I Don't Have Feelings For Shane... Do I?

Henry's POV

This was the perfect opportunity to ask the question I've always wanted to ask.

“So… is he married or something?” I asked carefully, “He always wears a ring.”

“Oh, he's engaged,” Conrad answered.

Engaged? My suspicions were right; he really was engaged to that woman... what was her name again? Was it Alexa or Alicia? But are you kidding me? How can a gay guy get engaged to a girl? Is he even gay? Or bi?

Blair glanced towards the door before lowering her voice. “There's a rumor circling around that his engagement with his fiance is just a sham.”

Or really? Now, this gossip is getting more interesting.

“Wow, is that so?” I asked, enthusiastically.

“Do you know who his fiance is?”

I shook my head. She introduced herself as Alexa... right?... yesterday but I still had no idea who she really was.

“She's Alicia Banks, from the Banks family,” Conrad told me.

Alicia Banks? Hold on. I've heard that name before. Alicia Banks... Alicia Banks! Now I remember! Alicia Banks is the daughter of Edwin Banks! And Edwin Banks is the CEO of Banks Industries, the second richest conglomerate in the whole of Los Angeles after the Wells family.

It is a well-known fact among everyone that the Banks family and the Wells family have been friends for decades, even though they're rivals in the same industry.

So that explains it. It is an arranged marriage to merge the two companies together. But what if the two couples are actually in love? Why do I even care?

“So, I'd rather you be careful around him, okay?” Conrad advised while I answered.

But, really, I want to quit.

Oh shit! I've wasted too much time gossiping!

“I gotta go.”

“Sure, see you later.”

I headed back to the office. Thankfully, my absence wasn't noticed.

I sat down behind my desk and searched for Shane Wells on the Internet.

He's thirty-two. Whoa, he's six years older than me! But he looks so… young! He got into an Ivy League institution by the age of seventeen and graduated by twenty-one. Whoa, the dude was a prodigy in his time. And he graduated with a Master's Degree! Damn!

It is said he took over the company when he was just twenty-five and oh, he has a twin brother by the name of Jacob… that's ... unexpected.

Oh… and his mom died eighteen years ago when he was just fourteen. Sad!

He got engaged to Alicia Banks six months ago. Whoa, they really do seem like a happy couple in these photos. I couldn't stop staring at them.

But hold on, why do I feel a pang of guilt sweeping over me as I read all this? It's not like something is going on between Shane and me! Stupid ass guilt.

Logging off the Internet, I resumed my work for the day.

At noon, we had the board meeting, and in no time, it was already evening and I was driving him home to his residence.

He typed continuously on his laptop while I tried to focus on the road. The large gates automatically opened for us, and I drove into the large estate, which was illuminated by thousands of light bulbs.

I parked in the garage, and we got out.

“Here.” He said, handing me a slip of paper. “All assistants of mine must memorize it by heart, and if you think you'll deliberately fail in them just so I could fire you, there'll be a deduction from your salary.”


“Yes.” He answered his expression deadpan, “Read your contract again. Now give me my suitcase and get the hell out of here.”

I gave him his suitcase and watched him walk up the porch stairs. Alicia ran out as though she had been waiting for him. The maids took his suitcase from him as they headed in.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk out of the estate. Ugh! Why do I feel jealous again? I need to get a drink. I've been drinking too much lately. Seems like I'll be drinking myself to cancer.

But I don't think I can go to Tony's. Or maybe I should just go home.

The road was empty, and there was no cab in sight, so I decided to walk.

On my walk back home, my phone rang. I fished out my phone just to see it was Flora. I answered the call.

“Hey, girl, what's up?” I asked, placing the phone on my ear.

“Guess who's done and coming back to Los Angeles first thing tomorrow morning!” She squealed in excitement.

I came to a halt, “Really?” I asked in disbelief.

“Hmm mm.” She hummed her answer.

I continued my walk, “What happened? I thought you won't be back till the next two months!”

“Yeah, well, the program ended sooner than expected so voila!” Flora said.

“Whoa, that's awesome!”

Flora is my best friend. A sister in fact. We've known each other since college days we've been inseparable since then. Everyone envies the friendship we had, and some even wish we were couples.

She's an amazing soul and I've missed her so badly. We got separated last year when she had to complete her residency program. Even though we've been talking and gossiping over the phone and all, I still miss her.

“Hey, Flora, do you remember that dude that I told you I hooked up with two weeks ago?”

“Well yeah, you couldn't stop talking about him.” She said, “You said he was awesome, great, handsome, sexy and all that. How could I forget? What happened? Did he suddenly become your boss or something?”

“Exactly,” I answered.

“Wait… hold on.” She said in disbelief, “Shouldn't you be working at Wells Enterprises?”

“That's the place!”

“Wait… does that mean… that Shane Wells is the hot dude you fucked?!” She gasped in astonishment.

“That's the thing.”

“Are you sure?” She still didn't believe me.

“Why would I ever think of lying?”

“But last time I checked Shane Wells is straight… and he got engaged to Alicia Banks six months ago.”

“That's the puzzling part.” I said, heaving a sigh, “And guess what? I can't quit. I didn't even read the goddamn contract before signing.”

“Whoa, this is… I don't even know what to say.”

“What is there to say?” I said in a resigned tone, “Just have to hope that Maggie recovers quickly so I can get the hell out of here. Man, I'm just tired.” I said, rubbing my forehead, “I can't seem to focus when he's around and when he isn't, I keep thinking about him. He's like a drug and I'm an addict.”

“Why does it sound like you have feelings for him?” Flora asked.

“No, I don't!” I answered defiantly.

Wait, do I?

“Of course you do come on, Henry, I know you all too well.”

That's one thing I hate … Flora knows me like the back of his hand.

“You were like this with Gabe too.”

“Gabe was a mistake.” I said, “I'll see you tomorrow Flora. Bye!”

“Wait…” She made to say something but I ended the call and put my phone in my bag.

I don't have feelings for Shane. I hate him.

I kept telling myself that till I reached home and went to bed.

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