Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

As far as stupid mistakes go, last night was a very stupid one.

Aside from sleeping with a stranger who turns out to be a Mafia Don with a ruthless reputation like no other. I totally forgot about Mom.

My life is practically revolving around her and yet I forgot about her. Worse, I missed my chance to get an extra shift.

I won't deny that last night was the best night of my life and I am already missing it. But I also can't delude myself with the momentary luxury and pleasure.

For all I know, he doesn't even remember he had sex with a girl like me.

My life is simple; I wash dishes at the restaurant from late afternoon until midnight for a very small wage and then I take on extra night shifts scrubbing toilets overnight for even less pay.

I would normally get back home around ten in the morning, make breakfast for Mom, and make sure she used her drugs. And then I'd sleep five hours only to start again.

As if working overtime and being underpaid is not enough, all my earnings go to making sure Mom's medicines never run dry and yes, they are expensive.

I can barely keep up with the Utility bills as it is and I'd be lying if I said my life is nothing short of miserable.

The soup spoon in my hand slips from my grip and clatters on the ground;

"Oh my!" Mom gasped in shock from the living room.

"Oh dear, Sapphire!?"

Even her voice is as weak as her health; I can imagine her looking around frantically confused in her rocking chair.

"Sapphire, is that you?"

"Yes Mom, it's me," I called back from the kitchen as I picked the spoon up.

"I'm making your favorite soup."

"Oh dear," Mom sounded surprised - as always.

"I didn't hear you come in, when did you come home?"

"I..." I sighed.

There's no point.

The best thing is to play along with her dementia and hope to get a decent conversation out of her.

I served a bowl of soup and brought it to Mom;

"You know me, Mom, I was born a Ninja," I said with a fake smile. "I sneaked in from the back to make you this."

"Awwn...!" She laughed with such glee I couldn't help but smile genuinely.

"You always loved playing pranks on your father," She chuckled softly.

"He's going to be so surprised when he finds you in his secret room."

It's pointless.

I don't even know what she's talking about.

It's just like the doctor said, she's trapped in a varying timeline that constantly changes without her noticing. She always has a hard time distinguishing the present from the past.

As if that is not enough, she has a worsening eyesight, a lung cancer that is bound to kill her without surgery, and now I worry she might get a heart condition.

Yes, it's all thanks to the accident.

She did work very hard to take care of me before her dementia set in. She insisted I went to school even though she could barely earn enough.

I was thirteen when she lost it and her memory loss became a big minus. Ever since it's been up to me.

She used to have occasionally lucid moments, but now she's just rambling on and on about this and that. Telling jokes I don't understand, and asking me about people I don't remember.

She didn't even notice when I left to serve breakfast as she kept humming Merry Christmas by Ed Sheeran.

- I hate Christmas -

At least she's mostly happy on Christmas, so I guess it's not so bad.

"Hey Mom," I said kneeling before her.

"Uh... Uh," She gasped in shock again.

"It's me, Mom," I said stroking her hair. "It's breakfast time."

"Wha...b-but I had breakfast already," She said as I slowly guided her to the small dining table.

"I had pasta already, Sapphire. I can't eat anymore..."

"That was yesterday, Mom."

"Oh... Really? I thought I just had pasta."

Another sigh escaped my lips as I sat in my spot.

And as if on cue, my stomach grumbled for food.

I'm usually not this hungry in the mornings, but I don't blame myself. I pretty much used a lot of energy last night.

- Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking about last night -

I concentrated on my breakfast and the speed with which I wolfed down my potato omelet surprised even me.

< Ding Dong ><<

Mom froze and her eyes went wide in terror.

My heart skipped, looking at her and fearing she just had a heart attack.

But then a blanket of sadness saturates her face as a tear drops down her cheek. I can't imagine what's playing in her head that's got her so terrified and sad.

Yes, she does that a lot and I can't stop myself from fearing she'd collapse one day.

