Back to the past
The Following Day
“I’m so sorry about Hilda’s death, what do you plan to do now?” Mrs Margareta, who was Hilda’s friend asked Rina.
“I don’t even know ma’am,” Rina cried and the woman pat her.
“I would have really loved to help out but you know what my situation is right?” Mrs Margaret said and Rina nod.
"I understand you very well ma'am٫ Grandma told me about your son. He has been at the hospital for the past few months٫ I hope he's doing okay?" Rina asked and the old woman nod with a smile.
"He's barely just recovering٫ thanks for understanding me but is this how you’re going to keep living? I mean, the loans are piling up and if you don’t pay up, the worse might happen,” She muttered and Rina face fell.
"I...I don't know٫ I don't know what to tell my kids when next they ask me about school٫" She lamented while Margaret pat her shoulder softly then she fell into her arms as her tears dropped continuously.
"Hushhh٫ IIt's going to be fine٫"The woman whispered.
After some minutes٫She pulled away from the woman. "Thanks٫" She muttered wiping her tears.
"I have a suggestion٫ why don't you go back to the city? You're well learned and you still have your documents٫ I'd suggest you go back with your kids٫ get a job that suits you and live a better life٫ what do you you think?" The woman asked and Rina give it a long thought.
She hasn't thought of that٫ It has never crossed her mind before but the city holds her past. She’s gone through shits down there and doesn’t want to go back there.
“I…don’t want to go back there ma’am, the city holds lot of my past, I don’t want to go back to my past like this, I mean in this terrible situation,” She mumbled and the woman breathed in.
“Rina?” The woman called not expecting a reply, “Are you moving forward or backwards?” The woman asked and Rina shook her head.
“No, why did you say that?”
“A successful person don’t look at his mistakes, he learns from his mistake so he wouldn’t make the same mistake. He doesn’t live in his past, he hopes for a better future,” Mrs Margaret told her profoundly while rubbing her cheeks in the process. “Don’t live or dwell in your past,” She added.
“I will think about what you’ve just said, I will try not to think about my past, Thank you ma’am,” Rina muttered frailty.
They both of them smiled at each other warmly.
Rina kept scrolling up on her phone, looking for nearby jobs she could apply for but none was available. Then she came across a receptionist job with huge payment, “MFR Company?” She muttered happily but her face dropped when she saw the location, “it’s in Gwen city? my hometown?”
“Mummy? When are we going back to school?” Scarlett, her little kid interrupted her, she forced herself to smile.
“Very soon sweetie,” She muttered but the little girl wasn’t satisfied with the reply, she grumbled.
“We miss all our class mates, David, Johana, Ethan…” Scott chip in as his face dropped “I miss the school playing ground,” He added.
“We don’t know if daddy will come anytime soon, we don’t if we will be going back to school, mummy, please do something,” Skyler snapped with a loud cry.
This breaks Rina’s heart, she doesn’t want to break down in front of her kids so she kept on smiling, holding back her tears.
Then her eyes fell back to her phone, to the receptionist job she saw online, She stare at it for a while deciding what to do, “I won’t live in my past, I’m doing this for my kids,”She said and with that she finally click on the apply icon.
(MFR Group & Company headquarters)
Looking out through the transparent glass in his office he could visibly see what’s going on the streets, the people struggling to survive, cars going to and fro, he enjoyed the view and that made him feel like he was on top of the world, what more could he ask for? He’s rich, handsome and owns one of the largest company. He’s Fernandez Robert Miguel.
He smiled softly as he sip his coffee slowly then his watch beeped. “Come in,” He muttered in his deep voice.
No one need to tell him who it was, his personal assistant, Mr. Willow.
“Sir, here are the people that applied online,” Mr Willow reported as he got closer to him showing him the tab that filled with people that applied for the receptionist post.
He briefly looked at him, “pick anyone, that’s your job.”
“Okay sir, I intend to pick this lady, Mrs Adrianna Georgia. She applied few minutes ago and she’s a single mother, wow…”
“Don’t tell me stories, I don’t think I have time for that, if you think she’s capable of the post then choose her,” He snapped not sparing him a glance as he kept staring at the atmosphere.
“Okay, I’m sorry about that-“
“Miguel!” Someone screamed from the entrance interrupting the two of them. “Look who’s back?”
Miguel smiled, “Really Gil? Do you have to shout?” He questioned then signal Mr Willow to leave which did.
“Is that the way to greet your best friend?” Gil teased landing his butt on one of the couch in the office while Miguel joined
He rolled his eyes, “Thought you’re leaving today?” Miguel asked and Gil nod.
“I’m afraid my bitches might come and attack you the minute am gone, hehe,” He whined
“Now I see why you’re never married ever since the first one got called off five years ago,” Miguel jumped in.
“Damn! You made me remember that slut! Do you know she was carrying a baby?” Gil snapped and Miguel shook his head with a smirk.
“It’s not surprising, I made the right choice not attending back then” He grin and went back to his drink.
“Have you seen her since then?” He added but Gil scoffed.
“She left the city out of shame and I pray she never comes back though some part of me still want her badly,” Gil said and Miguel threw him a glare.
“What do you need her for? She’s a slut!”
“Slut indeed,” Gilbert smirked “And you, the lady you slept with that day, five years back in the club house, did you get to find her?” He asked and Robert shook his head.
“She’s gone. A slut that only needs the moment back then, I don’t hope for her return, She’s a slut.”