CHAPTER 7: The Past's Shadows

Though a tension simmered under the surface, the town plaza was alive with activity. The shadows that hung in the nearby woods seemed to have no effect on the people as they went about their lives, talking and joking. However, Selene experienced it when sitting on the wooden bench next to the market—the same sensation she had been used to during the previous several days. an uncomfortable feeling that she wasn't alone herself. that someone or something was observing.

Glancing around the plaza, she tightened her scarf over her neck. Her thoughts kept returning to the incident with Kael and the renegade wolf, the way he had protected her and alerted her to her danger. His comments had a deeper meaning that she was unable to fully understand. And now that outsiders were here, that warning felt even more dire.

She saw them from the other side of the plaza, the gang coming in with a subdued power. Four well-dressed males who moved with a certain edge. Despite the fact that their clothing was well-maintained, ironed, and fitted, there was a darker aura about them. She saw the calculating accuracy with which their eyes scanned the landscape, concentrated and acute, almost if they were looking for something. Someone.

She was instantly drawn to one guy in particular. Tall, with a grin too endearing to be real, and black hair slicked back. People were drawn to him by his presence, and they hung on his every look and reacted to everything he said. From a distance, Selene saw him greeting a few shops in a smooth, courteous, but always composed manner.

With a silky, low voice and a lovely smile, the guy said, "Good afternoon." "What's going on in town right now?"

Despite her own curiosity, Selene couldn't help but observe from a distance. She was unable to pinpoint it, yet there was something very familiar about him.

Someone in the throng murmured, "Elias." He is a native of the capital. People claim he is a nobleman.

Elias. His name was that. He was smooth, polished, and naturally charming, and it fit him well. However, behind the charm, Selene had a gut feeling that something wasn't quite right.

She was startled out of her reverie by a quiet voice calling behind her, "Selene." She turned to see Mrs. Crandall, an elderly seamstress from the village, grinning warmly at her. "You are nervous right now. The market is bustling, yet you appear to be bothered by something.

Selene shook her head and mustered a grin. "I'm just getting used to it. I'm still getting used to this.

Mrs. Crandall cocked her head contemplatively, looking toward the spot where Elias and his entourage were now standing. Oh, you're referring to the guests. They have been creating a lot of controversy. Every few years, Elias and his hunters visit the town. Always dealing with the forest in some capacity. But generally speaking, they are courteous.

"Hunters?" Selene raised an eyebrow in response.

Mrs. Crandall lowered her voice and nodded understanding, "Oh, yes." "They're here to find someone or something." There are a lot of ancient mysteries in the woods around here that should not be disturbed. They are often avoided by the public, but not by Elias. He has previously been here. He is familiar with the forest as if it were his own.

Selene's heartbeat accelerated. Are there any hunters around town? Were they related to what had been going on with her? The weird sights, the blazing scar...

Elias started to approach her before she could ask him any more questions. Something changed as his eyes met hers across the plaza; there was a knowing glitter in his eyes. Even while his grin was beguiling and polished, it had a secret edge, a predatory allure that made Selene naturally cautious.

With ease, he said, "Selene," reaching out a hand. "What a delightful surprise. In this sleepy small town, I don't frequently see someone like you.

Selene's senses flared, and her eyes narrowed a little. Her natural reaction was to stiffen, but she managed a courteous grin in response. "I... didn't anticipate company."

With his black gaze fixed on hers, Elias laughed. "I usually draw attention wherever I go. Do you not think it's a gift?

The slightest chill went up her spine. He had an air of smoothness and calculated ness that was too much. She responded in a calm tone, "And what brings you to our humble town?"

"Business," Elias said hazily, his tone tinged with laughter. "I need to take care of some things in the nearby woods. Are you familiar with the local forests? Isn't it full of mysteries?

Selene's heartbeat accelerated, but she concealed her discomfort. "I have been investigating them on my own. It's wild yet lovely.

Elias smiled softer, but there was a deeper glimmer in his eyes as he murmured, "Ah, the wilderness." "You know, there are creatures in the woods. dangerous items. Some things are better kept hidden.

Naturally protective, she cocked her head. "What are you hunting exactly?"

He grinned a little, as if he liked how incisive she was. "Just making sure everyone who lives here is safe." defending them from... what lurks in the dark.”

Selene's heart was racing. His statements didn't set well with me for some reason. "And what precisely do you believe to be out there?"

Elias lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned in a little. "The woods contain powers, old ones at that. Strong things—things that have no place here. Something that ought to have remained hidden seems to have resurfaced.

Selene's breathing became labored. Ancient powers? As if sensing the danger in his words, the scar on her arm burned slightly at the mention.

Elias' eyes briefly strayed to her arm, but within that instant, she saw something. Recognition. curiosity.

"Tell me, Selene," he replied in a kind but inquisitive tone. "Since you came here, have you ever felt... different?"

She tensed up and retreated a little. "What do you mean?"

Elias's eyes were keen as he laughed quietly. "I have a talent for identifying people who are impacted by things that are not readily apparent. Not everyone is treated kindly by the woods. Well, some people carry more than simply the wounds they see.

Selene gasped for air. "What are you attempting to express?"

His voice softened, almost compassionately, yet he still had that same mysterious grin. "You've experienced something, have you not? Something that altered you. You're now connected to the forest in ways you don't really comprehend.

Selene's heart was pounding. Beneath her sleeve, the scar burned once again. As if in response to what he had spoken, she could feel its fire.

Elias abruptly added, "Avoid the woods," in a stronger voice. "They are now dangerous." Too many things are stirring. Additionally, you are linked to it.

She scowled, a mix of bewilderment and annoyance. "What are you looking for from me?"

Elias' eyes became colder, but his grin persisted. "Obviously, to keep you safe. Additionally, yet... "To make sure you don't awaken something you're not prepared to face," he said, taking a step closer and speaking in a softer tone. Something strong enough to upset everything's equilibrium.

She saw movement out of the corner of her eye—an additional person sliding into the square. A fifteen-year-old youngster with keen eyes and tattered clothing. He hovered in the shadows, keeping a close eye on Elias. He had an air of familiarity, a sense of disquiet, as if she had seen him before, but she couldn't quite identify it.

Her eyes met the boy's, and an unsaid acknowledgement of danger went between them.

Elias smiled and returned his whole focus to Selene before she could respond. "Selene, you'll need protection. Regardless of your desire for it. They remember and they are alive in these forests. They are also familiar with you.

His words caused Selene's skin to tingle. She started to say something, but was cut off when she heard a distant bell ringing, a summons to the town's evening meeting.

Elias's eyes never left her as he pivoted with ease and without losing his charm. "Consider what I just stated. Outsiders aren't treated as kindly by the forest as they would like to think.

Uncomfortable, Selene glanced after him as he left. She had gotten herself into what?

And what was Elias looking into, exactly?

The kid continued to observe her from the shadows. She felt shivers down her spine from the implicit threat in his eyes.

Elias gave her a last look before she turned to face him, his grin brief but piercing.

And then there was silence again in the town square.

The truth is closer than you may imagine, Selene, the shadows themselves app

eared to say in the wind.

The world then seemed to tilt, waiting, inescapable, and terrifying.

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