< Ding Ding ><<

A Christmas theme started playing on the TV and just like that. She's back;

"Go check the door, Sapphire. It could be Santa calling for your cookies," she said with a cheerful smile.

I rolled my eyes.

She makes that joke every Christmas and I still don't get it. She might think it's Santa, but I'm more convinced it's the mailman delivering another bill.

I answered the door only to see no one but a white envelope on the doorstep.

- Probably some kid pulling pranks -

I walked back into the house and opened the envelope to see a simple note;

If you want it…

Merry Christmas

And then there's a necklace... Sorry, let me say it properly;

It's a stunning diamond-laced chain adorned with two exquisite silver-stoned butterfly pendants. They dangle at just the right angle, creating a whimsical elegant illusion of flight.

I rush back outside, looking every which way for whoever dropped the envelope.

But all I found was an empty street and evidence of a coming snowfall.

I enter the house again and rush to the small mirror in my room. The necklace sparkles nicely against my skin and an involuntary smile spreads across my face as I turn left and right, admiring the diamond on my skin.

But I can't wear it.

The realization came with a sigh that crashed my smile. I unhook the necklace and stared at its beauty for more than a minute;

- I'm just going to sell it -

I admit, it's nice to get a Christmas gift.

Hell, I've never felt anything remotely close to a Christmas spirit. All I've ever known is a slap or an extra tiring night on Christmas.

But today, I got a diamond necklace.

And I have a feeling it's from Dimitri.

I don't want to believe it, but he is the only logical answer.

The only question is; why would he spend so much on a gift for me? He's a criminal lord, giving gifts to girls he slept with doesn't sound typical.

Especially a nothing like me.

- Why give me a necklace -

I plundered the question all through the morning and early afternoon.

In the bathroom, while dressing for work, even as I kissed Mom goodbye. All I keep thinking is why Dimitri would send me an expensive Christmas gift.

My mind is zeroed to forget about Dimitri and the necklace is going to make that hard.

Aside from the fact that it's too expensive for me to wear, I can't decide for myself to think Dimitri likes me. If anything, he probably has dark motives for giving me a gift.

I walked down the street, heading straight for the pawn shop a couple of blocks away.

The necklace looks like a real diamond and the thought of how much I can get from selling it brings a smile to my face and a spring to my steps.

Just as I turned the last bend towards the pawn shop; I saw a black Rolls Royce parked a few yards away from me.

I paused in my steps and as if on cue, the driver stepped out and opened the rear door.

- Is he inviting me in -

I stand rooted in place.

One part of me tells me to run and another part is adamant to see what would happen. Either way, there's no way I'm getting into a car that's going to take me to Dimitri...

- What if he decides to kill me or blackmail me -

I did a sharp U-turn only to see two men led by a smiling young man with curly hair. All of them wearing all black.

"I must say, you look a lot prettier in person."

I instinctively touched my hair as a deep sense of danger gnawed at me.

Curly hair has a sweet smile on his face, but so did my attackers from last night. Except these men look like professional hitmen.

"You can call me Cisco," He said, "I trust you love the necklace."

I frowned.

This Cisco isn't familiar, but I don't need to know who he is to know he works for Dimitri. He nods as if in agreement with my thoughts.

He points to the car;

"The Boss would like a word with you."

"Wh-what if I say no?" I asked with a defiant confidence I was not feeling.

"I wasn't asking."

On cue, both men behind Cisco brought out guns... weirdly long guns. I look around;

"So what, are you going to shoot me in public?"

"Do you see a CCTV camera around?"

I blink with uncertainty.

True to his words, there are no surveillance cameras around and no one seems to be interested in us.

"Come now Sapphire," Cisco said with a bright smile as he put an arm around my neck, guiding me towards the car.

"Don't worry, it's going to be a very short talk."

I swallowed hard.

To everyone watching, I'm walking into a car with an old friend. But in actual fact, I feel like I'm being kidnapped.

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