The Daredevil
Henry's POV
Now I shouldn't have done that!
I know I sounded more confident a few seconds ago but come on! This guy is gonna kill me!
My heart began to pound so fast that I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. The ravenous glint in his eyes was so frightening! For a moment I thought he'd attack me. Rather he straightened his suit and gave me a hard stare.
“Do you really think you can beat me in a fight?” He asked I'm a condescending tone.
No! I don't! You're gonna bury me alive!
“You attacked me first!”
“I'm sorry about that.” His tone softened. He didn't seem as angry as he was a few seconds ago. “I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I was just mad.”
Now wait a second, is this guy really apologizing right now? Just a few seconds ago, he was as mad as a wild beast but now he's apologizing? I just don't get him! It's like he has totally two different personalities! And his sexuality is still just a bewilderment to me!
I couldn't hold the question that I've been wanting to ask him since yesterday I saw him kissing a girl.
“Are you gay? Or are you straight?”
The moment I asked that I realized how stupid I sounded. Nevertheless, I queried further, “Or are you bi?”
And there he goes again, his expression became unreadable… again! No wait, is that anger?
“Is this because of that night?” He asked in an impassive voice.
“Of course,” I answered, “Because you confuse me. I saw you kissing a girl, and we definitely fucked two weeks before!”
“Like I said, if you can't forget that night, then don't.” He replied, slowly “And if being around me makes you so uncomfortable, then that's your fucking problem, not mine. And again, you have utterly no right to question about my sexuality. So as my assistant, focus on your job and deliver what you're expected of! And also, if you pull the stunt you pulled off today, you'll find yourself in a sick bed, next to Maggie.”
God! That's anger! He's angry again! It's official: he has a totally different personality! This guy is crazy!
And he's not joking right now! Is this why all his employees are afraid of him? He's so scary! I know he was intimidating the first time we met but at least he was kinda nice then. God, what have I gotten myself into?
“Am I clear?” He barked.
I quickly nodded.
“Now get your ass out the door!”
“I… I need to change.” I said hoarsely, “You crumpled my shirt.”
“You think I fucking care?!” He barked again and I flinched in fear. I grabbed my things and headed out the door.
I used to be intimidated and annoyed by his looks and also uncomfortable being around him but now I'm REALLY SCARED of him. I never thought I'd be scared of someone like I was now in my entire life.
He came out and I locked the door. I quickly scurried towards the elevator with him behind me.
His car was parked just by the curb.
The drive was hell, but thankfully we arrived at the office early. I noticed everyone stiffened and switched to professional mode as soon as we walked in.
I get them. They're scared; I'm scared, too.
He went into his office while I sat down in mine. I couldn't focus. I was still feeling lightheaded from last night and this morning’s event.
What if he had attacked me back then? What would I have done? Ugh! My head is hurting thinking about it!
I couldn't take it anymore. We had a board meeting this afternoon, and I had to stay in the right mind. I got up and headed to the break room where I found the vending machine.
I got an expresso and gulped it down my throat.
A guy and a girl came in at the moment.
The guy was average, muscular, and a little kinda cute. He's my type of man. The girl was tall and willowy with long, straight blonde hair; she looked exactly like the model type.
“Hello,” The guy said, coming to shake my hand. I shook it. It was firm and smooth.
“Hello,” I replied, staring him deep in the eyes. His eyes were beautiful too, but not as beautiful as Shane's.
“We never got a chance to introduce ourselves yesterday.” He said, offering me a smile as he withdrew his hand. “You had too much work to do yesterday, didn't you?”
“Just too many.” I replied, “Sorry, I couldn't introduce myself yesterday.”
“Nah, it's okay.” He said.
“I'm Henry Jones by the way,” I said.
“Ah, we know.” The guy said, “You were introduced yesterday. I'm Conrad.” Then he gestured to the lady beside him, “And this over here is…”
“Blair.” The lady completed for him, offering me a smile, “So, how has it been like working for Mr Wells.”
“Scary,” I answered, sipping my drink.
Conrad chuckled amusedly. “Yeah, tell me about it. He's actually quite scary when he wants to be.”
“Let's see how long you'll last,” Blair added.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked, genuinely curious, or maybe, I wanted to hear some gossip.
“Do you know how many secretaries he's fired over the years?” Blair continued, excited to gossip, “Hundreds of them. He doesn't doesn't tolerate clumsiness or tardiness. He's known for firing his assistants for the silliest reasons.”
“Can you believe it? He once fired one assistant for making him the wrong coffee.” Conrad chimed in, “He also fired the other one for sneezing in a board meeting.”
“Oh! Do you remember why he fired Chad?” Blair added.
“Oooh! I remember! He fired him because his wife was sick and he requested a day off. He refused, and then when Chad didn't show up for the day, he fired him with immediate effect.” Conrad said excitedly, “Can you believe it? He's so insufferable!”
Yeah, tell me about it.
“Oooh, do you remember how he got the nickname The Daredevil?” Blair inquired.
Conrad laughed, “How could I forget about that? It was Stacy who gave him the name because she gave him her opinion… which he asked... and he didn't liked it. Man!”
“Maggie was the only one who had managed to work here for five years.” Blair continued, “Let's see how long you'll last.”
I don't want to last! I want to get fired!
I've done worse than all of these! Then why won't he fucking fire me for fuck’s sake?!.