Chapter Four
Sylvie's P.O.V
How rude of that lowly girl to think she could be smart with me? I was fuming and I was not seeing any of that way of getting rid of my anger than to punish the person that had caused me to get angry in the first place. If I could, I would chase her out of the Blue Bird pack completely, if it were up to me.
"Bring her over here where i can see her" I said, as I sat comfortably on the stool that had been placed on a leveled ground in the woods for me to sit. I had made sure that was part of the things that should be brought to the woods. Of course, I would make sure i was sitting comfortably, as I enjoyed Rosie getting punished.
I have always been jealous of her, it was not a new feeling, ever since she had come of age, and she had started to grow in the right places. Who knew she would turn out so beautiful? With her chestnut hair, ocean blue eyes, her slender figure eight shape and her long legs, she didn't need to try so hard to be noticed, so I had made sure to work hard at making everyone hate her. I bet she does not even know how beautiful she is, and i am going to let it continue that way till she is old and gray and absolutely no onw wants her. Well, except for Dan, even though he has expressed his feelings about what he needs her for, i still don't believe him one bit.
Making everyone hate Rosie didn't seem so difficult, since her own family didn't give a damn about her.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked desperately. She was trying to get out of the silver rope that was used to tie her.
"Don't try so hard bvtch! You will only get weaker, and i don't want that happening to you before i am done having my fun. So stay still" I commanded.
"Let me go!" She demanded weakly. I didn't want her to be weak just yet.
"Let you go or what slvt? No one can save you here. I am sure even if you go missing after this, no one will find you. You have absolutely no one to look for you or even care for you" I mocked, and i knew i was getting into her skin when she winced painfully , not from the silver rope, but from the truth that I had spoken.
"Max and Leo!" I called the two of the powerful ones of the boys that practiced with us. I was sure that no matter the end result of the fun we are having today, I would only tell them not to say anything and none of them would.
"I want you both to tighten the silver rope on her more, throw her into the lake over there". I pointed to the lake just before me. It was not so deep and, since she had seen her wolf, she should be able to swim her way out of it. "Let's see how she would get herself out of the water" I finished throwing instructions, sat back and expected her to beg for her life or maybe give me her word that she would silently disappear but none came out from her mouth,
She just stared at the ground as if she was communicating with it. "Is this really necessary?" Linda"s voice took me out of my anger for a minute , and once her question settled in my brain, I became angry again.. I had told her not to involve herself but to just watch the fun play in front of us, but never did I expect her to ask such a stupid question.
"Why did you decide to come with us if you knew you would question me, Linda?" I demanded.
"You asked me to come with you, Sylvia. And I am only asking because I don't even think she can swim. This might be a very risky game. I am just warning you, that is all. What would you do if something unthinkable happened to her and we are not able to reverse the after-math?" It may be true that she has not learned how to swim, just like the rest of us, and that would be because she has never joined us in any activities since we were little.
"Linda, Rosie is right here, if she does not know how to swim, all she has to do is just throw herself under my feet and beg me to spear her life" I said, waiting to get a response from Rosie, but none came. "See, she has nothing to be sacred of" I said, as I moved to towards her, i pulled her head slightly upwards so she would be looking at me. There was no single remorse.
"Throw her into the lake and make sure the silver rope is tight around her body, making it difficult for her to navigate. I want to hear her scream in agony and then ask for help", I instructed.
She screamed in agony but not for once did she cry for me to help her and swear loyalty to me. I watched her as she struggled to stay afloat while also trying to get the lake water out of her lungs. She definitely is not able to swim. I had thought that even if the silver rope was around her, that being inside the water would give her enough leverage over the silver rope, since now the water would neutralize some of its effects on her body.
But even with that, she was not getting afloat.
"Bring her out!" Linda screamed at me, but I was not ready yet.
"I said bring her out!" She screamed again but this time, she was shaking me out of my chair.
"There are other ways you can do away with her. She could die like that". She tried again, but i still was not interested.
"I know a way", She screamed again. That caught my attention. I looked over at Max and Leo, who obviously were waiting for me to tell them to take her out of the lake, they just could not express themselves in fear of getting cast out.
"What way do you know?" I asked her, "You don't expect me to let her out when you have not even told me the way. What if you are lying to me, Linda", I warned her.
"I am not lying". She tried to convince me, her attention was divided between my decision and the drowning Rosie. ". . .You could sell her, that is very good even. You could sell her as a slave to a far away pack or place, it would even be in the midst of humans, it does not matter where. I know that wherever she is bought, she would never have to bother you again.
"And where is this place? Do you know?" I asked, getting excited.
"Of course, I will take you there. Just get the poor girl out of that lake." She said again. I wonder why she was keen on getting Rosie out of the lake. Maybe she is scared for her life. I won't blame her, her parents are not powerful enough to get her from a mess that involved killing someone, no matter who the person was.
"Get her out!" I commanded and the boys jumped to get her out of the lake. They were just in time, she was beginning to give up her fight.
"Clean her up! I have found another way to bring peace to my life."