I had a great night!
I was already lying in my bed, ready to sleep.
Alex dropped me off an hour ago, it's almost 10:00 PM.
After dinner, we went to a nearby coffee shop. Alex didn't want to go home yet so she asked me to accompany her which I obliged.
I really enjoyed her company. I know she's my boss but at that moment, I felt like I was having a conversation with a friend.
Sometimes, she talked about things that I think was too deep but I just listened to her. Her sad eyes makes me wonder, I wanted to ask her personal questions but I'm afraid it would be too much and she'd take it like I was prying.
Most of the conversations we had were about random things, nothing personal, nothing about work.
She didn't ask about my family so I didn't too. She never ask again about my personal relationship which was a relief coz I was never comfortable talking about it with people.
Live your life like it was your last. That stuck in my mind.
That phrase, there's something in it.
I had plan all my life. Which school I will go to, what course I will take, the companies I will apply to, taking my masters, the house I will buy, planning a family.
I was brought into this world with my Mother already hating on me and a Father who never cared. I was just so lucky that my Stepfather was kind to me and cared for me like his own.
So, I have to plan. I cannot be careless, I cannot be distracted, I need my life to go in the right path. I want my Step Father to be proud of me, it was his sweat and blood that took me to where I am now, I want to repay him. I want to be able to take him to places, different countries, eat different cuisines, buy him things. So yes, I plan my life, I need to plan my life.
Live your life like it was your last. It echoed in my mind before I drifted to sleep.
I woke up with a heavy eyes. I don't know what time I fell asleep last night.
I don't usually stay up late, I sleep around 09:0 PM as I need to wake up early.
It's 04:40 in the morning, I got up, made my bed and went to the kitchen to get a banana.
I was eating it while I change to my gym clothes. Once done, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, did my business and head out.
My gym is just a couple blocks from my building so I jog, it helps me warm up.
"Good morning, Cara." It's Max, he's a regular too in this gym. He had been asking me to go out with him but I don't have the time and also, I was not really interested in him.
"Good morning, Max." I smiled at him and went straight to the thread mill.
I fixed my airpods and concentrate working out.
It's already almost 06:00 in the morning, I finished my routine and head out. I went straight to the shelter and caught up with Linda preparing the breakfast of the dogs and cats.
I joined her and we fed these beautiful souls.
"Why don't you adopt one of these babies?" Linda said.
We were both hand feeding some of the dogs with special needs.
"Ohh, I want to, really. But, I'm afraid I won't have the time, I just started my internship and soon will take my masters." I looked at the puppies lovingly.
When I was a kid I wanted to have pets, but my Mom of course, won't allow it. I used to feed strays from my lunch box, play with them in the street after school, I just felt like, somehow I relate to them.
We finished the hour feeding and petting the animals and I'm on my way home, I was kind of in a hurry as I wanted to come to office a little bit early from the others.
As soon as I reach my apartment, I threw myself in the shower, I'll have coffee in the office.
Remembering coffee, my mind traveled back from yesterday's incident. How I poured my coffee in myself and how Alex took care of me.
My hand automatically reaches my chest, it's still red and the blister popped already, it doesn't hurt anymore.
Alex's hand touching my chest, her eyes focused on my wound...
I shook that thought and hurried myself, I'm gonna be late if I continue on day dreaming in the shower.
Alex is picking me up and I don't want her to wait for me.
Last night before we part ways, I told her I will be ready at 07:30 AM so she can come and pick me up anytime after that.
It's 07:30 AM, I just finish blow drying my hair, put a bit of make up and hurried going down the building.
I didn't get her number last night and she didn't get mine too so we don't have any contact with each other.
If she is already in front of my building, I have no way of knowing unless I go down.
And there she is. Standing on the side of her car looking so stunning with plaid partnered pants and blazer.
She look really beautiful.
Am I attracted to my Boss?
"Good morning!" Alex greeted me as I walk towards her.
"Good morning, I'm sorry I was..."
"Nonsense, I just came." She cut me off.
As usual, she opens the door for me before she turned to the driver's seat.
"Did you have breakfast?" She asked while driving.
"Umm, no. I don't eat breakfast."
"What? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how come you don't eat breakfast?" She asked me in disbelief.
"Well, I just don't eat breakfast, I'm on I.F.." I told her.
"Intermittent Fasting."
We are heading towards a red signal and hearing me say the intermittent fasting, it made her slam on the break a little bit harder.
"You're doing fasting? For what?" She looked me from head to toe.
To my surprise, she pinched my arm, my stomach and my legs.
"There was not a single fat in your body and you're fasting?"
I don't know if she's aware that what she just did affects the hell out of me.
Her touching me, even if it is just one finger that touches my skin, sends shiver down my spine.
How can I be this affected?
"Seriously, Cara. Why are you fasting?"
I composed myself before I answer her.
"It is... It is part of my healthy diet. I... I have a... fatty genes."
Alex laughed at that, she didn't even notice the light turning green and if it is not because of the car behind us honking, she will not stop laughing and drive.
She was mocking me I know.
"Three of my aunties are, you know... they are big women, even my grandmother and some of my cousins. My Mom is not but you know, I'm just trying to take care of myself." I reasoned to her as she continue to laugh.
I know my cheeks are all red now, not sure if it is from her touching me or the teasing and mocking.
"Cara, you're beautiful. I know, you must be used to people saying that, but you really are. Just, let loose a little. Live your life."
"Live your life. What's with you? Are you dying or something?" I asked her directly.
She burst out laughing.
"Nobody's dying! It's my.. mantra or whatever."
We reached W&B building talking about what I eat and routine to keep my body and health in shape and most of the time, she was laughing about it.
So what if I take care of my health, shouldn't we all be doing it?
From the basement, we need to go to the lobby first to tap our IDs, as soon as we came out of the elevator, all the employees started looking at us.
Maybe because I was frowning and Alex was laughing. Or maybe just because we came together.
"Good morning, Ms. Williams."
"Good morning, Ma'am."
The employees greeted her as we walked towards the elevators at the lobby.
She just nodded and smiled at them.
When we past at them, I could hear the whispering and mumbling.
"Get used to it. People talks behind our backs, it's human nature." I heard Alex said before we both entered the elevator.