Chapter 5: A New Hope

"Are you scared?"

Jacob's tone was quiet, almost apprehensive, as if he was terrified of the response. I gripped the chilly metal railing with my fingertips as I perched on the side of the hospital bed. The strong, antiseptic smell of disinfection permeated the air, yet it was unable to mask the untamed energy I sensed coming from him.

I steadied myself by taking a big breath. "Scared doesn’t even begin to cover it."

His sharp green eyes searched my face as he crouched before me. "You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready."

Although his worry was sincere, it just strengthened my determination. I had been living in the dark for so long, using smells, noises, and my instincts to get by. However, this operation was more than simply a cosmetic procedure. Regaining something that had been snatched from me before I even realized what it meant to have it was the goal.

"I want this," I firmly said.

His hand touched mine as he extended it. Even though it was a simple gesture, it made me feel something. "Then you’re braver than I’ll ever be."

I looked at the tightness in his voice as I cocked my head. "You say that you don’t face danger every day."

"This is different," he said to himself. "This is... irreversible. It transforms everything.

"Exactly," I said. "That’s the point."

We were stopped by a tap on the door, and a nurse entered with a clipboard. "Miss Christa, it’s time."

Despite my tense tummy, I nodded. Jacob arose and extended his arm, anchoring me with his presence. "I’ll walk with you."

The only sound in the calm corridor was the gentle buzz of equipment. I held on to Jacob's hand like an anchor as it stayed warm and solid on my arm.

"Who do you think paid for all of this?" I broke the stillness by asking.

He stumbled a little, but he got back up fast. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters," I scowled. "No one does something like this without a reason."

It was deafening how silent Jacob was.

"Do you know who it is?" I stopped dead in my tracks and pushed.

His look was impenetrable as he turned to face me. "Isidora, it makes no difference who they are. The fact that you're getting to travel the globe is what counts. to observe oneself.

The nurse reminded us of the urgency by clearing her throat, but I wanted to press harder and demand answers.

Jacob said, "We’ll talk after," in a tone that left no space for disagreement.

I let it go reluctantly and let the nurse guide me into the surgical room. Jacob's face, with its combination of optimism and something worse, was the last thing I saw before the anesthetic took over.


The world was still black when I woke up, but I felt something new, a strange pressure behind my eyes that seemed like it was about to explode.

Jacob's words, "Isidora," drew me out of the fog.

With a parched throat, I turned to face the sound. "It’s done?"

"It’s done," he said in a strong voice.

His hand swiftly touched mine as I extended out. "How long until I know if it worked?"

"The bandages will take a few hours to remove, according to the doctor. First, they want to ensure that there is no edema.

Despite the overwhelming sense of suspense, I forced myself to remain composed and nodded.

"What if it didn’t work?" With the terror returning, I muttered.

"Don’t think like that," he stated firmly. "This is how far you've come already. You are more resilient than any result.

Despite his best efforts to reassure me, his remarks simply served to highlight how serious this situation was.

"Why are you here, Jacob?" Abruptly, I asked.

He tensed up next to me. "What do you mean?"

Why, after all, are you so concerned? Even though you don't really know me, you're here, holding my hand as if you've known me all my life."

He took a while to respond, and I could sense the strain coming from him. "Because I see something in you, Isidora," he finally said. Something uncommon. Additionally, I can't ignore it."

His meaning-laden remarks lingered in the atmosphere.

"That’s not an answer," I said.

"It’s the only one I’ve got," he answered.

The heart monitor's constant beep was the only sound to break the quiet in the room. Uncertain whether I wanted to hear more, I didn't ask him any more questions.


The doctor and the nurse returned a few hours later. Jacob stood in the corner, keeping a close eye on them with his arms folded.

The doctor said in a soothing, quiet voice, "Are you ready, Miss Christa?"

"Yes," I said, despite my hands shaking in my lap.

With delicate but effective motions, the nurse started to take off the bandages. My pulse pounded more quickly as each layer was removed, the suspense growing until it was almost intolerable.

"Open your eyes slowly," the physician said.

I paused, my hope and terror fighting each other. But what if it failed? What if there was still darkness?

Jacob's words interrupted my train of thinking. "You’ve got this."

I opened my eyes and took a long breath.

Everything was first hazy, with the world seeming as a jumble of hues and forms. The haze, however, gradually started to disappear.

The nurse's face, then the doctor's, and then Jacob's came into focus.

My hand flew to my lips as I gasped. "I can see you."

Jacob's mouth parted in astonishment as his eyes became wide. "You can?"

"Yes," I said, my eyes welling with tears.

Though the colors were more vibrant and the atmosphere was brighter than I had anticipated, nothing could compare to seeing Jacob. His emerald eyes were penetrating and full of passion, and his black hair nicely framed his face.

I exclaimed before I could stop myself, "You're beautiful."

He turned aside, obviously taken aback, and his cheeks reddened.

The physician grinned. "Your eyes will need some time to adapt completely, but thus far, everything seems to be in order. Rest for the time being, but we'll keep an eye on you."

Jacob stepped forward as the medical staff departed, and his presence grounded me.

Then he said, "How do you feel?"

"Overwhelmed," I stammered as I said it. "But… grateful."

He extended his hand and brushed a lock of hair away from my face. It was a soft, almost respectful touch.

His voice was low as he replied, "Isidora, you're stronger than you think."

There was a quick tap on the door before I could answer.

We both turned and as Veronica appeared through the open door, my heart fell.

"Well," she remarked in a slide tone. "Isn’t this a touching moment?"

Jacob tensed, his whole expression changing.

He said, "Veronica," with a strong grip.

She looked straight at me, ignoring him. "It’s time we talked, sister."

I could sense the tension in the room, and it made me shiver. It was not going to be good, whatever she said.

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