Chapter 3
Clearly my mom disapproved as well, “Well fine I’ll keep that idea for the day when I get married.” Both my sister and my mom started to laugh but ugly laugh not nice of trophy wives to laugh like that. “You getting married?” My sister said “I though you are married to that job of yours.” My mom said. “Fine you can stop laughing now. I’ll go and think of something.” “The wedding is tomorrow Helen or have you forgotten, I have to go get ready for the rehearsal dinner and you.” She pointed at my cloths “Tell me you have something decent to wear to the rehearsal dinner I should have forced you to wear something I chose. “I have a dress.” “Oh, really I hope it’s not white.” “No Antoninette it’s red.” “Well red just have to do but I need my something blue before tomorrow.” “I’ll sort it out don’t worry.” My mom took my sister by her shoulder and walked towards her room where a whole glam team were waiting for her. I on the other hand went to my father’s office to see if his home. I knocked twice before I heard his voice “Come in.” I walked in, he got up and walked towards me, “Hi Helen why are you only coming to me now?” My dad said as he hugged me. He might not agree with what I do and he might not want to give me his company but he is the only one I can truly say shows that he actually likes me even loves me if there is something like that in my family. “Antoinette had me running around for stuff for the wedding and now I’m still at a lost for what her something blue can be.” “Well forget about your sister and tell me how are you? Any boyfriends I should now of?” “No dad I’m way to busy with work.” “Well, that scumbag of a boss of yours should stop working you so hard, I hope it’s just work between you guys.” “Absolutely I don’t like him in that way at all.” “Then why do I hear stuff that you are dating?” “What?” I asked my dad as I fell on his coach without pretending to be a lady. “Yes, that scumbag phoned me and apologized that he won’t be here he wanted to meet us and tell us all you guys are dating, but you told him you going to be too busy.” “Dad we really are not, what am I going to do?”
“You can resign at that fucking company and come work for me.” “As what dad?” “You can be the PA of the COO.” “No thank you you know I want your company I want to work myself up in the ranks to be able to take over from you.” “And you know I don’t want that for my company.” “Okay fine this is a losing battle and both of us are getting upset, just know I’m not dating my boss no matter what he says, we need to stick together tonight mom and Antoinette is both bridezillas’ today.” “I wish this wedding is over to tell you the truth all these people in my house is driving me crazy.” “I can only think, well let me go and look for something blue for bridezilla and get ready for the night.” My dad hugged me and I was off to my room where I could breathe. I started to google ‘Ideas for something blue’ I couldn’t find anything that my sister would like, then I remembered people writing on the soil of their shoes ‘I Do’ maybe I can get someone to do that in blue glitter.
I checked my watched and saw I had enough time before the rehearsal dinner I quickly grabbed my bag and went to the guest room where I knew her shoes where then I went looking for the groom’s room to borrow his shoes. I got in and out of both rooms without anyone seeing me, thank God. Then I rushed out the door, my dad screamed something behind me something like ‘don’t be late’ but I was out and in my mother’s car without answering him. We had a guy that worked on our shoes when we where younger I’m sure he still works on mom and dads’ shoes. When I got at his shop, he was busy closing, “Sorry Sir I need your help please.” “Helen Johnson is that you?” “Yes, sir it’s me.” “Now come in. What can I help you with?” “My sister is getting married tomorrow.” “Yes, I know.” “Well, she is looking for something blue and she didn’t like my idea so I got another idea.” “Okay how can I help.” “You know people sometimes put underneath their shoes I DO.” “Yes, I want that on these to shoes but in blue.” “You know what you are in luck I have the machine to do that.” “Great will you be able to do it before say 11 am tomorrow morning?” “For you Helen I will.” “Thank you so much I really appreciate it.”
Crises averted now I needed to get back home and get dressed for this rehearsal dinner. When I rushed into the house I almost walked into my sister “Oh my God Helen you not dressed yet the guest is almost here.” “Give me 30 minutes I’ll be right out.” “You’ll need more than 30 minutes.” “Jeez thank you Antoinette.” I rushed up the stairs and jump in the shower, at least I had natural curly hair not the straight hair my sister has and through the years I’ve mastered how to do my hair and how I wanted them to stay. I did my make up then I did my hair before I put my red cocktail dress on, it was a tight-fitting dress that ended underneath my knees, and I had the perfect red shoes to wear with it. I didn’t need a coat as the rehearsal dinner is outside in a big white tent with heaters the whole place through. My sister didn’t like getting cold yet she’s getting married in the winter, what you wouldn’t do for a dress. I took a look at myself in the mirror “Not to shabby Helen not too shabby.”