Chapter 11 Dealing with Monica

What is your problem, Monica? Why are you here? You never eat here!” I whisper yell at her, trying hard not to grind my teeth in frustration. I’m so angry right now I’m fisting my hands in my pockets to keep them away from the woman's neck!

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, baby,” she giggles, flashing her chest in my face*. Does she really think that is appealing to me? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not.*

It didn’t even work in high school! She has been the same brash woman my whole growing up. If she couldn’t get me in high school, what makes her think it's going to work now? Is she insane? Probably! But that isn’t helping me at this point!

“Monica, you are still playing the mean girl in a high school drama! How pathetic are you?” I demand, unable to keep my voice down.

I notice a couple of the other patrons are looking over at us whispering, giving the bimbo the evil eye. Everyone in town knows who Monica Summers is. Everyone in town also knows I want nothing to do with her!

“But, baby…” she pouts, trying to run her fingers lightly over my hand in a seductive manner.

I pull my hand away, worried I’ll catch something that I can’t scrub off! I know this woman sleeps around, and I want nothing to do with it. This woman's reputation has been tainted since freshman year in high school. She got around to all the sports players when she was a cheerleader. They call her easy, but that doesn't mean I am!

Actually, little known fact. I’m still a virgin. I didn’t want to screw every blond that threw themselves at me. I wanted to focus on my studies and my future. I’ve been waiting to start a family when I was more established. I don’t regret it in the least. It means I don’t have mistakes like Monica hanging on around my neck… and yet…

“I know you want me, Seth,” she coos, leaning over the table.

I scoot my chair back as far as I can go. “Listen to me, Monica. You are not my type. I have never wanted you, and I will never want you. Get it through your thick skull!” I growl, turning away from her.

Suddenly, Ivy is back with our food. She isn’t looking at either of us, only down at where she is placing our food, carefully on the table. She’s still shaking, and I feel bad for that. I wish I could think of something to do to make her feel better while also completely getting rid of the nuisance across from me.

“Is there anything else I can get you two?” she whispers nervously. I wish she would look up at me while she talks to me now.

“Actually Ivy, can you grab me a box? I don’t feel like eating here anymore,” I say apologetically. I actually feel horrible. It's the girl's first day at work, and she has to put up with this. I’m going to have to find a way to make it up to her soon.

“Oh. Of course,” she says, blushing, rushing off to grab a box.

I grab my money, but don’t put it on the table, not trusting Monica one bit. I know if I put down the money, Ivy won’t see a penny of it, and it will come out of her wages. That’s not going to happen.

She returns moments later, “Here you are, Seth,” she says with a shy smile.

“Can you put it in for me?” I have no idea why I’m asking that. I’m a big boy and can put my own food in the box… I just want to watch her do it?

She blushes deeper. It's so damn cute. “Um… Sure,” she agrees.

She opens the box and carefully places my burger and fries in the box. She even places my milkshake in a to-go cup. “Here you go, sir,” she smiles, finally looking back up at me again. But I wish she'd call me by my name once more before I leave... I liked hearing my name in her voice... I'll probably have it floating around my head all afternoon... Not sure how much work I'll actually get done.

I almost sigh in relief when I see that sparkle in her eye. I like it when she smiles at me. I handed her the money for the check, giving her a $20 tip. “Thanks, Ivy. I’ll see you later,” I say with a wink, smiling as I briefly touch her hand. The contact sends a zing of electricity racing to my heart.

I don’t know why I’m flirting with Ivy. I never flirt. I don’t even know if I’m good at it… I just want to see her blushing at me again. It makes my heart race, causing all kinds of crazy things to happen to me. And I like it.

Just as I’m turning to walk away, I see Monica take her pasta and dump it on herself before she screams at Ivy. What the hell does she think she is doing? Can’t she tell no one will believe her? I swear Monica is an idiot!

LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU BITCH!” she wails like a banshee, putting on a little play for all of us in the diner. And then she slaps Ivy across the face, and I see red!

How dare she! It's bad enough she dumped her food all over her and now someone else has to clean up her mess, but she goes and slaps Ivy for absolutely no reason! This is why the town hates her!

Ivy’s eyes are flooded with tears, as she holds her bruised cheek, “I… I… I didn’t… I…” She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

I touch her shoulder giving a reassuring squeeze and smile down at her. “I know you didn’t do it, Ivy. Monica is just looking for attention,” I try to assure her.

“But…” she chokes out, looking nervously around the dining room. Everyone is giving her pitying looks because they know exactly what just went down.

“What’s going on here?” Demands Marge as she makes her way out to us.

“Marge! Your new girl just spilled my lunch all over me!” she wails, batting her eyes while pointing an accusatory finger at Ivy.

“NO SHE DIDN’T!” I counter. “Marge, Ivy didn’t do anything. She went to get my box, and as we were leaving, Monica dumped her own lunch on herself to cause a scene, and then she slapped her!” I explain, grinding my teeth, trying to keep my voice down so I didn’t scare Ivy anymore than necessary.

“I… I didn’t…” Ivy’s lower lip is trembling, and her body is one big nerve ending. Poor thing looks like she's about to have a panic attack, and that is the last thing I want for her.

I pull her in for a hug and rub her back. “Shh.. you’re okay, Ivy,” I whisper in her ear. "You’re safe now." I never imagined having a woman in my arms would feel this good... I guess I wasn't thinking when I pulled her into my body... Not sure I'm thinking with my head right now or my hormones... I'm suddenly wondering if she'd calm down if I kissed her.

“That’s right, honey. Monica is just being a bitch and is not allowed in my diner! OUT YOU HUSSY!” demands an irate Marge, pointing to the door. She is not a woman to put up with anyone’s crap. Especially Monica’s!

“But… You don’t understand!” screeches Monica, her face flaming red in indignation and embarrassment.

“Oh, I understand plenty! You were trying to get my girl in trouble. I’ll be calling your parents. I’m sure they’d love to know you’ve been bullying the new girl again!” growls Marge.

Monica stands in a huff and sways her hips at the door with as much dignity as she can muster… which isn’t much and slams the door behind her.

“Are you okay?” I ask her when her trembling eases, reluctantly releasing the tiny thing from my protective arms.

“Yes. Thank you, Seth” she whispers, making me immensely happy she called me by my name again.

“Happy to help. I’ll see you tomorrow Ivy,” I smiled at her before grabbing my food and leaving the very silent diner.

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