Chapter 9
I couldn’t take my eyes of her as she walked down the aisle, I’m sure there was one or two people that picked up on it but I really didn’t care anymore, I wanted her 10 years ago and I still want her, she just got sexier as time went by clearly, she got finer like a good red wine. When she saw me and realized who I was she couldn’t take her eyes of me, it was just the reaction I was looking for she still had that crush on me the only question is will one of us take the first step. The ceremony went on and on and on when the priest said “Give each other the rings.” Someone had to touch my shoulder to get my attention because I was still focused on Helen. Clearly, she was still focused on me to because the bitch that was sleeping with Jake the so-called Maid of Honor said load enough for everyone to hear “You have one job.” I wanted to slap her so hard, but Helen gave her a look. I was on the other end of those kinds of looks before and if I where her I will stay away from Helen for the rest of the night. Both of us gave the Bride and Groom their rings and got the evil eye from both of them but I really didn’t care, I’m here only for Helen that is the only reason I said yes to this so-called friend. To say I really don’t like Jake is an understatement but the guy was to thick skinned to even realized it. They gave each other the rings and the priest said “I now pronounce you husband and wife; you can kiss the bride.” Both of them looked like they were at a funeral but they kissed each other and when they turned around to the audience, they put a huge smile on. The bride and groom step forward and now it was my turn to get to the women I was here for, she walked forward, I gave her my arm. As soon as we touch, I could feel the electricity going through my body. “Hi” she said shyly “Hi yourself.” We both got looks from the bride and groom again so we kept quiet for the rest of the time only doing what the bride and groom told us and off course the photographer there was one minute where it was just her and me standing waiting for our next order. We both started with “So” “You first.” And then her sister called her again. “Sorry” she mouthed at me.
All the men were called to gather together to take a photo with the bride and the groom and then the same photo was taken with the Bridesmaids. This whole thing was getting tedious and I just wanted it to stop. But after the photo’s we needed to go to the Bridal table where I had to make a toast on the groom and Helen and I will be sitting on opposite sides of the table she will be sitting next to the bride and I will be sitting next to the groom, not ideal. Eventually we got to the table where the champagne was flowing for the Bride, I saw Helen taking the glass away from Antoinette at a stage. But as always Antoinette got her way and Helen gave the glass back. The bride and groom where fighting behind the glasses something about “Are you going to get drunk again tonight.” The groom asked then the bride said “Well at least then you can go and fuck the Maid of Honor.” At least no one heard them except me, Helen and obviously the Maid of Honor because she was so nosy and wanted to be part of everything.
Johnny and I were staring each other the whole ceremony through we didn’t even hear when the priest said “Give each other the rings.” One of the grooms’ men tapped Johnny on the shoulder on my side on the other hand the Maid of Honor wanted to be noticed and called me out in front of everyone. When the ceremony was eventually over and the Priest said “You can kiss the bride” the look on both their faces was one of disgust all I could think was ‘Why the fuck are you getting married if you can’t even stand each other.’ But it’s not my monkey not my circus. My sister had to make her own decisions. When Johnny and I walked to each other we were still staring at each other in the eyes the shot of electricity that went through me when he touched me was indescribable. We just said Hi to each other when my sister and her new husband gave us a look and told us to keep quiet. Don’t think it got any better and the taking of the photo’s or anything we didn’t even have a minute and when we did my sister interrupted it to. When we got to the brides table Antoinette was downing one glass of champagne after another, I wanted to take her glass away from her but all she told me was “You wouldn’t dare.” “Fine but you made this decision I told you I will drive the get away car.” “Mind your own business, Helen.” Well okay then. I can’t wait for the first dance to get out of the way then my duties as bridesmaid is over and done with, I can go sit somewhere else or disappear with Johnny. That sounded like a much better plan.
Before the toast where even made Jake and Antoinette where fighting about her drinking and she chirped him back with “Well then you can go fuck the Maid of Honor.” I heard someone taking a deep breath when I look over my shoulder it was the fucking Maid of Honor ease dropping. “Do you mind?” I asked her “Well they are talking about me?” “And I take it you have nothing to do with anything my sister just said.” She didn’t answer. “Well in that case put your ass down and keep quiet.” Thank goodness the MC started with the speeches.