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It wasn't that Julie didn't want a relationship. But she just didn't understand the sort of all-consuming love that everyone went nuts over. Julie had never been with anyone she couldn't live without. If she was honest, she had started to think that soul-deep love and passion were only in novels. Maybe that was for the best. She had realized long ago that the only person she really could depend on was herself, and she didn't need anyone else.

The sound of the front door slamming shut and a loud shrill "Yooohooo" announced the long-awaited arrival of her Aunt Clara. Julie rubbed her forehead, trying to stem the pain of a quickly materializing headache. She wondered if anyone would notice if she just stayed in her room.

"Juuuullliiieeee, Auuunnntttiiiieee is heeeeerrreee." was the answer to her question.

"Commmiinnngggg," Julie shouted back with the same sickening-sweet singsong voice that her mom had used.

Julie gave her sanctuary one last lingering look and headed out the door to greet the Queen of her mother's side of the family.

A deep masculine voice floated up the stairwell and seemed to hit Julie in the stomach with a force she had never felt before. The cadence, the tone, and the deep husky sound made her body stand at attention and beg to see the owner of it. Her feet, rather than her mind, guided her down the stairs toward the living room. The deep voice from downstairs continued to wrap around her, calling her like a siren song.

"Ah! There she is! Dearest, this is my niece, Julie!" Clara called loudly to announce Julie's arrival.

The crowd around Clara and her new boyfriend parted, and Julie felt her jaw drop to her knees.

The stunningly dark, sexy man in front of her was definitely not old or wrinkly.

His dark eyes met hers, and she felt them to the depths of her soul. Slowly... leisurely... as if he had every right to, those eyes swept down her body. Suddenly the shapeless sweater and stained, ripped jeans that she had put on to piss off her mother seemed like too thin a barrier between his eyes and her skin. She felt exposed and utterly naked to his gaze. His eyes hit her feet, and a slight smile cocked his lips as he noted her lack of shoes before making their way back up her body to meet her gaze again. That sexy smile grew wider and did terrific, stupid things to her stomach and other areas of her body that were waking up and standing at attention for him.

His arm unraveled from around her aunt's waist as he walked up to her with his hand outstretched.

"Hi, darlin'. I'm Shane Blackwood. Nice to meet you," he greeted her.

Oh god, that sensual voice was even more wonderful up close and personal, and with that lazy southern drawl...

Julie gave herself a hard kick in her mental backside and tried to get the stupid look off her face, hoping she wasn't drooling.

"H-hi," Julie stuttered out.

Fuck, was her voice breathless? No. That would be ridiculous. She had never been breathless in her whole life. Shane's smile grew even more as she continued to fail to take his outstretched hand. There was a challenge in his dark eyes as if he knew she was purposely avoiding touching him.

There was no way she was going to back down from the challenge. Julie slowly settled her hand in his and felt an odd jolt of awareness rush through her at the touch of his rough, calloused hand. She wasn't sure if it was fanciful thinking on her part, but Julie could have sworn she felt heat sizzling off him.

God, could his smile get any wider?

"So! You've met everyone!" Clara's shrill voice broke the moment as effectively as ice water dumped on a fire.

Shane slowly let go of Julie's hand and took a step backward. Clara seemed slightly agitated and quickly moved to pull her boyfriend back to her side as if she were afraid that he would run off if she didn't keep a constant hold on him.

Clara's boyfriend... remember, idiot? Julie chided herself.

"Well! Now, why don't you help me in the kitchen?" Brenda asked brightly.

Julie knew that the request was for her and her alone. But Shane untangled himself from Clara's death grip and put a few inches between them.

"Honey, if you wanna go help them, I can chat with the guys in here," Shane told her.

Clara looked positively appalled by the suggestion before she gave a loud giggle. "Oh, Brenda doesn't need my help! She enjoys doing all the cooking."

Lies! Julie thought with a sneer but carefully kept her face blank.

Shane, however, didn't have the same amount of self-control. The look on his face said that he quickly saw through Clara's excuses. Then again, it was easy to pick up on Clara's refusal to risk ruining her prestige white cashmere sweater or her designer hug-her-like-a-glove jeans. Not to mention her expensive, perfectly manicured acrylic nails.

Yet, the way that Shane raised his eyebrow at Clara finally broke Julie's neutral facade. She tried to smother her snort of laughter before anyone heard it. But not quick enough, she realized as everyone suddenly swung their eyes toward her. Worse, the only two who didn't seem shocked by her actions were Shane and her father. Both looked as if they were on the verge of laughing. Mortified and red-cheeked, Julie knew she had to leave before making things worse.

"Sorry," Julie murmured sheepishly. "Ummm, I'll just meet you in the kitchen."

Feeling the weight of everyone's gaze, Julie raced off to the back area and slammed the swinging kitchen door shut before she promptly burst out laughing. It had been so hard to contain her laughter at the horrified look on Clara's face at the idea of doing anything domestic. But it was the barely held amusement on Ned and Shane's faces that had finally done her in. She laughed until she was gasping for air, and her sides hurt.

Julie had just managed to get herself under control when her mother appeared.

"What was that?" Brenda snapped furiously, pointing back at the living room.

That only brought on another round of laughter that drowned out her mother's lecture until she finally gave up. Unable to give her daughter a piece of her mind, Brenda ordered her around the kitchen to help get dinner together.

Two hours later, Brenda finally released her daughter to dress for dinner. Julie could have kissed her mother for releasing her from the cooking torture. She was anxious to get the smell of potatoes and onions off her skin.

She took the stairs two at a time to claim the shower before anyone else did. The very last thing she wanted to do was fight her cousins for the limited amount of hot water. Then again, by the look of them, she would say that getting clean was one of their last priorities. Julie snickered at her private joke at her cousins' expense but didn't slow down.

Her eager feet skidded to a halt when the guest room door opened, and she came face to face with Shane as he stepped out of his room, which was right next to her.

"Oh..." she gasped quietly, bringing his attention to her. "Sorry... I just... getting ready for dinner."

Why had she told him that? He didn't need to know, nor could he possibly care what she was doing up there. She could have just dodged into her bedroom and he probably wouldn't have been the wiser. What the hell was wrong with her?

It got worse when Shane's heated gaze roamed up and down her body once more.

"You look ready to eat to me," he mused in a deep voice.

Julie's stomach did its little butterfly dance once more at his tone. Ignoring her all too eager gut, she narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. Maybe her sex-starved brain was making things up, but his words sounded a little too much like an innuendo.

"Mom always insists on dressing up when Clara's here. For some reason, dinner always has to be a fancy affair," Julie explained.

Shane looked down at himself and then spread his arms wide to allow her an unobstructed view of his outfit.

"Will I do?" he asked her.

Hungrily, Julie's eyes took the opportunity to look him over as well as they could. His black t-shirt and jeans combination surely would not be permitted at her mom's fancy dressed 'we need to impress Clara' table that she always set. But the way that the worn and washed soft cotton clung to Shane's body and the faded jeans emphasized his backside. Julie was on the verge of begging him never to change, no matter what.

"You look gorg-fine," Julie sputtered, unable to believe she had almost said what was on her mind.

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