Chapter 2: An Alpha's Dilemma

(Devion's POV)

Twenty-four hours, twenty minutes and thirteen seconds. That's how long I had to wait before my men found the mysterious girl who fled my pool house last night.

I had counted every second but now the waiting was over.

"Bring her over." I ordered into the phone, speaking to Byron, head of my security. He responded with a curt acknowledgment before ending the call.

Damn it! My mind raced with dark possibilities. Who was she working for? Was she a spy? Had she reported back to her superiors already?

Various scenarios of how to permanently silence her and whoever she informed, played through my thoughts, each more final than the last.

Shrugging on a robe, I made my way downstairs as the front gate's opening announced their arrival. This whole mess stemmed from a moment of carelessness.

Usually, I maintained absolute control over my shifts during full moon nights. But last night, with the party's ending and the pent-up energy coursing through my veins, I'd given in to the urge to shift, believing I was alone. A rookie mistake.

I grabbed a glass of water en route to the living room, in order to calm my nerves, but nothing could calm my restless mind or my paper-thin patience.

The massive front doors swung open, and my men carried in a small, trembling form. I immediately took my place on the couch, placing one elbow on my lap, while my knuckle grazed my chin, before gesturing them to set her down.

"You can leave," I ordered once they'd deposited her trembling form on the plush carpet. She immediately slumped forward, her gaze fixed on the floor.

They obeyed, and departed quickly. I studied her in silence, still wondering what to do with her.

Once she noticed we were alone, she gathered the courage to raise her long lashes up, meeting my penetrating stare, before breaking the silence.

"I'm so sorry I looked at you unclothed, but I didn't see anything. I promise," she stammered, blinking back tears in a desperate attempt to convince me.

Rather than anger at her obvious lie, I found myself drawn to those expressive eyes so I stood up and approached her kneeling form.

She immediately dropped her gaze to the ground and her trembling intensified with each step I took closer.

Up close, the urge to shift again was almost overwhelming. Her nearness set my wolf, Flames, on edge. Yet surprisingly, my anger began to dissolve like morning mist.

"Now, don't lie to me, sweetheart. I really dislike that." I said coolly, crouching down to her level.

"Why did you run away if you truly saw nothing?" I asked, and she shivered when my words breezed her face, our pointed nose almost touching. Her eyes remained lowered, unable to look up or speak.

Silence answered me, so I moved closer to intimidate her. But she flinched away instinctively, sparking a flash of displeasure in my chest.

With our position like that, and her lashes lowered, my mind wandered to other scenarios – her beneath me, those same lashes heavy under immense pleasure rather than fear...

She was undeniably attractive and hot, even in her baggy sweater and pants, I could make out her curvy edges. You can mistake her for one of those gorgeous models who frequented my wild pool parties.

Beautiful features, long dark waves, full lips, though quivering with fear. But her effect on me went deeper than mere physical attraction. And that's when it hit me!

It was her in the first place!

The realization struck like lightning.

She had triggered my shift last night. Not the party's energy or the full moon. Her mere presence by the pool tapped out my wolf. I twisted and rolled my neck, thinking. What kind of woman could affect me this way?

"I'm sorry," she whispered, bringing me back to the present. The urge to claim those trembling lips nearly overwhelmed me, but I fought back the temptation.

"I want you to be honest with me now." I purred, trailing a finger along her jawline. Her shiver in response pleased me more than it should have.

"You ran off because you saw something...extraordinary happen with me, didn't you?" I asked.

Her anxious eyes flicked up to meet mine before lowering again. Making me wish they lingered more. Then she gave me the smallest of nods.

I felt my anger finally dissipate entirely, replaced by an unexpected desire to soothe her fears.

"It's okay," I soothed in my ice tone. "I know it must have scared you, seeing me...change forms like that. It startles most people."

Understatement of the century. The average human seeing a man shift into a wolf before their eyes usually ended up dead from shock or terror. Makes me wonder what kind of human she is.

"Again, I need you to be honest with me." I voiced.

She glanced up at me anxiously again. This time I caught her eyes before she looked down, depriving me of the pleasure I get from gazing into them. So I lifted her chin with my pointing finger.

"Who did you tell about what you saw?" I asked, not sparing her a moment to look away.

Her brows creased. "Who would believe me even if I told them? I can hardly believe it myself." She said convincingly, fearing what I might do to her this close.

I couldn't help but smirk. She had a point. "Sweet girl." I commended her.

"Now, I need you to do me a little favor, can you?" I addressed her more seriously now, narrowing my gaze.

"You see, my...situation is a closely guarded secret. For my safety and those close to me... So, I need you to make this our little secret, understand?" The lie came easily, meant to persuade rather than threaten.

Her lashes danced mesmerizingly in between my words, rising and falling, unable to hold my gaze, which rather felt appetizing to me.

My eyes darkened with desire and I had to look away, tampering Flames becoming harder now. He was restless in my mind.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Now what do you want in return for keeping all this between us?" I asked with an easy smile, looking back at her, after getting a hold on myself, trying to make a negotiation.

"Cash, a car, a job - you name it." I offered.

She shook her head without hesitation, her eyes growing wide and pleadful. "Nothing. I promise to stay quiet. Just please don't hurt me." She begged.

"You have my word," I vowed, hating the way she feared me. "I won't lay a finger on you long as you keep this to yourself." I emphasize my point by grazing her chin with my thumb.

She fought the urge to retreat, but her eyes welled up – not with tears I know, but from the intensity of our interaction. Good, I was unsettling her too.

Then she nodded quickly, "I promise." She breathed, and I could see her shoulders slump in relief.

"I can't thank you enough." She said and I was beginning to think of ways she could thank me when she said...

"So, can I leave now?" She asked politely and hesitantly. Her desperate desire to escape our charged encounter was obvious.

I cursed internally, wishing our time didn't have to end so soon. But I had no reason to keep her any longer.

"Of course. My men will take you back, to ensure you get home safe." I said as I stood up.

I walked to the door and spoke to one of my guards. "Eric, take the girl home. We had an agreement. No restraints were needed."

He tilted his brows in confusion and I noticed. "O_Okay, boss." He obliged, with a stammer.

"Make sure she's safely home," I emphasized. "But bug her place without her knowledge. Put cameras and keep an eye on her movements. I need to be sure she keeps her word about all of this." I ordered.

Eric nodded. "Okay boss. Right away." He obeyed.

He moved past me to the sitting room where Gretel waited nervously. I got her name from her ID card when my men reported her gone.

Moments later they drove out of the poolhouse and I watched the car, wondering what came over me.

My men knew the drill - no loose ends. But even I had to admit this made me uneasy. The thought of silencing the sweet girl in cold blood, sat wrong in my gut.

True, she's just a harmless girl witnessing something beyond her understanding, not some spy as I early suspected.

I tried reassuring myself as I listened to their car pull away, tires fading into the night. The bug Eric will place would let me monitor any issues.

And if she proves to be stubborn and disloyal, then I'll deal with her. But now she deserves the benefit of the doubt, or at least that's what I thought.

I only hope I'd made the right choice to spare her. Pack law said she should die for what she witnessed. But the thought of harming that delicate angel of a girl made my inner beast howl in protest.

Sometimes power means knowing when to show mercy, I told myself. And I prayed this act of uncharacteristic compassion wouldn't bring darkness to my door someday.

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