Chapter 3

Unbeknownst to anyone, he stealthily makes his way through the door that had been left ajar. As he enters, he is immediately struck by the sight of the creature's handiwork - the shredded packages of raw meat scattered across the floor of the meat refrigerator. The unmistakable trail of paw prints leads away from the mess, intertwining with human footprints that head towards the back door. Adelmo's curiosity is piqued by this peculiar combination of prints within the store, prompting him to take action.

With a camera slung around his neck, Adelmo seizes the opportunity to capture the evidence before him. He carefully retrieves his camera, ensuring not to make a sound that could potentially alert anyone or anything lurking nearby. Focusing his lens on the torn meat packages and the trail of prints, he snaps a series of photographs, each click echoing through the silent store. These images will serve as a valuable resource for his later analysis, allowing him to delve deeper into the mystery that has unfolded before his eyes.

Satisfied with the evidence he has gathered, Adelmo decides it's time to make his exit. He moves with a sense of urgency, his mind racing as he contemplates the implications of what he has discovered. The journey back home is a blur, his footsteps echoing through the empty streets as he replays the scene in his mind. Questions swirl in his head - who, or what could have caused such chaos in the store? What connection could there possibly be between the creature and the human footprints? Adelmo knows that he must unravel this enigma, for the truth lies hidden within the shredded meat packages and the prints left behind.

Adelmo, exhausted from his long day, finally arrives home. He enters the house and heads straight to the dining room, knowing that it is the room with the best lighting to examine the prints he found. As he settles himself at the table, he carefully places the prints in front of him, ready to compare them to the ones he discovered in the old book he stumbled upon in the attic.

With a furrowed brow, Adelmo meticulously studies each print, searching for any similarities or differences. Suddenly, his eyes land on a particular print that catches his attention. It bears a striking resemblance to the prints he had seen at the store, but something about it perplexes him. He can't quite make up his mind about whether it truly belongs to a wolf or not, mainly due to its size.

The print in question is enormous, almost the size of a fully grown bear's paw. However, its distinct features and characteristics resemble those of a wolf's print. Adelmo finds himself torn between the conflicting evidence before him. In order to gain some clarity, he decides to delve deeper into the world of wolves by consulting the book he had found earlier.

As he flips through the pages, Adelmo's eyes scan the information about wolf prints. According to the book, a wolf's print typically measures around three to four inches in width and four to five inches in length. The measurements of the print in front of him, however, defy these standards. It spans a staggering seven inches in width and eleven inches in length.

Adelmo's confusion deepens. How could a print that exceeds the maximum size of a wolf's print still resemble one so closely? The discrepancy between the size of the print and the characteristics of a wolf's paw leaves him puzzled and intrigued. Determined to find answers, Adelmo continues his research, hoping to uncover the truth behind this perplexing mystery.

Adelmo remains uncertain, prompting him to set aside his papers. With a determined stride, he made his way towards the basement. The door emits a spine-chilling creak as he pushes it open. Inside, the harsh glare of the bright white light does not align with his intentions of developing the film. Undeterred, he extends his arm to flick the switch for the red light suspended above his developing tools.

Descending the stairs, Adelmo's hand instinctively reaches for the string that activates the red light. The warm glow washes over the room, casting a comforting ambiance. Realizing the incongruity of the white light still illuminating the staircase, he swiftly turns around to deactivate it. The sudden shift from stark brightness to the gentle red hue creates a sense of focus and purpose in the dimly lit space.

As Adelmo settles into his familiar routine, the red light guides his movements with a sense of familiarity and calm. The soft hum of the equipment blends harmoniously with the subdued lighting, creating an atmosphere conducive to his creative process. With each careful step in the dimly lit basement, Adelmo feels a sense of anticipation building as he immerses himself in the art of film development.

As Adelmo patiently waits for the film to develop, his mind is filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. He replays all the scenes he captured through his camera lens, eagerly anticipating the moment when the first image will materialize on the paper immersed in the developing chemicals. The suspense is palpable as he continues to work, printing each picture with meticulous care and attention to detail. Finally, as the last photograph is printed, he walks over to the light switch, flicking it on to illuminate the room and reveal the fruits of his labor.

Adelmo's heart skips a beat as he carefully examines each picture, his eyes scanning for any details that may have eluded him during the photo shoot. One image catches his attention immediately - a print that resembles the sketch he had drawn earlier. Another picture shows a chilling sight - a bare human footprint, stark against the white paper, made in what appears to be blood. The realization dawns on him that this could be the reason why the police had responded so swiftly to the scene of the crime.

As Adelmo recalls the conflicting reports from the witnesses who had called the police, a sense of unease settles in the pit of his stomach. The varying accounts of a possible robbery, an animal attack, or even a werewolf sighting add to the mystery surrounding the events of that fateful night. The disappearance of the last person seen entering the store raises more questions than answers, leaving Adelmo to ponder the possibility that they may have witnessed something terrifying and fled in fear. The unexpected discovery of a photograph depicting the transformation of prints from wolf to human only deepens the enigma, leaving Adelmo bewildered and questioning his own memory of the events that transpired.

The night was growing darker, and Adelmo could feel the exhaustion creeping into his bones. With a heavy sigh, he made the decision to retire for the night. Slowly, he made his way to his room, the events of the evening replaying in his mind like a broken record. There was a sense of unease settling in his chest, a nagging feeling that something was amiss.

As he changed into his comfortable pajamas, Adelmo couldn't shake off the confusion that clouded his thoughts. The events of the night had left him bewildered, unable to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded before his eyes. Despite knowing that it wasn't his responsibility to intervene, a sense of duty tugged at his conscience. He felt a growing urgency to unravel the mysteries that surrounded him before they spiraled out of control.

Finally settling into his bed, Adelmo pulled the covers over himself, seeking solace in the warmth of his blankets. The weariness of the day weighed heavily on him, but sleep didn't come easy. Restless thoughts swirled in his mind, refusing to let him drift off into a peaceful slumber. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and Adelmo succumbed to the realm of dreams, where the events of the night continued to haunt him in a surreal landscape of his subconscious.

In the depths of his slumber, Adelmo finds himself immersed in a thrilling chase through the dense woods. His heart pounds in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he dashes through the labyrinth of trees, forcefully pushing aside the obstructing branches that impede his path. The enigma of his pursuer remains shrouded in mystery, leaving him bewildered and on edge.

Seeking a momentary respite from the relentless pursuit, Adelmo halts abruptly, seeking refuge behind the towering presence of a majestic pine tree. Concealed within the protective embrace of nature, he fervently hopes that his relentless pursuer will unknowingly pass him by. Time seems to stand still, the once howling wind now reduced to a mere whisper, and an eerie chill permeates the air. As the world around him grows increasingly silent, the only sound that resonates in Adelmo's ears is the thunderous rhythm of his own heartbeat.

Suddenly, a sharp crack reverberates through the stillness, shattering the fragile tranquility that had momentarily settled upon the woods. Adelmo's heart leaps into his throat as he instinctively springs to his feet, propelling himself forward with every ounce of strength he possesses. Yet, no matter how fast he runs, he cannot shake off the relentless presence that shadows his every move. It stalks him with an unwavering determination, matching his pace stride for stride. In a jolt of terror, Adelmo is abruptly jolted awake, his body drenched in a cold sweat, grateful to have escaped the clutches of the unknown pursuer that haunted his dreams.

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