all the drugs at once, almost spilling them out.

After a while she was taken to a room and was sedated so the egg retrieval and insemination of sperm could take place.

The insemination didn't even take long, thirty minutes later Manny was out.

Manny was still slightly dizzy from the sedative. Josie had to hold her by the hand to the doctor's office.

"Luckily, everything went well but you need to be coming here twice a week in order for us to monitor the embryo and determine when to transfer it." the doctor told Manny who was still trying to figure out how many doctors were in the room

She then turned to Josie.

"The effect of the sedative will wear out, just get her home safely and she should come back if there are any complications."

Josie nodded in affirmation leaving the doctor's office with Manny holding on to her for support.

As she struggled to keep Manny up her feet, she tripped over someone's leg.

"Hey, watch it."

"Sorry, I'm sorry" Josie apologized as she led Manny out of the hospital and into the car.

"You are so lucky I came with you today." Josie said looking at her best friend pitifully.

Turning and placing a hand on Josie's shoulder, Manny smiled tiredly.

"What would I do without you Josie."

And with that Manny fell asleep.

Waiting for her as she got back home was her mother.

The sickening smile on her mum's face made her want to throw up.

Or maybe the symptoms for the pregnancy were already showing, she thought.

She plastered a smile on her face and hugged her mother as she reached the door.

"I'm so glad everything went perfectly well. I spoke with the doctor and she said you're perfectly fit to carry the baby." Kari said, looking like she had just won a big business deal.

"Why did you do it mum? You should have told me I was getting started today. I wasn't even prepared."

"The doctor didn't even run the necessary tests. What if I'm not fit enough to carry the child?" Manny yelled

She couldn't understand why her mother does things without speaking to her first.

Afterall it was Manny's life not kari's

Kari gave a long sigh. She was already expecting the questions.

"You were already prepared. If anything goes wrong we can fix it. We have more than enough money for it." Kari scoffed as she entered inside.

"Having the baby is what's more important. Now please go upstairs and rest. You'll be needing all of your strength from now on."

Manny strode past her mother with a scowl on her face.

She just wants to deliver this baby and be left alone.

Later that evening after dinner, Manny decided to take a stroll round her huge mansion.

As she passed the water fountain, the memories of how her father gave her piggy back rides going round the fountain came to mind.

She missed her father so much. He was the only person who supported her decision.

They would go out and sneak in late in the night while her mother waited for them sitting on chairs like in the movies.

They were one happy family then but everything was different now that her father was gone.

She laughed as she fought back tears as all other memories came rushing back.

"Manny time for dinner!" she heard Avery shout from a distance.

Cleaning her tears, she rushed back in.

Dinner was quiet as usual except Avery kept throwing death glances at Manny.

Suddenly Kari's phone rang and she seemed bemused that the doctor was calling again.

Picking up the call, her eyes widened in fear at what the doctor said.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Mrs Larson but there has been a mistake in the sperm insemination."

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