Chapter 9 New Family
I walk into a small room. There is a twin bed by the window, a desk and chair. There is a small couch, a table and a kitchenette. It’s super cute! And it’s mine. I open up a door and step into a small bathroom with a shower, toilet, and a sink. I have everything I need. This is absolutely perfect!
“So, the laundromat is down the hall and to the left. We also have a little coffee shop around the corner, and there is also a lounge where a bunch of us like to hang out if you’re ever bored,” he chuckles again. It’s a nice sound. They have their own little community right here with people my age. I wish I’d gone to college…
“Are we near the ocean?” I ask, the thought popping into my head. I could smell it and recognize it, but I’d never been there before. I would love to see it someday soon if we are close.
There are a lot of things I've never done because I was too busy surviving. I'm hoping to enjoy my life from now on. Spend time for myself and making actual friends. Josh seems like a good guy. Maybe he'd be my friend! I really hope so.
“Sure, just take Jericho all the way to the end, and you’ll hit the beach. Can’t miss it,” he smiles that charming smile and his eyes sparkle in mischief.
“Really? I’ve never been this close to a beach before,” I admitted softly. Being from Oklahoma and mom and dad never wanted to take me on their vacations, I never had the opportunity. I've missed a lot of things others got... Like seeing an actual beach with real sand.
“Well, you’re in luck then. Me and my buddies love hanging out there. Maybe sometime I’ll show you around,” he says with a wink, handing over my key. “It’s good to meet you, Ivy, and I hope to see you around.”
“Thanks, Josh. It was nice to meet you too,” I blush as he makes his way out the door.
I don’t think I need to wait until tomorrow. I will go to work and then check out of the motel after I’m done.
I will probably need to buy some dishes and maybe some towels and a few other things. But this place is perfect for me. I really hope my neighbors aren’t too loud, but I can suffer with that if they are, as long as no one hurts me.
I close my door and lock it and then run back to my car. It’s almost 11. I have to get to my new job before they change their minds!
So far, everyone I’ve met in this town has been super nice. I really like Holly and Marge, and Josh was really sweet, even if it was just his job to show me my room. I wouldn't mind seeing him around.
I pull up to the diner, flashing “Marge’s Place,” in bright colors above the door. When I enter, Holly is talking to Kathy behind the little booth. Both girls look at me and smile.
“Ivy, I’m glad you’re here. This is Kathy, and Kath, this is our new help!” Holly giggles happily, throwing her arm around my neck for a one arm hug.
“Glad to meet you, Ivy. Marge is back in her office. I believe she’s expecting you,” she smiles at me. She seems nice too! I think I will like all the girls here… I haven’t seen any boys so I don’t know…
“Thanks,” I say happily.
Holly grabs my arm again and practically skips back to Marge’s office. She seems overly excited to have new help, and that makes me happy, too. I am glad to help and be useful… And of course, make some money.
“Good morning, dear. I hope you got everything squared away?” She asks politely.
“Yes, thank you so much! I have my own room now.” I can’t help the happy giggle that escapes me while I bounce on my toes.
“Wonderful! Well, here is your uniform. It’s just a black t-shirt with my logo on it. I like to keep things casual ‘round here,” she chuckles.
I slip the tee on over my pink shirt and follow Marge out to the restaurant. Our first stop is the kitchen, “Ivy, this is my husband Bob. He is also our cook and co-owner of the diner. Honey, meet Ivy, our newest helper,” Marge introduces us.
“Nice to meet ya, Ivy. Glad to have ya aboard,” he chuckles, taking my hand in a firm shake.
“Nice to meet you too,” I chuckle back. He seems like a nice guy! If he's anything like his wife, we’ll get along splendidly.
Then we are out standing behind the counter. “Ivy, I know you’ve met Holly, of course, and Kathy. These are Betty and Oakley. Girls meet Ivy,” Marge says, fondly pointing to each.
“Hey, nice to meet you,” the girl with the beautiful dark brown skin and eyes to match comes and shakes my hand. I think her name was Betty.
“Welcome to our little family,” a vibrant redhead adds. I’m guessing she is Oakley. Wow! Another red-head… but she looks more spitfire, and I’m pretty shy. But I have a feeling we will get along just fine.
“Thanks! I hope we can get along and be friends,” I say shyly.
“Oh, I knew I liked her!” Betty giggles.
“She’s so shy,” observes Oakley.
And I blush. Yes, we will all get along just perfectly!
And just like that, the lunch rush starts, and Betty goes to take her place as the hostess.
The first couple of people were in their early twenties. I wondered if they were staying at the same place I am?
“Show time,” Kathy whispers in my ear, handing me a pad and pen and pushing me in their direction.
As I walk over to them, I hear the girl say, “So why can’t the pickle weight-lift in a line?” she chuckles.
Her buddy looks confused. “I don’t know Ash, why can’t a pickle lift weights?”
“Because it's too cucumber-some,” the girl chuckles. “Get it, Kaden?”
The boy slaps his forehead and sighs. “Ash what am I going to do with you?”
I chuckle at their interaction and step up to their table. If all my customers are like this, it’s gonna be a fun day!