Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"Like I said. Every other instance I've heard of a person encountering a hippo in the water, they were killed or crushed since both hippos and crocodiles are extremely aggressive and territorial."

Clara seemed stunned by this information as if it was the first time she had heard it. Then she looked around the room, frantically trying to find anyone that would contradict Shane.

That was when Julie finally understood what Shane was getting at. He was pointing out all the flaws in her story, making everyone question its truth. Anyone else would have come clean or changed their story to fit the new information. But that wasn't Clara's style. There's no way someone like Clara would take either of those options. Instead, she simply turned to Brenda and engaged her in an entirely different conversation. Brenda, unaware or uncaring of what had just happened, was thrilled that her sister was showing interest in her life and jumped on the new topic.

Julie hid her smile in her glass of wine as the conversations sprung up around her.

"Maybe next time she tells a story, she'll look up a few more details," Shane whispered into Julie's ear.

Julie almost spat her wine back into the glass as she tried really hard not to react to his words. She had to admit even though he was obviously trying to play around on Clara, he was definitely not stupid nor afraid to call her out on her bullshit.

"Yeah, it would be nice if she picked a different story to tell," Julie admitted to him with a small smile.

Shane chuckled and resumed his relaxed position, which included his hand on the back of the chair.

"Hey, Jules!" Randall called unnecessarily loud across the table.

Julie's head jerked up, startled by his shout. "Yeah?"

"Whatcha been up to lately? Have you found yourself a man?" Rodney asked with a salacious chuckle.

Julie gave them both a weird look. "No, I have not found myself a man."

Randall's eyes slithered over her body. "What's wrong with you? You're sexy as hell, so there obviously must be something wrong."

Julie's jaw dropped. Randall and Rodney had always been a pain in the ass and had no decorum whatsoever. But this was a new level of disgusting behavior.

"There is nothing wrong with me! Don't call me sexy again. That's just absolutely disgusting," Julie snapped back at him.

"We're just saying... if you need a man or two, I'm sure we can figure something out. I'm sure we can handle you," Randall said with a dirty chuckle.

Julie gave him a glare that would have withered a much more intelligent man. But Randall and Rodney just sat there in their drunken stupor, staring at her as if they thought she would jump up from her chair and lay herself out for them.

"I know your brains never fully matured. Therefore, you can't quite comprehend the things normal, intelligent people can. So, let me make it as clear as I can. What you are suggesting is called incest. I can spell it for ya if you wanna look it up for a proper definition. Incest is not only immoral and frowned upon; it's also illegal. Again, do you need me to spell any of those words for you so you can look them up? Let me know."

Randall and Rodney looked taken aback and more than a little confused by her condescending attitude and words. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought they were arrogant enough to believe their disgusting words would work.

"Not to mention, even if you weren't my cousins. I would never EVER let you touch me, much less handle me. Sheep have a better chance than either one of you do." Julie finished up now that the whole room had gotten quiet again.

She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and anger as she stared at her disgusting cousins as they slowly recognized the depth of the insults she had flung at them.

"Damn, Jules. We were joking with you," Randall snarked sourly.

"Julie Harrison," Brenda snapped with shock.

Julie leveled her mother with a stare. "I think I've lost my appetite. I'll just head off to bed."

Before anyone could say another word, Julie stood stiffly and headed upstairs to her room.

Shane held onto his anger by a thread... a fragile thread as he watched Julie leave as if she had done something wrong. It had taken all his control to let her handle her cousins. Otherwise, he was gonna jump across the table and beat their ass. What little control he had left went to not cheering when Julie handed it to them. That would really blow his cover, and Clara would probably complain in her annoyingly shrill voice, and he didn't need that.

Damn, she had a fire in her. It was amazing to watch when her temper was unleashed. The way sparks flew from her eyes, her cheeks flushed, and the way she clenched her tiny hands as if she was trying not to punch someone or something.

It was fantastic to see.

"Wow... what a bitch!" Randall sneered out.

"Now, now, Randall, dear," Clara placated him. "She's probably just tired. She'll understand tomorrow that it was just a joke and apologize."

