Chapter 8


When we were done in the garden, we walked back into the house we didn’t want the guest that was arriving to see the Bride I pulled my sister to one side. “Antionette, are you okay?” “Yes, stop asking me.” She marches up the stairs, I made a detour and went to the kitchen to get another bottle of champagne just to calm my sister down, I ask the waiter to bring 7 glasses up to the bride’s room. I was not even at the door yet when the waitress was standing right next to me, I open the door and we both stepped into the room, everyone looked at us, “I thought we can have more champagne.” Everyone was happy because why wouldn’t they be they are getting the best champagne for free. My sister went to the bathroom and closed the door. When the waitress poured everyone a glass I said to the girls “Can you all just give me and my sister a minute before we make that toast.” Everyone walked out without a word except the fucking maid of honor, “Whatever you want to talk to her about you can do it in front of me. I am her best friend and maid of honor.” She said with her hands on her hips. “She’s my sister get out.” “I will not.” She said in my face, I leaned in towards her ear and whispered “Do you want me to tell her, her best friend and maid of honor is fucking her fiancé behind her back?” She looked shocked and then came the denial but I stopped her “Stop right there get out or I will tell her.” She quickly walked out of the room leaving me and Antoinette alone in the room.

“Antoinette” I knocked on the door, “Please come out it’s just you and me I kicked everyone out.” She opens the door and went to stand at the window with her back to me. “What’s wrong Netta?” She let that one go. “Am I making the right decision?” “Only you can answer that question. Do you love him?” “I think so.” This wasn’t the answer I was hoping for. “We’ve been together for so long this just feels like the right step.” “You do know it’s not to late right, I will drive the get away car.” “What mom’s sport’s car?” she half laughed “Yes why not.” “Because she will kill me if she finds me, this wedding is costing an arm and a leg I don’t have a choice, Helen.” “Oh, sweetie you always have a choice.” “Not anymore I should have called it of when I found out?” “When you found what out?” “That his sleeping with my Maid of honor.” “You know?” “Yes, but how do you know?” “It’s obvious Netta.” “Well, I’m not without my faults.” “It sounds like you are trying to justify why you are marrying him.” “Perhaps I just know I don’t have a choice anymore I just have to pull my big girl panties on and get on with this.” “Are you sure, I promise I’ll drive the get away car.” “Thank you, Helen, but, I’m sure.” “Okay then you want time to wipe the tears.” She turned around looking at me there wasn’t a single tear, wow clearly, she’s a master in hiding her feelings. “Now let them in.” My sister put her fake smile on as everyone entered the room that is when I realized she had that same smile the whole wedding.

Fuck I don’t want to marry someone like this I want to be happy I want to know I can’t live without him. Not be forced to marry him. We all took our glasses and lifted it “To the bride.” The Maid of honor said giving me a look. Which I returned off course. My mother came in and looked at my sister, she took her hands and looked at her again. “You are stunning Antoinette, absolutely stunning.” “Thank you, mom, is it almost time?” “Yes, your father is waiting in the hall for you. Girls if you all can take your places outside.” My mom said I walked to my sister and whispered, “You have time until you have to say I do.” “Thank you, Helen, but I’m good.” My mother gave me a disapproving look so I went outside to stand with the other 5 bride maids. As I walked past my dad, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek “You looking handsome dad.” “Why thank you, you to.” “Thanks, I need to go before the head master yells again.” “I take it it’s your mom?” “Yip.”

We were all standing at the door in the order my sister said for some reason I’m walking in front and not the Maid of Honor but I’m not saying anything I’m just doing as I’m told. When the music starts, I started to walk towards where the men where standing. I was looking at all the people sitting in their chairs ready to start their judging, when I looked up and looked at the grooms men my heart almost stop when I saw who the best man was it was none other than my crush Johnny Moore and he was looking at me intently as soon as I saw him I couldn’t take my eyes of him, it was like everyone disappeared and it was only him and me in the garden, in fact I wanted to walk straight to him, he hasn’t changed much, more muscle which isn’t always a bad thing his black hair was comb to the back and those brown eyes he didn’t take them off me the whole time. When I eventually stood at the alter with all the other bridesmaids, he was still looking at me. The wedding march started I looked to where my sister should walk out but I could feel his eyes still on me, I looked at him and then back at my sister. She made it to where we were standing taking Jake’s hand, ‘Oh fuck she’s marrying him’ I thought. When I looked up again Johnny was still watching me all I could do was smile at him. I wanted to do so much more I’m older and wiser I know how to take what I want and I want Johnny fuck the imaginary boyfriend that is my boss for the night. Johnny will be mine if only for the night.

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