Chapter 10 Lunch Time Fiasco

Seth’s POV

I make it to Marge's Place and greet Betty. “Hey, Seth. Just you again?” she giggles with a wink.

We do this every day. “Of course,” I chuckle. Everyone in town knows I eat alone. I only have a half hour before I have to get back to the high school. I don’t have the time to sit around and chit chat… Maybe on a weekend or if I feel in the mood to go to a bar, but never at lunch.

She doesn’t even bother picking up a menu as I know it by heart. Actually, I order the same thing every day, so all the servers know my order already, so what’s the point of a menu? She leads the way to the back little table and smirks at me. “Ivy will be your server today,” she says with a wink.

“Who?” I ask, but she doesn’t say anything. She just winks at me before she sasheys back to her station. Who the hell is Ivy, and why does just her name send something close to excitement running through my veins. This is not a typical reaction by any means.

Moments later, a girl I’ve never met before approaches my table. She has the most beautiful red curls ( somehow deeper than Oakley’s… Maybe they’re maroon?) pulled back into a tight ponytail. She has pretty fair skin with a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. And her eyes, they are the most beautiful emerald green eyes I’ve ever seen.

And for some reason, my heart decides now is a good time to pick up, and my hands get all sweaty. What the hell is going on?

It doesn’t take my psych degree to see this girl is broken. And for the strangest reason, I feel like I want to protect her. I want to wrap her up in a bubble and give her the love she seems to need. I want to show her that there is more to life than pain.

I have actually worked at the high school as a councilor for the last couple of years. I finished my degree faster than normal. I got my Bachelor’s in three years. I started college when I was 17, so I finished by 20. I’ve been working for the last 4 years at the high school.

I would love to get my Masters, and in my free time, I have been taking courses.

I look at her and can’t help but stare. Her eyes are hollow, filled with pain, and there is a yellow tinge blemishing her beautiful face. Someone hurt her recently. But she is trying to hide it with a shy smile.

“You must be new to town. I’m Seth,” I offer her a smile. I would really like to get to know this girl. I don’t know if it’s the fact she’s new to town or that she seems so different from any other woman I’ve ever met.

“Um… Yeah. Marge was nice enough to give me a job yesterday. I’m Ivy,” she whispers shyly. Her cheeks pink under her adorable freckles. I can tell she’s really nervous and I don’t want to scare her away. I wonder what it will take to get her to talk to me without the nervous shake in her voice.

“Well, Ivy. That’s a really pretty name, by the way. Welcome to Taylorsville,” I say, holding out my hand for her to shake it. Her skin is rough and calloused but warm. Ivy must be used to hard work. I can appreciate that. But she is so delicate I'm scared I'll break her... And something is telling me it wouldn't take a lot to break the poor thing... Not that I have any intention of hurting her. Quite the opposite.

“Uh… Thanks. So, Seth, what can I get you?” she almost whispers my name.

I’m momentarily distracted by my name spilling from her lips. My gut squeezes tightly. My mind goes blank for a moment, “Um… Can I get a burger and fries and a strawberry shake, please?” I ask with a lazy smile.

“Um.. Sure,” she smiles back under her eyelashes, writing down my order. “I’ll be-”

“SETH BABY!” comes a shriek from across the room, and moments later, a bleach blond tramp is sitting in my lap. What the hell does she think she’s doing? And why now of all days?!

Ivy looks confused, looking between the two of us, and starts to back away, looking uncomfortable at the display. That is not what I want!

“Dammit Monica! Get the hell off me! How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?” I growl, frustrated at the woman. I mostly say this, so there are no misunderstandings between me and whatever is running through Ivy’s head. I really don’t want her to get the wrong idea about me and the blond.

“But, Seth, baby… What about our lunch date?” Monica pouts, which changes into a feral smile directed at Ivy.

Ivy unfortunately doesn’t know Monica and what she’s playing at. She gulps and pales, looking around for anyone who can help her out of this situation. I don’t blame the girl. I want out of this situation too!

I’m tired of whatever little drama she wants to put on for the new girl. I shove her off my body with more force than necessary, trying to get her to go away, but she just sits in the opposite chair.

“What the hell are you talking about, Monica? We’ve never had a lunch date before, and trust me, we never will!” I fume at the crazy woman, running my fingers through my dark brown hair in frustration.

I look over at Ivy and freeze. The poor girl is almost shaking in fright. I don’t want her scared of me. I want her to be comfortable around me so we can… What? I don’t even know right now because I’m stunned as I listen to the evil woman on the other end of the table.

“I want a fettuccine alfredo and a chocolate shake,” Monica orders in her most pretentious voice. What the hell is she talking about? She doesn’t eat anything more than salads. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

I shake my head vehemently at Ivy. "No don't bother. She won't be staying that long!" I demand, deadly serious.

"Oh, Seth, such a tease," Monica winks at me. "NOW get me my order!" she demands.

I grind my teeth in frustration and once again shake my head at Ivy, hoping she listens to me.

But the girl looks so confused right now and is not quite sure who to listen to.

“Oh.. Umm.. Okay,” Ivy stutters as she backs away. “I’ll get those right out to you,” she says, turning away from the fiasco that was supposed to be a pleasant lunch. Now I’m contemplating murder charges!

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