Chapter 2
What my mom meant with they where busy was the fact that she and my sister was giving orders to the poor construction people and the florist and the caterers and who ever was out here as well. “Hi Antoinette.” I greeted my sister. “You finally here you should have been here hours ago I’m not suppose to do this Helen can you just take over please I’m going to get wrinkles.” I didn’t berate her for not saying hello I just asked what should I do. She pushed a piece of paper in my hand and said “Sort this out. You can take mom’s car in the garage.” I looked at my mom “Yes yes take my car just get it done.” “Okay I’m just going to get some coffee.” “Helen you are late and now you want to go and make yourself a coffee for God’s sake just tell me you don’t want to help me.” My sister went on. “I’ll go sorry, I’ll buy myself a cup.” “Well, you do make your own money I’m sure you can afford it.” That was the first stab of the weekend. “I’m leaving.” I needed to get out of there and quickly. First on the list I needed to make sure the cake was ready. Why they just couldn’t call I don’t know. So, I drove to the bakery and went inside got myself a coffee before I asked the cashier “Hi I’m here to look at the Johnson and Cooper cake.” “Oh yes right here, we did tell Miss Johnson it was ready this morning and that it would be delivered very early tomorrow morning.” “She’s just frantic don’t mind her.” When I walked to the back a huge cake was looking back at me. Fuck why did they want such a huge cake there was probable 10 tiers. “Everything looks in order here. How are you going to get that cake to our house?” I asked a bit concerned because fuck it was a big cake. “Don’t worry miss we have our ways.” “Okay then I leave it in your capable hands.”
I took my coffee and walked to the next place which was the jeweler I needed to get the grooms ring, as I approached the jewelry store, I was sure I saw my crush Johnny Moore Walk out of the jewelry store, my heart actually skipped a beat but before I could make sure he was walking away and I didn’t want to yell and then it wasn’t him. I didn’t want to make an ass of myself. So, I walked into the jeweler store. “Hi Helen.” Mr. Hugh said. We’ve known him since we where children when dad wanted to spoil mom my sister and I normally came to choose what he should buy. “Hi Mr. Hugh how are you?” “I’m good thank you.” “And your career?” He was the only one that calls it a career the other calls it a job. “No complaints Mr. Hugh thank you.” “I take it you are here for the groom’s ring?” “Yes I am.” “I wanted to give it to the best man but he said he was under strict rules that the bridesmaid needs to pick it up.” “Oh, who is the best man?” “I’m not sure Helen I didn’t ask for his name he just gave me the letter from the groom.” “Oh, off course.” Could the best man be my crush, Johnny Moore? In possible my sister will never invite someone she slept with to come to her wedding I was sure of that, maybe it was a look alike. I got the ring from Mr. Hugh and left the jeweler. Next stop, I looked at the list, my sister wanted something blue and I needed to get it and it can’t be a garter or jewelry. “Fuck fuck fuck that is difficult” I said out load to myself. I walked to the nearest coffee shop got myself another latte and sat at the back of the shop googling what can be use as something blue. When I saw you can sow a piece of material like a hanky chief into your dress, I realized my grandmother gave me a hanky just before her death and there was some blue in that would be nice, then we have grandma at the wedding as well, Antoinette and I got our names from her, her name was Helen Antoinette Johnson. That would be really sentimental I thought.
I checked my list again; it was like being Santa Clause checking the list twice before I could do anything. It was just those 3 things for now, I’m sure. I don’t know why she was so frantic about it I could have done it in less than an hour if I didn’t talk to Mr. Hugh or stayed at the bakery so long. I walked out of the coffee shop and again it looked like I saw Johnny. “Stop it Helen it’s not him.” I said to myself. I got back in the car and drove home, when I got home it was quieter thank God. “Antoinette I’m back.” I yelled, she came running down the stairs, “Is the cake ready?” “Yes” “Do you have the ring?” “Right here.” I gave the rings to her. “And something blue?” “I thought we can sow grandmom’s hanky chief in your dress.” She looked at me then looked away and looked at me again. Then she just exploded “Do you want me to ruin my dress to sow a fucking hanky in it. Are you crazy. Fuck Helen, I thought you where the clever one. No no no!” She screamed at me. My mother walked to us Antoinette your language please.” “But mom you won’t believe what Helen wants me to use as something blue.” “What?’ My mom asked already disapproving. “She wants me to use an old hanky from gran, can you fucking believe it?” My mom just looked at me.