Chapter 3: Underneath the Surface
You followed me, but why? I inquired. I didn't intend for my voice to sound that harsh. Even if every muscle in my body begged me to remain with him, I was meant to avoid him.
With his arms folded over his chest, Jacob leaned against the ancient brick wall that lined the alley and studied me as if I were a problem that he couldn't figure out. He answered, "I didn't follow you," in a level voice. "I had you in my domain. I was unable to ignore it.
I sneered. "Your domain? This place wasn't owned by anybody when I last looked.
"It's still Golden Claw land," he said, his green eyes penetrating the dim light. "Isidora, you remain my friend. I'm motivated to care because of it.
That term "mate" chilled me to the bone. No matter how much I wanted to act like I didn't, it was a link that couldn't be broken. But giving a damn? No. It was still too soon for me to believe that.
I turned away from him and said, "Don't say that like it still means something." I was unable to avoid the anxiety that pervaded the dense air between us.
Jacob remarked, "It does mean something," and took a step forward. He now spoke in a gentler, almost beseeching tone. "It always has."
I stepped back and shook my head. "After what you have done, you have no right to say that. Jacob, you turned me away. I was broken by you.
His mouth tightened, and for a few seconds, I thought he was about to say something that would lead to a brawl. Instead, he exhaled slowly, his shoulders drooping a little. "I am aware that I caused you pain. I am aware that this does not imply that I am deserving of your pardon. However, it doesn't mean I'll give up on attempting to put things right either."
To that, I was at a loss for words. I was taken aback by the sincerity of his speech, which made me wonder where to put my defenses.
"What do you want from me?" My voice was hardly audible above a whisper as I asked.
He hesitated, looking into my eyes as if they were hiding their response deep inside. Finally, "I want a chance," he remarked. "A chance to prove to you that I'm more than the person who damaged you.
I crossed my arms across my chest and laughed bitterly. "Jacob, you can't make that decision right now. You can't expect me to think you've changed just because you come up after all these years."
He added, "I don't expect you to believe me," in a forceful voice. "I anticipate that you will allow me to show you.
I couldn't let myself be fooled by the passion of his remarks, even if they made my pulse race. Never again.
When I said, "I can't trust you," my voice broke. "Not yet."
I could feel the heat radiating off Jacob's body as he took a step closer. In the greatest and worst ways, his presence was oppressive and suffocating.
"I'm not requesting your trust," he stated in a low, almost whispery voice. "Give me some of your time. Don't push me away, please.
I felt like pushing him away. I wanted to tell him to never come back and to leave me alone. However, I was unable to. I tried to resist the draw toward him, but the connection between us was too powerful.
I shook my head and mumbled, "You don't make this easy."
"Good," he said, a little grin teasing his lips. "Nothing worth having should be easy."
Even though I rolled my eyes, a little grin pulled at the corners of my lips. He has a certain edge that made him disarm me and tear down my barriers when I least anticipated it.
I said, "Fine," without meaning it. "I'll give you an opportunity. However, don't even consider that I'll forgive you.
He responded, "I wouldn't dream of it," as a warm grin replaced his sneer.
For a minute, something softer and warmer took the place of the tension between us. I detested my fondness for it.
Why are you suddenly so concerned? My voice was softer as I asked. "After everything that happened… why are you here?"
The playful gleam vanished from Jacob's eyes, and his expression became solemn. "Because I never stopped caring," was his straightforward response. "I never stopped hurting you, even when I didn't show it.
I was more affected by his remarks than I cared to acknowledge. I turned away because I didn't think I could keep his eyes on me any longer.
My voice trembled as I responded, "You don't get to say that," "Not after what you did."
"I know," he muttered. "But I'm saying it anyway."
After that, there was such a thick stillness since so much had been left unsaid. My mind was in such disarray that I was unsure of how to react or comprehend all that was going on inside of me.
He eventually broke the stillness by saying, "Let me walk you home," after a while.
I wasn't sure whether I wanted him to, so I paused. However, a loud collision reverberated from further down the alley before I could decide.
My pulse pounding, I whirled around to find out what was making the sounds.
"What was that?" My voice was tight as I asked.
Jacob moved ahead of me, his body stiffening as he looked about in the shadows. He ordered, "Stay behind me," with firmness.
He said, "Isidora, stay behind me," leaving no opportunity for debate.
My instincts told me to go, but I couldn't leave him in that state.
This time, a closer sound reverberated down the lane. Steps. Slow and methodical.
"Who's there?" Jacob bellowed, piercing and authoritative.
My blood froze as someone stepped out of the darkness.
Not just any stranger, however. I knew who it was. Someone I didn't think I would ever see again.
"Veronica," I said, my voice barely audible.
Beside me, Jacob stiffened, and the only sound in the oppressive quiet was his quick breath.
Veronica replied, "Hello, sister," with a tone that I couldn't quite identify. "Miss me?"
I gazed at the purported dead lady, and it seemed like the world was tilting on its axis. My identical twin. The one I'd sobbed for, grieved over and vowed to get revenge on.
She was standing directly in front of me and she was alive.