Chapter 2: Layla POV

6 weeks later

I’m behind the counter at Beantree, serving a customer and listening to our manager speaking to the owner on the phone.

We’ve finally been given the go-ahead to advertise for another barista to help out around here! Tessa hangs up and saunters over to me with a huge smile, giving me a thumbs up. We have been begging the owner for another set of hands around her since four weeks ago.

I originally would have spent my summer vacation relaxing, soaking up the sun, and enjoying being carefree before I started university in the fall.

That dream imploded the day I asked my mom to transfer my college fund to the university to cover my tuition, room and board for the first year. The college fund that my dad left me after he passed away.

Originally, she hedged for a few days about needing to go see the bank manager to release the funds, but after a massive argument between us, she admitted to squandering the money away on gambling, new clothes, and her new beau’s company as an investment.

I was livid! It was too late to apply for a scholarship, so I had to place my dreams of starting my new future on hold, indefinitely.

That’s how I ended up here, at Beantree, being a barista so I can start saving up money to hopefully start studying next year.

Don’t get me wrong, I love working here. Tessa is amazing, the customers are really nice and patient when it comes to the lunchtime rush and the employee discount is a major bonus when it comes to getting my caffeine fix.

Once there is a lull in the shop, Tessa steps to the back to print up an ad to place in the shop window for the new barista position. Bradley, one of our regulars, saunters in and I start ringing up his regular – double cappuccino and a banana bran muffin. He smiles at me when I give him his total before he even has the chance to say anything.

“You are amazing. If I was 30 years younger, I would have locked you down as my sweetheart as soon as you smiled at me the first time.”

I smile at Bradley, lean over to him, and stage-whisper “And I would have let you” before I give him an exaggerated wink. His smile grows 3 times and I know both our days have been made.

A couple of days later, Tessa is in the back interviewing potential new baristas when the bell over the door chimes as a new customer enters.

I lift my head with my customer service smile in place when I lock eyes with a blonde adonis with the most light-blue eyes I’ve ever seen. He gives me a shy smile as he steps up to the counter and I have to swallow twice before I get my voice to work.

“Welcome to Beantree, what can I get for you today?”

“Hi, are you Tessa?”

“No, sorry. Are you here to interview for the new barista job?” All candidates were asked to come in today so it’s a logical deduction to make.

“Yes, I’m Cade, pleased to meet you.” He extends his hand and I do the same. “Layla, welcome. Tessa should almost be done and then it is your turn.”

“Any advice to make sure I get the job” he asks, and I realize he hasn’t dropped my hand yet. I can’t say that I mind in the slightest.

“Let me think…a chai latte and a double choc chip brownie will definitely put you ahead of the pack.” I wink at him and a slight blush creep across his cheeks. He is adorable. Can I take him home? Down Layla!

“Well then, right those up for me and whatever is your favorite, I need to make sure I’m in your good books as well.” He smiles sweetly at me, and I can’t seem to stop my lips from drawing up as well.

“Why’s that?” I ask as I’m getting his (or should I say Tessa’s) order ready.

“I’m hoping you’ll teach me the ropes around here if I get the job.”

“Not if, when. I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you with Tessa.”

He looks at me aghast and I can’t help but giggle. I don’t giggle, get it together Layla!

“Why would you do that?” Cade asks and it seems he’s having trouble understanding why a total stranger would help him out.

“Because I have a gut feeling about you and I’ve learned to trust my gut. And the older ladies would love some eye candy around here.” I wink at him while sliding his items over the counter towards him.

Cade breaks out into a full-blown smile, and it totally transforms his face, he should definitely smile more!

Soon Tessa appears and escorts the previous candidate out. I catch her attention and introduce her to Cade.

“I have it on good authority that these are your favorite,” he says as he hands Tessa her latte and brownie.

Her eyes almost bug out of her head, and she smiles from ear to ear.

“Oh, I like him already!” She shows him to the back and I turn my attention back to the customers.

Unfortunately, it gets busy quickly, and I don’t get the chance to say goodbye to Cade when he’s done with Tessa. Hopefully, he gets the job, and I’ll get to see him again.

As the day winds down, Tessa and I don’t get a chance to chat much about all the candidates she interviewed but I wasn’t lying to Cade, I’ll certainly try to put in a good word on his behalf.

Just before closing time my alarm on my phone goes off and I remember that my art class at the local community college starts tonight. I’ll be going twice a week during the summer.

I would have chosen art as a minor when I started at university but due to certain selfish people, those plans are on hold. That does not mean I have to tank all my plans just yet.

Art has always been a passion of mine. I am no Picasso but being able to get lost while I’m drawing or even painting brings me a certain type of peacefulness that I’ve not been able to replicate in any other way.

It started when I was six years old, and it was one of the many things I shared with my dad. We could spend hours at a time, laying in the backyard, drawing the most mundane things – a ladybug sitting on a petal, drops of dew on a spider’s web. Those were some of my happiest times.

Dad and I shared a kinship that Mom never could (or should I say would) understand. To her, we were wasting time. In actuality, she was more upset about the fact that Dad would not spend all his time on her. She always was someone that needed everyone’s attention to be on her, all the time.

As I’m locking up in front, Tessa is cashing up. I peer at her over my shoulder before I decide to bring up the new barista position.

“So, any idea on who you might be recommending to the owner for the position?” I honestly try to be nonchalant about it, but Tessa sees through me quicker than water running through a sieve.

“Why? Is there anyone in particular that you think might fit the bill?” she smirks at me and I stick my tongue out at her.

“Cade seemed nice…” I trail off, not wanting to come off as too pushy or opinionated.

Tessa gives a loud guffaw and I know my attempt at subtlety failed, ginormously.

“You know, he asked me about you when our interview was over.”

“What? What did say?” There’s no need for me to be coy about it anymore. It’s clear as daylight that I like the guy.

“He asked if you were single.”

I can practically feel my face splitting in half with the smile that pops up.

Tessa knows that I’m very hesitant when it comes to guys. Yes, I might like Cade but that does not mean I’ll be throwing myself at him the first chance I get. That moment with Hunter a few weeks ago was a fluke in and of itself.

The next morning, I walk into the coffee shop to see a set of bright blues smiling at me from behind the counter – Cade got the job!

The next couple of weeks go by quite uneventfully but Cade is becoming a constant in my day-to-day life. It’s small little things that make me like him more, each day.

He opens the door for me when I arrive in the morning, walks me to my car at night when our shift is over, holds the door for me when I enter or leave a room, and small smiles when we catch each other’s eye across the room.

He’s not pushy or overconfident. He’s just a constant reminder that there still are good, gentlemanly guys out there.

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