Chapter 6
I ran outside got in my mother’s sports car and drove of to town where I went straight to the guy with the shoes. When I walked in, he immediately greeted me with such a friendly face “Good morning, Helen. How are you on this big day.” “I’m good but tell me how does it look?” “Perfect come through I’ll show you.” I walked behind him to the back of the store and there were the two shoes lying so I could see the bottom. “I absolutely love it.” “You do?” He asked surprised. “I do and you know what it doesn’t even matter if my sister likes it, she has to wear it.” He started to laugh “You’re an evil one.” “No just fed up with her pushing me around.” “Well then.” He slipped the shoes in nice shoe bags and gave them to me. I paid and got in my mother’s sports car and rushed back home. Now I needed to get the grooms shoe back to him without anyone noticing and I have to get my sisters shoe back without her seeing it I wanted it to be a surprise. I found the guy that flirted with me last night as he was walking out the door with the groomsmen cloths. “Hi you.” I called after him. He looked around making sure I was talking to him. “Oh hi.” “Where are you off to?” “The groomsmen are all getting ready in a nearby Hotel I came to get his cloths.” “Oh, great I’ve got something you need.” I pulled out the one shoe. “Thank fuck you got me or else Jake would have been in a flat spin with just one shoe. What did you do with it?” “My sister wanted something blue and all my ideas where crap so I did this.” I pulled the shoe out and showed him the I Do to that was in blue glitter. “That’s cool and something else but I’m not sure your sister will like it that one is very difficult to please.” “I know right but the nice thing of this is she has to wear it; she doesn’t have a choice.” We both laughed. He suddenly stopped and said “Okay thank you I have to go.” I turned around looking for someone that spooked him or something but there was no one.
I walked into the house finding my dad as he was walking up the stairs. “Hi Helen.” “Hi dad.” “I think your late.” “I’m always late dad.” Then I rushed past him to my sister’s room where everyone was doing their make-up. I carried in the shoe without anyone noticing and put the shoe in the box. The photographer saw me but she didn’t say anything which I appreciated. “You cutting it fine.” “I’m here okay now I’m not going anywhere further.” “Where is my something blue?” she asked but as she did another girl pushed me into a chair and started to work on my hair. “Sorry Netta I’m busy.” The look on my sister’s face was one of explosion. “I’ll show you as soon as I’m finish okay.” “Well, I don’t really have a choice.” She went back to the girl that was busy with her. While the one was doing my hair the other one was doing my nails each of the bridesmaids had 2 people working on them, we were 6 bridesmaids my sister had 3 working on her. Fuck this is wasting so much money it’s clear my sister doesn’t work and only lives of her fiancé or soon to be husband and my father because she’s going through money like I’m going through toilet paper.
When all of us were dolled up with the make-up, nails and hair the photo’s started we where all wearing sage sleeping wear by now, yes, my sister’s wedding was sage, everything was sage, it looked like the color sage actually threw up in the room. The photographer moved us like we where dolls she could move around and we had to smile whenever she said “Smile” Or the cheesy one “Wedding.” I don’t know how many photos were taken with us in our sleep wear before we where told we could get dressed in our bridesmaids’ dresses, at least my sister didn’t put us in frills and scratchy material, the bridesmaids’ dresses where actually very nice and flattering but my sister was definitely the bell of the ball with her big wedding dress, when it was time for the shoes I held my breath. Her Maid of honor helped her when she touched the shoe, she must have felt something underneath she turned it around and showed my sister. “Surprise” I yelled. My sister looked at the shoes, she looked at me then at all the other bridesmaid probable to see their reaction but no one did anything finally the photographer took pity on me and said, “What a wonderful idea so unique.” Then my sister said “Thank you Helen, I knew you would come through for me.” “My pleasure, the groom shoes say “I do to.” That made everyone laugh. I’m very sure if we were alone, she wouldn’t have been this happy. When a million photos were taken of my sister the photographer told us we should go outside to the garden she wanted some photo’s outside. My sister looked angry not like someone who was about to get married to the love of her life. And I was very sure she wasn’t angry with me because I would have heard about it already if she was. She was not afraid to tell me shit in front of other people in fact I think she likes it.
When we got down stairs, I pulled her to one side “Are you okay?” “Off course it’s my wedding day why wouldn’t I be?” “Well, you better tell your face you are getting married because you look angry.” “Well, I’m not.” “Should I get you some champagne to relax?” “After the photo shoot, okay?” “Okay.” The Maid of honor came running to us in that high heels I think her heels where higher than any of ours if that is even possible. “The photographer is looking for the bride I should have known it’s Helen that was keeping you.” “Yes, it was me sorry.” I said but I gave her a look, one that said I was clearly not happy with her.