The landscape was a jumble of moonlight and shadows as Thalia's boots sped across the ground, her breath hard in her ears. With Astrid's smug smirk ingrained in her head and the memories of Killian's harshness still vivid, she couldn't stand to remain in the castle for another second.
She felt as though she couldn't breathe because Thornwood's stone walls had closed in on her once more. Like she wasn't supposed to be there. She had never been destined to be a Luna; that was not her destiny. Instead of being a love affair, her marriage to Killian had been a political agreement, a tie created out of need. And that fact was clearer than ever now.
As she descended farther into the forest, her breath came in ragged gasps, and the dense layer of leaves covering the woodland floor muffled her footfall. Her mind raced, and her heart pounded dreadfully in her chest. She stupidly thought that she and Killian may still have a chance together, but after witnessing their relationship in that state and the expression on his face as he dismissed her so quickly, she had to accept the reality. She was nothing. She was only a shadow in a life that wasn't hers.
Thalia stumbled onward, her head a mix of emotions, as the trees towered over her, their ancient branches cracking in the wind. She was unable to stop herself. Every step she took away from the castle and the man she had once believed she could love seemed to shatter something within of her.
She was unsure of how many hours or minutes she had been running. She kept running away from the reality from which she could not escape, despite the fact that she was so exhausted that she could no longer feel her legs beneath her.
She was pulled from her spiral by a harsh, recognizable voice calling out, "Thalia."
Her breath caught in her throat as she froze. She had never anticipated hearing that voice again. A voice that used to make her feel warm and longed for. Now, though, it merely made her stomach turn uncomfortably.
"Caius?" Her eyes darted to the shadows in front of her as she muttered.
A man's figure appeared through the dense foliage. His dark hair fell loosely around his shoulders, and he was tall and thin. His features were sharp, and his eyes were a piercing green that seemed to see right through her. His gaze was impenetrable as he stood there observing her.
"Why are you in this place?" Though she was somewhat relieved to see him, Thalia demanded in a tight voice. Before Thornwood politics tore them apart, Caius had once been her lover. Prior to being coerced into a miserable marriage with Killian.
Crouching in the undergrowth, Caius took a step forward. "Thalia, I could ask you the same question. Why are you by yourself out here? You appear to have been fleeing from something.
Thalia swallowed forcefully, feeling as though she could choke due to the constriction in her throat. "I... I had to leave."
He stepped closer to her, his gaze moving over her face with an intensity that unnerved her. "I see that. However, you don't have to be by yourself. Not in this manner.
With the weight of her feelings bearing down on her, Thalia shook her head. "I'm at a loss for what to do, Caius. Killian doesn't give a damn about me. He never did.
As the words poured out, she turned her head away, unwilling to face him in the eye. "To him, I am nothing. I am merely a title, a tool, and a pawn in his game.
Caius took a step forward, his voice soft and comforting. "You are more than nothing. Thalia, you're a Luna. You're worthy of better.
The thought of crying made Thalia's eyes sting, but she vowed not to do so in front of him. Not right now. Not with everything feeling so broken. "Do I? Because I feel like nothing more than a burden at the moment. He doesn't even want me, Killian. He didn't even attempt to—
Her speech was abruptly interrupted by a terrible dizziness. Her vision became blurry and she staggered, barely maintaining her balance. The weight of the earth beneath her made her feel as though it were pulling her downward. A sharp, strange sensation pierced her insides, prompting her to gasp and grip her stomach.
"Thalia?" Although his face grew closer and his hands gripped her arms to hold her, Caius's words was far away. "What is going on with you?"
"I'm not sure," The world around her whirled furiously, and her voice was a whisper, hardly audible. With every second that went by, her chest tightened and her breath caught. "I don't feel well."
Caius's eyes darkened, but only briefly, as they were concealed by his worried mask. His voice was quiet, perhaps too soft, when he remarked, "You're just tired." "Please have a seat. Allow me to assist you.
He led her gently to the ground, and Thalia nodded, too weak to object. Her limbs no longer obeyed her, and she felt like a marionette. The poison was moving through her veins more quickly than she could understand, and her body was betraying her. She had dismissed the weird fatigue that was creeping over her earlier, even though she had felt weak. It was too late now. Slowly and deliberately, the poison was leaking into her system.
Caius whispered, "Thalia," his voice now a hoarse growl. "You've been so naive all along."
Confusion obscuring her thoughts, Thalia's head lolled to the side as she gazed up at him. Her head was clouded by dizziness, so his words didn't make sense.
"Caius?" Her voice was tremulous and faint as she breathed.
But as her vision turned to black, he was already gone, his figure vanishing into the night. As the poison took its toll, her body fell to the ground, her breathing raspy and weak.
She was by herself. In the woods, alone. All alone herself, only her pain and betrayal.