Chapter 12 Little Bit of Gossip
Ivy's POV
I can’t believe what just happened! Who the hell was she and why did she all of a sudden decide to be a bitch? I’ve never even seen her before, and she decides to go and pull some high school prank on the new girl? Who the hell does she think she is? No one even seems to like her! She’d probably make a lot more friends if she didn’t try to set people up and lie to everyone!
I don’t know if I’m fuming or freaked out! I’m really upset right now. My only consolation is that Seth told me he believed me, and he stood up for me. Marge didn't seem to have any problem believing Seth’s narrative. I guess she knows the psycho lady, too. Well, it is a small town.
Oakley rushes over to me as we all watch Seth stomp out of the diner. He didn’t even get to enjoy his lunch before he decided he’d take it to go, just to get away from the woman I only know as Monica. I know he was trying to keep his cool for my sake, and he has no idea how much that means to me. He was worried about me while he was having a fight. I honestly don’t think anyone has been so considerate to me my whole life! The thought sends a happy little flutter in my heart.
But the happy feeling is short-lived as the whole scene replays in my head for the millionth time in the last two minutes. All I want to do is go home and hide in my bed and forget everything that happened. Maybe we can start over again tomorrow?
“C’mon. Let’s get you a break, sweetie,” Oakley smiled with a warm hug. Her hug feels so good right now. She probably knows I’m about to fall apart in front of a diner full of guests and doesn’t think I would like to embarrass myself further. She’s right!
I look over at Marge to see what she thinks about this impromptu break. But all I can see is kindness and understanding in the older woman's eyes.
Marge gave Oakley a nod and a smile, “Go take care of her, Oaks,” she says softly.
We scoot out of the dining area. I can’t even raise my head to see what all the diners think of what happened. I feel so humiliated and scared. What would’ve happened if Seth hadn’t told Marge what really happened? Would she fire me? Would she have believed me over Monica? I don’t even know… Then Oakley takes my hand and leads me to a little break room.
“Hey, Bob, can you make our girl some fries? I’m gonna grab her a shake. She’s a bit shaken up,” Oakley called out to the big man.
“Sure thing, Oaks,” he responds, looking over at us with understanding in his eyes. Then he sends me a kind smile and starts making a fresh batch of fries in the deep fryer.
Oakley helps me into a chair by a table before looking at me to make sure I’m okay. “I’ll be right back,” she promises, with a small smile.
I sit here shaking like a leaf going over the last half hour. My stomach is in knots. I’m so confused! I don’t even know what to make of it. The day had started out so well. I was happy and got my new room, then I met the girls and Bob and work was going by so smoothly… And then I met Seth and I couldn’t stop the heat moving to my cheeks.
I thought Josh was cute, but Seth… He.. Wow… His eyes are aqua! I’ve never seen eyes sparkle like his had. They were mesmerizing. And his hair was disheveled dark chocolate brown. It was a little shaggy, just enough to run your fingers through it and… And when he smiled at me… Heat burned my body just thinking about it. He looked kinda like a really young professor… Sorta, bookish? I liked it.
A minute later, Oakley comes in with my fries and a shake. She has a reassuring smile on her face as she takes a seat right next to me, setting the tray of food on the table between us.
“I don’t understand…” I squeak. Is that really what I’m going to start with? Man, I need to restart my brain*. I think it’s got a glitch somewhere.*
Oakley pushes the food at me, and I start dipping my fries in my shake, chewing automatically, not really paying attention to what I’m putting into my mouth. Normally, I love the flavors that mix together so well. The salty fries mixed with the cold chocolate shake… But right now, I can’t focus on anything but my crazy swirling thoughts.
Oakley nods her head. “So, here's the scoop. Monica is the town slut and she has been throwing herself at Seth for ages… You’d think she’d grow up and actually find someone who wants her,” she grumbles under her breath, rolling her eyes. Then she smirks at me. “Probably won’t because no one wants used goods, if you know what I mean.”
Yeah, I have a feeling I know exactly what she means. I just nod my head and grimace in disgust. “Gross,” I grumble, taking a deep pull of my chocolate shake, trying to figure the crazy chick out.
“Right?” She chuckles. “So, believe it or not, Seth is… He’s gonna kill me for saying this, but he’s my buddy. So he’s a virgin and not interested in flings or sluts like Monica. He wants to wait until he’s in love and has his own family.” She gives me a sly smile at this secret information.
Some pinprick of feeling touches my heart. It started off as a small happy bubble in my chest, but it expanded to a brilliant light of glee. He was waiting for a family. I don’t know why that made me so happy, only that I was too. I thought I had that with Chris. He was my one and only… Only he used sex as a weapon to hurt me.
I didn’t even realize I’d shoved a handful of fries in my mouth until I almost choked at her, waggling her eyebrows at me. This crazy redhead is gonna crack me up. But that’s good. I need something to lighten my mood. I think we’ll be great friends.
Then Oakley smirked at me. “The girls and I have a bet going on about how soon it will be before he gets the guts to ask you out. Don’t hate us. It’s all for you, girl!” she winks. “See, you’re the quiet shy type, which just so happens to be mister nerdy Seth’s type,” she snorts.
“Huh?” I must have heard her wrong. Was she saying…
“I haven’t seen him so protective over a girl since some jerks were hurting his little sister. And he never flirts with anyone!” she giggles, snatching one of the fries and munching on the end.
“He doesn’t?” I squeak. I take a long draw from my straw, trying to dislodge the mouse that somehow took up residence in my throat. This is so embarrassing! I can’t help the excited beating of my heart and wondering if this could actually go anywhere? But then again, I just met him today… What if everyone is reading it all wrong?
She snickers. “Nope! And girl, he is a grown ass man! He could'a put his own lunch in his own box, but he wanted you to do it to give him an excuse to have you stick around longer,” she chuckles.