Chapter 4: The Conflict

Jacob, tell me the truth. What do you say?

My voice was harsh and forceful, piercing the silence of the woods. I wasn't going to allow him to sidestep the topic once again. I could no longer be blinded by the draw I felt for him.

With stiff shoulders, Jacob ran a hand through his black hair. He said he wanted to chat, therefore he had taken me here, away from the busy streets. But he had just been pacing for the last fifteen minutes.

He avoided looking at me and murmured, "Isidora, it's not that simple."

I said, "Don't you dare say that." "Jacob, nothing in my life has been easy. Telling me the truth is the least you can do.

I believed for a second that he would genuinely open up when his emerald eyes finally met mine. Instead, he tightened his teeth and looked away once again.

"You wouldn't comprehend," he muttered.

I stepped forward and said, "Try me." Or do you think I'm scary?

My remarks caused his body to tighten, and I knew I had touched a nerve. Excellent. He had to hear it.

"You believe I can handle this easily?" His voice was quiet but full of fury when he uttered it abruptly. "Isidora, I'm attempting to keep you safe."

"What will you protect me from? From you? from your pack?

His silence was sufficient response.

I shook my head and laughed bitterly. "Jacob, you have no say in what I can manage. I'm not a helpless girl in need of rescue. No more.

He said, "I never said you were." However, this is about more than just us. There are factors at work that you are unaware of. Things that have the potential to ruin everything.

"Then tell me about it!" I raised my voice and demanded. Jacob, stop excluding me. Give me a cause to trust you if you want my trust.

For a minute, I saw something vulnerable and raw in his eyes as he stared at me, actually looked at me. I'm sorry. Fear. Perhaps even guilt.

When he finally responded, "I can't," his voice was hardly audible above a whisper.

My heart sank as the weight of his words struck me like a blow. "Will or can't?"

He didn't respond, and his silence was more powerful than any words he could have spoken.

I looked aside while attempting to control my breathing. Anger, fury, and hurt were all too much to handle. And behind it all, a persistent feeling of uncertainty.

"Isidora," he murmured quietly, his tone now closer.

I didn't look back. "Jacob, you keep claiming that you want a chance. But because you won't allow me in, how can I offer you that?

I could hear the effort in his voice as he said, "I'm trying." "I'm trying to resolve this and act morally. It's not just about us, however. My group is counting on me to—"

"To what?" I turned to face him and interrupted him. "To choose them instead of me? To turn me down once more?

I had a glimpse of terror flash over his face as his eyes widened.

“It’s not—” Isidora said.

"So, Jacob, what is it?" With a quivering voice, I demanded. "Because it appears that you are still prioritizing them from where I am standing."

He started to reply, but was interrupted by the sound of a nearby branch cracking.

My senses went into overdrive as I froze. "What was that?"

Jacob's whole expression changed, his body stiffening as his gaze swept across the surrounding woods. His voice was low and strained as he said, "We're not alone."

My heart began to race, but I made myself remain composed. "Who is it?"

Jacob stepped in front of me and said, "Stay close to me."

I tightened my hands because I detested the way he switched to protective mode on autopilot. I wasn't defenseless. No more.


“Shh,” he broke off, focusing on the shadows between the trees with narrowed eyes.

My own pulse roaring in my ears was the only sound to break the oppressive quiet.

Then a person appeared out of the shadows.

"Veronica," I said in a voice that was almost audible.

The faint moonlight coming through the woods lit her face as she stood there. I couldn't read her face, but there was something in her gaze that made me shiver.

She replied, "Hello again, sister," in a cool, silky voice.

With his body poised and prepared, Jacob took a step forward. "Why are you in this place?"

Veronica looked at me and said, "I could ask you the same thing." "However, I already know the solution."

"What are you looking for?" Even though I was feeling uneasy, I asked in a firm voice.

With a little grin on her lips, Veronica cocked her head. "Isidora, I want what I've always desired. to keep you safe.

I scowled as suspicion and bewilderment raced through my head. "Keep me safe? From where?

"From him," she answered, giving Jacob a nod.

I gasped and turned to face him, looking for any sign of dishonesty. But all I saw was incredulity and rage.

Jacob's voice was stern as he continued, "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't I?" Veronica shot back, her grin waning. Jacob, you don't realize how much I know. More than she does.

I stepped forward and said, "Stop playing games." "Speak up if you have anything to say."

As Veronica gazed at me, her eyes became softer. "Isidora, you have no idea what's going on. You have no idea what he has been keeping from you.

My tolerance was getting thin as I tightened my hands. "Then tell me."

She looked from me to Jacob and back again. "Yes, I will. Not here, however. Not right now.

"Why not?" With a low, menacing voice, Jacob asked.

With an equally piercing tone, Veronica said, "Because you won't let her hear the truth." "You haven't told her enough already, have you?"

I felt as if I was in the midst of an unfathomable storm because of the almost intolerable tension between them.

"Enough," I said, my voice piercing the confusion. "You two. I've had enough of half-truths and secrets. Stop keeping things from me if you want my faith in either of you.

Veronica's face relaxed, and I briefly believed that she would pay attention. Her words lingered in the air as she retreated into the darkness.

"Watch out, Isidora. Not everyone who says they can protect you is looking out for your best interests.

She was gone in an instant.

With my pulse racing, I looked to Jacob. "What is she discussing?"

He clenched his jaw and turned his head away.

"Jacob," I stated firmly. "Be honest with me."

He murmured, "I can't," with something in his eyes that I couldn't quite identify. Feeling guilty? Fear?

My voice was shaking as I responded, "Then we're done here."

With questions running through my head that I didn't know the answers to, I turned and left.

However, I couldn't get rid of the sensation that I was heading directly into the storm as I vanished into the night.

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