Chapter 2
Thersia's eyes felt heavy with trepidation as she took in the sight of the estate, its grandeur and beauty tinged with an air of menace.
Her mind raced with apprehension as she gazed up at the castle, its walls seeming to close in around her like a trap. The mansion was the exact opposite of the suffocating atmosphere she had just left behind.
Was she waking into a nightmare unknowingly? She hoped she would wake up soon, splash water on her face and laugh about her weird dream over a glass of red wine.
Wine!! No... a situation like hers deserves whiskey... She needed something to burn her throat, maybe she would wake up then. Yes, that would be her perfect wake up call.
Her husband led the way, his long strides forcing Thersia to increase her own slow pace. "Why did his creator have to give him such long legs?" She had to increase her pace to be able to keep up.
She glanced behind her and saw Vivienne and Philip. They were following closely behind, their presence a constant reminder of the contract that had just been signed. Seeing them in her home made her extremely uncomfortable.
"Did she just refer to this place as her home already? It hasn't even been up to 3 hours. Get a grip, Thersia Thompson!" She admonished herself.
The name came out naturally. Not Thersia Irish anymore... She was Mrs. Thersia Thompson. That would take quite a while to get used to.
She still had millions of thoughts running through her mind at the same time. She felt like she was carrying the weight of the whole world on her little petite. Her mind raced with thoughts of escape, of fleeing this place and leaving here.
She wanted to leave the Thompsons and their manipulation behind. But she couldn't, the estate was heavily guarded with securities and she couldn't risk it.
Thersia's eyes widened as she took in the majestic interior, the sweeping staircase and ornate details designed to inspire awe and reinforce the Thompsons' dominance. She felt like a mere pawn in this stupid game of theirs.
And she felt stupid too. Did they really think they were less of her? Throwing her to the wolves and watching her fail. She was going to prove them wrong on all counts.
The little group made their way to the dining room, where a sumptuous feast was laid out before them. She wondered if he wanted to throw a party because of the amount of food here. It could literally feed a family for 3-4 days.
Thersia's stomach growled, reminding her that she had barely eaten anything all day. She was feeling nauseous when they left the house in the morning and she only took a protein bar and nothing else.
She was extremely hungry, but her mind hadn't settled yet from the whole events of the day. She wasn't calm yet. But. no one cared about how she was feeling or she felt like eating now or probably later.
Luka took his seat at the head of the table, his piercing blue eyes surveying the room, calculating, boring holes into their souls with an air of quiet confidence.
Thersia was seated to his right, Vivienne and Philip on his left. The tension in the room was enough to make a sane person go mad and Thersia hoped it should be anyone but her that'll run mad.
"So, Thersia," Luka said,his voice low and smooth, "tell me more about yourself. What are your hobbies, your likes and dislikes? Tell me your preferences"
Thersia's hand froze in the air. Was he finally directing his questions and precious attention to her? How flattering, she mocked.
She was really unsure of how much she was supposed to tell him. She would hate to be the one who would lay her own insecurities on the table. It could be used against her later and she didn't want that.
She decided to improvise. She'd just have to tell him the basics, the normal things women told their men.
"I like to read," she finally replied, her voice devoid of emotion. It sounded absolutely flat and she knew that always irritated Vivienne.. not like she cared.
Luka stared at her like he was still waiting for more answers and she felt like maybe her answer was too brief.
"I love to take a walk in the park, and to swim" , she added.
Luka stared at her like she grew a second head or a second pair of hands. She wondered if he knew how degrading his stares made one feel. But what right did he have?
He had been behaving like a spectator in his own contract marriage, displaying the worst type of nonchalant attitude she had ever seen a person possess. Oh, he was a fine one to try to make her look stupid.
"You're done? That's it?", Luka asked
Thersia shrugged, feeling a surge of defiance. Would it be bad if she gave him a resounding slap and bolted for the door?
"What else was I supposed to say? You asked about my hobbies and I replied to you and that's not enough?" she retorted
He smiled, but it wasn't a genuine smile. Maybe she was pushing his buttons too hard.
His smile was cold, calculating. "Oh, I think there's much more to you than that, Thersia. Much more layers to peel back".
She didn't bother replying to him, it was actually of no use. The rest of the meal passed in silence, the only sound was the clinking of silverware against plates.
Her mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of escape, of finding a way out if this prison called a mansion. She hadn't gotten a reasonable plan yet, so she might have to stay a couple more days.
After dinner,Luka rose from his seat, his eyes never leaving Thersia's face. It excited her and terrified her. She's never had a man look her in the face in that manner.
"I think it's time we got to know each other a little better, don't you, Thersia?" he said, his voice low and menacing. It reverbated in the room and scared the hell out of her.
Her heart raced, her eyes went wide, filled with horror. She looked at her palm and saw how sweaty it was and she kept fidgeting with the hem of her dress. She knew what he was capable of.
She's heard of how far he would go to get whatever it is he wanted on earth. She was terrified. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
She just sat there and stoically stared at him. She didn't want to play this stupid game with him.
"I'm tired Luka," she said, her voice almost betraying her. "I think I'll be heading to bed now. The day was quite eventful, so you should consider heading to bed as well"
Luka's smile was cold and calculating. "Oh, I think you'll find that you're not as tired as you think at all, my wife. Not yet, anyway"
My wife?!!! He made it sound like he was saying "my devil". Nothing about that title sounded right.
Before she could think of a reply or turn her back and climb the stairs leading to her room, he gripped her hand, his grip like a vice. Thersia's eyes went wide, her pupils dilating with fear.
She tried to pull her hands free, but Luka's grip was too strong. She was panicking and her breaths were coming in short gasps.
"Don't scream or fight it, just follow me out. I have something to tell you", he added with a sinister smile.
She was about to break free from his grip, but she caught a glimpse of Vivienne's face and she stayed still. She wasn't going to give her that satisfaction of watching her crumble.
Straightening her back, she followed Luka out of the dining room. She caught a glimpse of Vivienne's face and saw a change in the emotion.
She laughed darkly to herself. Vivienne probably wasn't expecting the situation to turn out like this. And Thersia swore not to give her a single bit of satisfaction.
She would not give up easily. She would find a way out of this prison, a way to escape Luka's clutches, no matter how long it takes her.
And so, with a straightened back, a focused eye, a jawset face and fierce determination burning in her body, she followed Luka up the stairs, into the darkness of the night and the unknown terrors that lay ahead.