Chapter 1: Layla POV

“And last, but not least, this year’s Academic Excellence Award winner, Layla Kincaid!”

I step onto the stage & accept my award and graduation certificate from Mr. Anderson, our Principal.

As I’m standing next to him to have my picture taken, my eyes slip across the crowd, looking for my mother’s auburn head of hair just to come up short. I honestly don’t know why I expected anything different.

In the last six months she has become distant, she’s never home and when she is home, she can barely deign to say a handful of words to me.

It’s because she’s met a new man, but I can’t help but feel that there is something else that I’m missing.

After the crowd cheers and claps, we all scatter through the crowd looking for our friends and family.

Becca, my best friend since kindergarten, comes hurtling towards me with a huge smile on her face, her arms spread wide.

“We’ve finally done it!” she screams in my face just before she jumps into my arms. I can’t help but smile at her.

In relation to my 5 foot 8 inch stature, her 5 foot 1 inch is basically miniature. The fact that I’m voluptuous and thick and she’s slim and lean, does not help our size differences in the slightest. But we wouldn’t want it any other way.

I lock eyes with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Montgomery, over her shoulder and they both have huge, proud smiles on their faces.

Since day one, they welcomed me into their home and treated me like an adoptive daughter. Mrs. Montgomery is the one who taught me how to create mouthwatering dishes, bake amazing cookies and cakes, and even how to balance a household budget. Mr. Montgomery is the one who taught me how to change a tire, fix a lightbulb, hang a shelf, and even knot a tie (just in case).

“Your mom probably got stuck at work.” Mrs. Montgomery whispers in my ear when she leans in to hug me. I appreciate the sentiment but we both know that’s not the real reason she is not here.

We all pile into the Montgomery’s car and head to the local seafood restaurant that is known for its amazing dishes and superb service – Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery’s treat for our special day.

We are at the restaurant and as we wait to be attended to by the hostess, my eyes scan across the space to take in its amazing décor and atmosphere as I’ve personally never been here before.

My eyes catch onto a pair of stunning green ones that are staring right back at me. My breath catches and my heart skips a beat when the force of our stare hits me like a battering ram. What in the ever-loving-skittles is that?

As I come back to my senses, other features come to my attention: a strong jawline that could cut diamonds, golden flawless skin, dark brown (almost black) curly hair that is cropped closely on the sides but longish on top (perfect for my fingers to glide through and grab on to), a tall muscular figure that gives off swimmer vibes and a sinful mouth that is currently tipped upwards into the most delicious, panty-melting smirk. Oh my!

Becca tugs on my arm to get my attention so I can follow them to our table. I glance back one last time but he has slipped away. It might be for the best; I can’t afford any right now.

Our server comes over and introduces herself as Meghan takes our drinks orders, and hurries away to give us a few minutes to peruse the menu.

I hear Becca and her parents discussing the various menu options but I’m not giving my full attention to what’s going on around me; my mind drifting towards my mom’s MIA status, my disappointment in myself for expecting anything different, and a certain pair of green eyes.

My Shirley Temple is placed in front of me and as I go to that Meghan, my words get caught in my throat when I realize it’s green-eyes standing next to me with a decadent smile on his face.

“Hi, my name is Hunter, I’ll be taking over from Meghan. She had to step out for a family emergency. I hope that is okay with you lovely folks?” he says to the whole table, but his gaze lands on me at the end of his sentence. I’m so flustered I can feel a blush creeping up my neck and I dip my head to hide it from him. What is wrong with me? I’m never this nervous around guys!

Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery each order the fish-of-the-day special, Becca orders the paella but I’m stuck between the seafood chowder and the creamy linguine with prawns. Hunter steps up closer to me, leans down a fraction, and asks: “And what can I get you, beautiful?”

I glance up at him, blushing again, but able to find my voice, even if it sounds a bit scratchy. Am I thirsty? “What would you recommend? The seafood chowder or the linguine with prawns?”

He peers down at me, drops his voice a fraction so only I can hear him, and says: “What I would like, is not on the menu.” With that, he subtly winks at me and I’m at a loss for words. Did a fire break out in the kitchen? Why is it so hot in here all of a sudden? Does someone need to call the fire department?

I clear my throat, take a sip of my drink to give me a few extra seconds to rearrange my thoughts, and only then peer up at him through my lashes. “I’ll take the chowder, please.”

He scribbles my order down, tips an imaginary hat in our direction, and then saunters off towards the kitchen.

When I lift my head a couple of seconds later it is to Becca looking at me with a smirk on her face and an evil glint in her eyes. I know that look, it doesn't bode well for me. Urgh!

As we wait for our food to arrive, I excuse myself to run to the restroom quickly. I go inside, finish up in the nearest stall, and then stand at the sink to wash my hands and splash cold water on my neck and wrists. I need to get my composure back. I need my head in the game.

Once I’m calmed down, I exit the restrooms, and as I’m rounding the corner into the corridor that leads to the restaurant, I crash into a wall that wasn’t there 10 minutes ago. Strong hands grab my upper arms to steady me and the intoxicating smell of cinnamon and vanilla assaults my senses.

“Woah there, beautiful.”

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, obviously.” Somewhere during the moment he caught me and our verbal exchange, my hands reached out and grasped onto his midsection. I can feel his taught muscles underneath my fingertips, and I have an instinctual urge to run my hands up his stomach, over his shoulders, and into his hair. Bad Layla!

Hunter stares into my eyes for a second, dips his head lower and whispers next to my ear: “You won’t hear me complaining. Feel free to bump into me anytime you want.”

I feel his breath against my skin just below my ear and I sigh inwardly. If I cant my head just a fraction to the side, he would have the perfect angle to run his nose along my neck, lick just behind my ear, and nip at my earlobe.

Instead, my fingertips tighten a fraction just before I step back and create some much-needed space between us.

“Thanks for catching me but I need to get back to the table.” I step around him to leave and as I pass him, his fingers brush against the back of my hand, tingles immediately run up my hand and straight to my heart, making me suck in a breath. When I’m three steps away from him, I peer back over my shoulder and find him rooted to the spot, eyes somewhat larger due to shock. I think he might be just as surprised by that touch as I was. Here’s hoping!

The rest of our meal goes by without a hitch except for the times that Hunter comes by our table to drop something off or collect some of our dirty dishes. I blush every time and he finds a reason to touch me surreptitiously every time.

Our fingers touch when I hand him my empty plate, him stroking his fingers over my shoulder blades when he passes at the back of my chair. Each time it’s as electrifying as the first time.

As Mr. Montgomery pays the bill, we stand to slip our jackets on. Hunter is there to offer me his hand as I go to rise from the table.

I take his hand and as my fingers carefully slip into his, I feel a small piece of paper being slipped to me. He smiles sheepishly at me before releasing my hand and turning towards Becca and Mrs. Montgomery to help them up as well.

We step outside and Becca is on me in a millisecond, squeezing my bicep and smiling at me like a loon. She didn’t miss the exchange between me and Hunter. I definitely will be getting the third degree when we get home. Yay me!

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