"She's probably always a bitch, which is why she can't get a man. Or maybe she's a carpet muncher," Rodney replied crudely.

Shane stiffened as Clara clicked her tongue at her boys but did virtually nothing to stop their slurring. Shane looked to Julie's parents for some help. However, their silence did little else but piss him off. He leaned forward and took a deep breath to calm himself slightly before he opened his mouth.

"Randall, Rodney," he began in a low, dangerously quiet voice.

They met his burning gaze, and even two idiots like them knew that something was terribly, terribly wrong. Their wide eyes and that slight tinge of fear made Shane almost snort with laughter. The way they looked at him reminded Shane of the reaction some subs had when they knew that they had really screwed up.

"Do either one of you have partners?" Shane asked them.

The guys looked at each other as if wondering if they should even answer his question. But eventually, they shook their heads.

"Do you think that is because you haven't found the right one, or is it because there's something wrong with you?" Shane pressed.

This time, they didn't even move, but Shane's question had been rhetorical anyway.

"I'm just wondering if it's because you can't find a woman in the world who would put up with two rude, disgusting, pussy-ass men who seemed to have a thing for their cousin. I'm just saying that you might want to check into that. Tends to turn women off," Shane told them with a pleasant grin.

"Shane!" Clara snapped in horror.

Shane looked at her, his bored expression back. "Sorry, hon. I seemed to have lost my appetite as well. It's easy to do when such a disgusting moment is played off as a joke."

Before they could say another word, Shane pushed away from the table and headed upstairs. He hesitated outside Julie's room and wondered if she would welcome his company. Shane hated the idea of her thinking she was in the wrong. However, he knew it was not his place and that it was a terrible idea. No matter how badly he wanted to see her again, even if it was to see if her eyes were still blazing... maybe with a different kind of passion.

In the end, he went into his own room, trying to remind himself why he was there and how badly it would end if he were caught messing with his "girlfriend's" niece.

The instant Julie had gotten to her room, she had flopped on the bed and then buried her face in her pillow so she could scream her head off. Those flat, fluffy surfaces had always done a great job of muffling her frustration.

But now, hours later, she was lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling and having her personal pity party. She knew she had lost her temper and had gone a little too far with her cousins. But even after she had calmed down, just the thought of what they had said made her feel so disgusted she would have sworn a few times that she would almost throw up. She would have gone out to shower, but Julie didn't want to risk running into anyone.

Especially not Shane.

She hadn't dared look at him after she had been so cruel to Randall and Rodney. She didn't want to see if he was disgusted, horrified, or worse, pitied her with her weird family. Shane probably thought she was a heartless bitch, just like the rest of her family.

Julie scoffed and punched her pillow a few times. There's no reason her aunt's boyfriend's opinion should mean ANYTHING to her. Shane was more than off-limits; he was absolutely forbidden to her. There was no valid reason why the mere thought of Shane seeing her as a raging bitch should have bothered Julie at all.

Deep in her musing, she was startled by the sudden appearance of voices from the next room. She looked over at their shared wall, wondering what exactly they were talking about. Julie could hear her aunt's voice, then Shane's response. Her aunt's high-pitched whine was a stark contrast to the deep, sensual cadence of Shane's voice.

Her aunt's voice was almost like nails on a chalkboard in comparison. It grated on Julie's nerves more than usual right now, and she just wanted to put a pillow over her head so she could drown it out.

The shrieking sound of Clara's flirtatious giggle made Julie fantasize about marching next door and putting her damned pillow right over Clara's face.

God! What could they possibly be talking about this long that made her aunt giggle every five minutes? It was driving her crazy! She just wanted it to stop! She wanted them to go to bed! Oh please, God, anything else but where it was going with that much giggling!

Beyond frustrated and furious, Julie stormed off her bed and went to her bag to grab her noise-canceling headphones. They could do whatever the hell they pleased, but Julie did not have to listen to it. She slammed the headphones on her ears and turned up her phone until her playlist was thumping in her ears. The beautiful hard beats drowned everything, even her personal thoughts and emotions.

She absolutely wasn't jealous.

At all.

Absolutely not.

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