Chapter 5


It was funny because my dad was dead serious, clearly no one else thought so because everyone was laughing even Jake slapped my father on the back. Pretending they are old friends, my father put a smile on his face but I know he didn’t like it. He always said men who does that are childish. So, I know that smile was fake. The rest of the evening went by quickly and eventually seemingly after the toast. My mom gave me the evil eye a few times but I didn’t let it bother me. I spoke to a lot of my sister’s old friends, friends she had since she was in kindergarten. Me on the other hand wasn’t in touch with all my friends just one Melanie and the thing with her was we didn’t have to call each other every day but when we see each other we just picked up where we left off, we were both careers orientated. My sister on the other hand needed to have that constant attention and validation that she had a lot of friends I was never like that. Thank God. The conversation was good there was even one of the groom’s men that tried to flirt with me until one of the others told him who I was then he disappeared and I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. That was weird but it didn’t bother me apparently, I have a boyfriend I need to dump first. I’m not the kind of girl that cheats on a boyfriend imaginary or not. The wine was flowing which was nice it let me forget why I was actually there it also made me forgot about all the aunts and uncles that wanted me to get married.

At about midnight I decided it was time for me to go to bed, I had an early morning having the bride’s breakfast and then getting the bride and grooms shoes and I need to be back for all the make up stuff, hair, nails etc. As I walked past the groom’s men, I saw the guy looked at me again but then I heard the one telling the other one “You know she’s off limits, he will kill you if you touch her.” I didn’t know who the, he, was but clearly the groomsman was drunk enough to say “Well fuck him I’m going to take my chance.” The other pulled him away. I decided to just walk away I didn’t want to get involved in that what that was I didn’t know. I got to my room undress and got into bed. I was out before I even knew it.

The next morning, I only woke up at 9 am, I was in trouble and the day haven’t even started yet. We meaning the bridesmaids are supposed to all have breakfast in the giant tent at 10 am I had an hour to eat make small talk and get to the shoe guy to fetch their shoes at 11 am, I was cutting it very fine but a girls got to do what a girls got to do. I jumped in the shower as soon as the water hit my head, I realized how much I had to drink last night, clearly, I need some aspirin to get rid of the hangover I had. I quickly got dressed in the specific Sage dress my sister got all of us, did my hair, make up and ran out of the room, there where 10 minutes to spare. When I got to the living room, I saw the back of a man I thought I knew, but I didn’t dwell on that I needed to get to the tent before 10 before my sister loose it yet again with me. When I walked in everyone was already there. “Oh, she decided to join us.” My sister said out load which made everyone turn around and looked at me. For some reason I waved at them “Hi everyone.” There where people saying “Hi” “Hi” and other that just didn’t greet me, like my sister. We sat down and breakfast was served, no bread or flapjacks only fruit, eggs and bangers at least you had a choice of how you wanted your eggs done. I don’t think I will ever go this overboard if I’m getting married, I mean my sister doesn’t even eat she ate her lobster last night and that was it she didn’t even took a bite of the mains. I pilled my plate with fruit and left the rest it’s not that I don’t like eggs or bangers it’s just how do you even eat it without a piece of toast or tomato or something like that. “You going to eat all that fruit?” One of the bridesmaids asked, I can’t remember her name she was new to the group. When I looked at her plate, she had like one grape rolling around on her plate. I slammed back with “Will that keep you until tonight because my sister won’t have you eat anything else for the rest of the day.” “I’m watching my figure.” “Don’t listen to my sister, she stuffs her face with anything.” My sister said, I wanted to say, at least I don’t pick up wait, but I didn’t it was her special day and we will keep it like that. When it was 10:30 I had enough I don’t know how I’m going to survive tonight “Netta” I called my sister “Don’t call me that my name is Antoinette.” “Oh, come on your always be my Netta.” I knew it bothered her but I had to get her back for the stuffing my face comment. “I’m leaving I need to pick up your something blue.” “Fine but be quick and I really hope I like it or else I’m not wearing it.” “Sorry but you won’t have a choice.” Then I actually ran out of the tent I heard her screaming behind me “What do you mean? Helen? Helen?”

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