Chapter 2 Betrayal
The moment I said “I do,” everything changed. He became controlling and angry. He had to have everything perfect, or he would hit me. Even sex was a form of control, a punishment. I could never do anything good enough for Chris. He would belittle me in front of his friends when he took me to parties and flirt with all the single girls, acting like I wasn’t right there watching the whole thing playing out. And still I couldn’t open my eyes! What is wrong with me? Why didn’t I realize then that no matter what I did, I would never be good enough for his love and affection?
So when I came home that day, with my big news, only to find my husband on the couch with my best friend straddling his naked body, I freaked out. I yelled at them and cussed at them.
“How could you do this to me! After everything I do for you? You go to sleep with my best friend! Michelle! I loved you like a sister… And all this time… you just wanted my husband? What the hell is wrong with the both of you?” I yelled, throwing the pretty throw pillows at the both of them in a fit of rage.
Michelle at least had the decency to look ashamed. Her face was red, and tears were falling down her face. She refused to look at me, which is fine. I don’t know if she is just putting on a show for Chris’s sake or not.
This only seemed to piss Chris off, because he took my ex-best friend and stood before me completely naked and punched me in the belly. I landed, hitting my head against the kitchen table. He stomped his way to me and slapped my face again, causing my lip to bleed. I didn’t want to think of the bruise that was already starting to swell and sting on my cheek.
My head hurt. Everything was momentarily spinning and blurry. But that might be from my own tears.
“You filthy little slut! I don’t know what I ever saw in you!” He screamed at me. “You are only good for one thing and when I need something else to keep me satisfied, you ruin it for me!” ye continues to yell in my face.
I didn’t even bother looking at him. He is nothing to me now. His words may hurt, but I’m not going to show him right now. Later I would cry into my pillow and let everything come crashing down, but not then. Instead, my blurry eyes were focused on my ex-best-friend.
I saw what almost looked like pity in her eyes. I didn’t need her pity. I didn’t need her friendship, but at the moment, I needed to hurt her as much as she’d hurt me. Not only that, but I was going to be one hundred percent honest with the traitor.
I just shook my head, “If he can do this to his wife, what do you think he will do to you?” I scoff as she shakes her head in denial. “You can have the bastard. I’m going to find someone who actually loves me and won’t cheat. I don’t need fake love. You two really do deserve each other.”
Michelle’s face paled at my words. She opens her mouth as if she is going to say something, but I glare at her, and she shuts it, looking between my husband and my bloody face.
But I decided I was done with both of them. I pull myself up, coughing up blood… That doesn’t seem like a good thing. I push away from the kitchen and look at the two traitors. “I hope you're happy,” I choked out as I made my way to my bedroom and packed a bag.
I made sure to have all my IDs and wallet. I grabbed the clothes that I came with and my phone and stuffed them all into my old school backpack. I didn’t need a lot. I grabbed a couple of photos I didn’t want to leave behind and my car keys. I wasn’t leaving my car behind for that bastard to sell.
Luckily, neither of them came to stop me or even tried to ‘explain’ anything to me because I refused to listen to either of them. My heart was shattered, I didn’t need an excuse as to why they decided to hurt me the way they did. In fact, I didn’t need anything except to leave with my head held high.
By the time I was done, they were back at it again, but I wasn’t going to stick around to watch the show. I’d file for divorce the next day, and hopefully, by the end of the week I’d be free. I had my wallet with me, and I would be making a big withdrawal as soon as I got to an ATM, just in case he froze the account… But luckily, he was busy at the moment.
“Where the hell do you think you are going, Ivy?” Chris demands.
I didn’t even bother looking back at him as I slammed the door shut behind me. I was in my car and pulling out the drive before he had ripped the door open, stomping out of the house, still naked, in my direction. Did he really think he still had any authority to tell me what to do now? Is he insane? He had no right to say a single word to me, and I refused to listen to him.
I had the urge to flip him off, but I just rolled down the window, knowing that what I had to say was going to kill him and yelled, “I came to tell you that you were going to be a father, but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. I will not let you into my child's life.” It was the only thing he’d been talking about for the last few months. Having a baby to show his parent’s.
I watched as he paled visibly at my words. I can’t tell you how satisfying it felt as he yelled at me to wait, and I sped away. Did he actually think I would go back to him now? I guess I could’ve kept the baby a secret, but I felt obligated to tell him… even though I would not put it down on the divorce papers. Maybe I could lie and say it was some random guy's baby? Would they believe that? I have no idea! I don’t care anymore!