Chapter 11


I couldn’t believe my ears he wanted me to see them, what sick game was he playing and it’s 10 years later and his still playing the same game. I told him I expected it from Jake but never from him. “Fuck No Helen wait let me explain sorry I’m doing it all wrong.” I turned around crossed my arms over my breast and said “Fine I’ll listen.” I mean we are older it doesn’t help I’m storming away like I’m 18 again. “Please sit.” I took a seat again. “People say I’m way to straight forward and I need to learn tact needless to say I haven’t learned it yet.” I didn’t say a word. “Helen it was suppose to be a compliment I’m really sorry.” “How do you see it as a compliment if you wanted me to caught you.” “Okay let me start from the beginning, shall I?” “Yes please.” “Okay you remember Jake and I was with your sister a lot.” “Yes, because you and Jake are friends.” “No, I can’t stand the guy.” “Wait what? How can you be his best man if you can’t stand him?” “To get closer to you and Jake is so thick skinned he thinks we are best buddies.” All I got out of that was he wanted to get closer to me. “Okay.” “Well, when we were coming over to your house, I was coming over to see you I had a major crush on you.” “NO FUCKING WAY?” I got up as I said it. “Sit down please Helen, we don’t want attention on us.” “Sorry okay. Continue” “Your sister told me you had a boyfriend and you guys will get married one day and and and.” “She did what?” “Yes, that is what she said I was crushed that is why I fucked her to hurt you because I was hurting what I didn’t expect was the look on your face.” “What did you expect the boy I had a major crush on was fucking my sister while she had a boyfriend.” I said stunned. “I’m sorry Helen, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I also want to tell you I only found out a few months ago that you didn’t have a boyfriend and you also had a crush on me.” I was stunned I didn’t now what to say I was still busy with the fact that Johnny had a crush on me and me on him and my fucking sister and her asshole of a husband kept us apart.

“How I eventually asked?” “How what?” “How did you find out?” “The night Jake asked me to be his best man I didn’t answer him immediately I wanted to find out more about you, if you are married or had a boyfriend and what happened to the guy you where dating in school as they said you will get married. They then told me you never had a boyfriend and you had a crush on me. Your sister came on to me that day because you made her angry and she wanted to get back at you.” “How fucking messed up is that?” I asked. “It is. I decided then and there I need to be at this wedding and see you, I’ve never forgot about you Helen.”


Okay all my cards are on the table I told her I’ve never forgotten her and I had a crush on her. Now she has to decide what is next. She looked at me and moved closer to me she was almost kissing me, when I stopped her. “Helen we can’t, not here in the open if your sister or Jake see us, they will try something to keep us away from each other, I don’t know why but they are very threatened by you. And us together.” “Then why did they put us together?” “I think it’s a test to see how we would react and how far we would take it, I think I gave it away by staring at you the whole time, I’m sorry but your sister and Jake are not right in the head but I couldn’t not tell you and maybe miss out again. She got up and said “Follow me.” She walked over the grass towards the house, no one was in the house everyone was outside busy with the wedding or should I say a sham of a wedding but each to his own. I kept on looking behind be making sure no one was following us. When she wanted to take the steps up to her room I stopped her. “No let’s go to the Hotel.” “What if they look for us?” “I’m sure we can come up with an excused and besides those two is probable pissed by know.” “Then why didn’t you want to kiss me at the wedding?” “They might be pissed but the other people aren’t and that Maid of honor is a piece of work.” “Also true, let’s go.” “You sure?” I had to ask. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” “Great.” I took her hand and lead her out to where my Masarati was standing. “Nice car.” “Thank you.” Was all I said.

All the way to the Hotel my heart was pounding am I really going to have Helen in my room, are we really going to be alone for the first time ever. I couldn’t believe my luck I always wanted Helen but the next question that was popping into my head was, will this be a one-night stand just fucking each other out of our system or will we see each other again. If it depends on me, I would want to see her again I know we didn’t even sleep together yet and I wanted her again. Fuck this is going to be a late night and we are going to have to explain if someone ask. We better come up with a very good excused.

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