Dalia's POV
Monday came around and Chelsea still wasn't talking to me which made me sad.
I woke up by 5:50 am. I took my bath and did my morning routine. I picked out a cream coloured satin blouse and a carton coloured pencil skirt to go with it. I picked out heels that matched my skirt and a bag in the same shade. I used mascara and lipgloss, let my hair down and felt ready to go.
By the time I was done, it was 7:00 am. I stepped out of my room and contemplated knocking on Chelsea's door but I decided against it, Chelsea can be pretty scary when she's angry.
I went into the kitchen and saw a note addressed to me on the countertop, I opened it and it was in Chelsea's handwriting;
"I'm still mad at you, just so you know, but it's your first day at work and I just had to say something to you. I know you're probably not ready to talk about what happened during the weekend but I'll be here whenever you want to , Lia. You're my best friend and I will have your back no matter what.
Have a nice day at work and enjoy your first day. I prepared breakfast for you,it's in the microwave. Knowing you, you were probably going to skip breakfast. Eat and enjoy your day, biatch. I love you, Lia."
I almost cried reading the letter, I doesn't deserve Chelsea. She's the best friend in the whole world and I'm pushing her away because of my traumatic past.
"I love you, Chels," I shouted in the direction of her room.
"Just shut up, eat and be on your way to work," Chelsea shouted back from her room and I laughed in response to that.
I microwaved the food, ate and cleaned up afterwards. I hollered at Chelsea as I left the apartment and made my way to work.
I got to work with 10 minutes to spare and mentally clapped myself on the back. The building looked magnificent. It's a four-storey building with SAWYER'S ENTERPRISE in front of it, it is made of glass and looks so breathtaking. I took a deep breath and made my way into the company.
I made my way into the company and went over to the receptionist. She was a beautiful brunette and was busy typing at her computer furiously as I approached her.
"Good morning, Miss. I am Dalia Taylors reporting to work as the personal assistant to Mr.
Sawyer". I smiled her politely when she looked up from her computer.
The young lady smiled back at me and said I could go up to the 4th floor. I was told I'd get my employee card that morning so I could just swipe it to enter the company whenever I came in to work. I thanked her as she used her own company card to allow me entrance.
I got into the elevator and tried to fix the non-existent creases on my clothes. I was very nervous and gave myself a pep talk as the elevator moved.
The elevator to the fourth floor opened and I stepped out of it. I saw 4 doors, one at the other end of the elevator door , one on the right side and two on the left side, and one glass office. I walked towards the glass office and lightly knocked on it.
The blonde woman in the glass office looked up and had a scowl on her face. She sized me up and rolled her eyes.
"Mr. Reynolds is not on seat at the moment, he's in a meeting. You can sit on that chair and wait for him if you'd like." the blonde said to me.
I was confused by what she said and my only response was "What?". The blonde looked at me condescendingly and rolled her eyes again.
"I said sit over there, the man you came to look for will soon be out of meeting and then you can go meet him and do the usual," Blondie said venomously to me.
"It's too early for all of these, Damien should at least keep it in his pants for a little while, and to think this one is black. He must have something for women in corporate wear," I heard her mutter under her breath and was shocked.
Blondie thought I was a slut, and who the fuck is Mr. Reynolds? I stood there gaping at her. What does my skin colour have to do with anything?.
Oh, great. An enemy on my first day at work. I thought to myself.
I moved closer to her desk with my head held high, afterall, skin is just skin. I saw her name plaque on the table that read Jennifer Martinez and thought the name fits her bitchy personality.
"Miss Martinez, I'm reporting to work as the personal assistant for Mr. Sawyer. I'm Dalia Taylors," I said looking her right in the eye. I noticed her change in demeanour as she adjusted her bitchy face and smiled at me politely, or tried to at least.
Bitch, Dalia thought.
"Whatever, take a seat. Mr Sawyer is in a conference meeting, he'll be out shortly," Blondie said to me nonchalantly, definitely forgetting her manners again.How's she even a secretary?
I took a seat and waited patiently for my boss to be done with the meeting, afterall, he's the only one I have business with. I prayed to God that he'll be nice and not so strict and bossy.
A door opened and Blondie quickly got up on her feet and adjusted her shirt such that her cleavage was showing. I almost puked at how pitiful she looked trying to get attention.
Different voices were heard as people dispersed and went to the elevator. They're done with the meeting, I thought.
Two male voices drew closer and I got to my feet, my palms were sweaty and I felt so nervous. I did not know what to expect.
"Good morning Mr. Sawyer. Good morning Mr. Reynolds," Blondie said as the two men passed the glass office.
"Good morning, Jennie",one cheery voice said.
"Good morning," another husky voice that sent electricity straight to my core responded.
I stood frozen in place as I heard the husky voice. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me at that moment.
"Mr. Sawyer, your new personal assistant is here, I had her wait here because you were in a meeting," Blondie said in a fake high pitched voice that sounded painful to my ears.
I looked up and met eye to eye with my new boss confirming my suspicion. Just great, fuck my life, was my thought as I took in the man before me.